literature is an expression of life

Broad categories are suggested for the study of death: some authors give personal accounts of their impending death or their sense of bereavement; some . In a novel, like in life, we experience the highs and lows of emotions. It presents to the reader the authors insights into human character and reveals the complex ways in which human character, action and circumstance interrelate to generate chains of consequences and results. It can teach us about the past, help us understand the present and empower us to create the future. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on expressions are represented, experimental issues concerning how emotional expressions are invoked in subjects and design issues concerning the goals of the ECA designer in using emotional expressions. Literature must be woven out of the stuff of life as its mirror. Does life indicate the end subtly in the beginning? Everything that happens within a society can be written, recorded in, and learned from a piece of literature. When you consider the fact that literary texts generally employ very strategic ways of communicating, then an awareness of language's potential becomes important. Literature reflects life and its circumstances. Like her, she is also without keen intelligence. Elizabeth and Darcy wish to marry those they can respect and love. Your email address will not be published. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me. What is the science behind coincidence? Twenty-five years ago, Mr. Bennet had been a young gentleman with an estate that provided him a comfortable 2000 pounds a year. Kitty knows about Lydias planned elopement, but does not bother to inform her parents. Is there such a thing as chance? 1044 Words. In Les Misrables, Victor Hugo devotes entire chapters to the Napoleonic Wars and the 1832 June Rebellion. Even Lady Catherine, who claims that she loves to be useful, succeeds at least in this measure. She wants her five daughters to rise further. Omissions? Many novelscertainly all the worlds great novelsare literature, but there are thousands that are not so considered. Drama captures everyday events in a theatrical setting while comedy focuses on light-heartedness or humour. Since the beginning of time, people have had a need to express their thoughts and feelings through some form of art. Lydia gets a more than dashing husband, and adventure too in ample measure.. Wickham wants to become Darcys brother. Heightened self-consciousness, apartness, an inability to join in, physical shame and self-loathingthey are not all bad. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. Do aspects of the non-physical plane, such as our words, thoughts, emotions and attitudes have the power to manifest themselves in the physical plane? Literary criticism is an Occidental science, an attempt to apply the analytic mental faculty to the comprehension of that which cannot be divided, for Life is an integrated whole that can only be understood in totality and in context. One example of people. Playing music has helped me become the person who I am by being a release for my anger. Literature is a powerful reflection of society. Instead of being very explicit and direct about the nature of his vampires, Stoker mimicked the sense of these creatures as being mysterious by presenting a series of letters and diary entries alluding to their existence. Read with this insight, Pride and Prejudice, as all great works of literature, offers us all the knowledge required to promote individual accomplishment and human welfare. Great literature must always serve the need of the people. However, once she sees the place, she is greatly impressed by the beauty and elegance of the house and the grounds surrounding it. In my motherland, the Philippines, or national hero, Jose Rizal, was a revolutionist as well as a writer. Literature is the foundation of life. It has shaped civilisations, changed political systems and exposed injustice. He connives with the family governess to convince Darcys sister Georgiana to elope with him. Furthermore, it helps us to understand the power of language. Disclaimer Literature kindles new ideas. With every century and then every decade, it became more and more easy to cross these boundaries. He comes to the first ball and is haughty and aloof. Only the knowledge that comes from direct spiritual experience can exceed the intuitive perceptions of great literature. If he can see through Wickham, then why does he not stop his daughter Lydia from going to Brighton? In short, by climbing into the minds of other characters and worlds in stepping outside of ourselves literature allows us to understand universal truths; change minds; stir empathy; and express our identities and values in lasting, far-reaching ways. Expresses Artistic Quality Classic literature is an expression of life, truth, and beauty. It is pervaded with a deeper knowledge of the character of life itself. This led Aristotle to affirm that the proper subject of poetry is human action. Ideas change with those conditions, which are never static. As such, we can consider the text as one which expresses Fuller's feminist values. The World in Transit: Going Beyond Myopic Visions, The Future of Democracy: Challenges & Prospects, The Future of the Nation-state in an Era of Globalization, Literature as a Key to Understanding People, Society and Life, Book Review of Come On! He does not attempt to control his wife or discipline his daughters. In contrast, with the Twilight series, readers are told about events more directly through the use of a first-person narrator. copyright 2003-2023 Among the most frequent themes of horror literature are death, illnesses, including mental illnesses, creatures such as demons, among others. Bingley has come into a considerable fortune. This is where Austen fits. They did not expect to meet Bingley, and do not care to meet Darcy. What Are Definitions in Technical Writing? Literature is the expression of life in words of truth and beauty; it is the written record of man's spirit, of his thoughts, emotions, aspirations; it is the history, and the only history, of the human soul. Still finer literature reveals the complex interactions between action, individual character and the evolving character of the society in which the action takes place. Are all our deep, intense aspirations similarly fulfilled in life? These thoughts are then shared to readers in an effort to inspire them, guide them, or show them another perspective on life. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. He is an educated and well-bred gentleman, with an estate and a comfortable income. Literature entertains and educates us. So he encourages all the girls to go out, taking their cousin with them. Where his father had been happy to serve, Wickham wants to be master. She is unable to understand, let alone accept, change. Even though it is dynamic, endless, and multi-dimensional, literature contributes significant purposes to the world we live in. Pride and Prejudice can be used as raw material for that inquiry. Bingley and Jane are married. He belongs to a wealthy, distinguished family, and used to consider contact with anyone outside his social sphere a pollution. Pride and Prejudice is also a profound study of human psychology. But in every dialogue and description, Austen captures truths of society. On the contrary, a scientific exposition might be of great literary value and a pedestrian poem of none at all. Expression Quotes. Literature mirrors life because it also explores all aspects of humanity: good and evil, love, jealousy, fear, anger, joy, despair. To Lady Catherines great indignation, Elizabeth does marry Darcy and enter Pemberley. "You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought."-Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician best known as a creator of the Sherlock Holmes series. In her works, Austen writes about the condition of the church, the decline of aristocracy, the treatment of the poor, greater rights for women, the rising aspirations of people and the French Revolution. Through Pride and Prejudice, Austen gives us the answers and illustrates the precise laws according to which life works. She is titled, and even higher than Darcy in the social order. Literature be at bottom, an interpretation of life as life shapes itself in the mind of the interpreter. The connection between literature and life is both important and vital. Literature revives the debate which science ignores or dismisses as unscientific. 2. I think people who see literature as an embodiment of life can love both This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Opines that reading novels, magazines, and literary works gives us a broader perspective of viewing things, improves skills, instills knowledge and makes us aware of various aspects of life. As a reaction to her mothers boorishness, she develops the opposite, a pleasing social behaviour. He believes in the superiority of his class, but he finds in Elizabeth and some of her friends and family qualities that he can admire. Even an infinitesimal difference in the atomic bonding of an element such as Hydrogen or Carbon would have left Earth without life as we know it today. The Greeks thought of history as one of the seven arts, inspired by a goddess, the muse Clio. The rude act is reflective of the internal turmoil in Darcy. The long gradual decline of aristocracy leads us to overlook the real cultural attainments which characterized their ascendency and long period of social dominance. Films are visual representations of literature, they give life and action to the words written on a page. It means that literary art is an expression of life through the temperament of the writer and literature mirrors this temperament. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. When Bingley arrives in town, she plans and schemes to make him fall in love with Jane. But Science does not have an answer to the question, How and why did it all begin in the first place?. In Pride and Prejudice, we definitely see that almost all get what they aspire for. He had happened to receive a knighthood, and promptly closed shop to retire in the country and enjoy his knighthood. Reconciling art and science, the subjective and objective views of reality through literary criticism may well provide a means to transcend the limitations of a purely material life science and discover a true science of life. Darcy follows Bingley readily enough to his new estate, Netherfield Hall. An amazing coincidence? Do all our words come true? People were no longer dependent on the farmland for sustenance. Romes great orator Cicero was to have a decisive influence on the development of English prose style. Those writings that are primarily informativetechnical, scholarly, journalisticwould be excluded from the rank of literature by most, though not all, critics. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Herein lies its power and universal appeal. But gradually, subconsciously their feelings have undergone many changes over the past few months. He keeps a house in London and an estate in the country. So far, the story conveys the high drama and passion one would expect from great tragedy. The youngest Bennet girl, Lydia, seeks news about one of the soldiers who have just been posted in the nearby town of Meryton. She declares she will have nothing to do with the couple anymore. I think people who see literature as an embodiment of life can love both their life and also literature. Expanding horizons. It results at a macro level, in a gradual merging of various diverse sections of people and social groups. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Lowly people are raised to heights they have never imagined, and find entry into circles they had earlier admired from a distance. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.". Having become the mistress of Longbourn and found a foothold in the upper class, she sets about the task of having her daughters elevated further. It is characterized by its artistic, its suggestive, its permanent qualities. But to the Asian mind, society is a living organism of which every individual member is an inseparable part, a universal unified existence, as real in itself as any living, breathing, feeling individual. ADVERTISEMENT MORE FROM REFERENCE.COM He felt a wild desire to run after them, a certitude that he could run them down. Some or perhaps all of these great truths were known to the ancients but forgotten or rejected by the modern mind so preoccupied with the external appearances of things. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. It can do so much for ones own country. Darcy stands alone, while Bingley is clearly adored by the crowd and has a very pleasant and beautiful girl for a dance partner. The restricted appeal of modern literature resulted from the dependence of writers on the patronage of high-born persons. Their friendships and relationships are determined by them. Do even our little, individual acts repeat in our day to day lives? Early societies and ancient wisdom from around the world claim to have discovered relationships between human consciousness and life events which the modern mind summarily dismisses as superstition. There is a constant tension, sometimes humorous, sometimes bitter, between Mrs. and Mr. Bennet. If Elizabeth has got the best combination from her parents, the exact opposite seems to have been reserved for the next daughter. He would like to go to the country for the summer, to a place not too far away from the attractions of London. That is what Walt Whitman meant when he said that the object of literature is to free, arouse and dilate the human mind. Literature is typically understood as intentionally constructed ideas that operate as a form of expression. All these make a usually tractable person who waits for Darcys approval before taking a step actually give Darcy an order. The British government had banned any mention of the French Revolution in fiction, and even if Austen had wanted to talk about it, she could not have. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. It does not store any personal data. We try rather to understand the forces behind these social changes. Elizabeth is the least favorite of Mrs. Bennets, and Mr. Bennet is glad to keep a distance from Lydia. The test in individual cases would seem to be one of enduring satisfaction and, of course, truth. Austen wrote in a letter to her sister Cassandra, I write only for fame. This was in 1796, fifteen years before she was to have a book published. He does not want to fall in love with Elizabeth, but he is unable to stop himself. When her threats fail to have any impact on Elizabeth, Lady Catherine is unable to comprehend it! One reads so much about your 'flat style' but can language ever be truly neutral? Authors like F.Scott Fitzgerald are prime examples of this as his novel The Great Gatsby was a reflection of his experiences and opinions . which provides aesthetic pleasure to the readers. They were pieces of literature. all walks of life art is long and life is short as big as life as if (one's) life depends on it as large as life as much as (one's) life is worth at (one's) time of life at my, your, etc. Those devils have been my angels. The highest in the land stoops to save, for a number of reasons, a low scoundrel, a thoughtless girl and a family he initially considered unfit to relate to. It is an art that helps in understanding life through the lives of many other people. Literature is the artistic expression of thought, which is replete with feelings and imagination. Not only the views challenging the monarchy, but any view that seemed to question the status quo in society, be it the social structure, law, government policy, or the power of the church was considered treasonous. It contains the thoughts, reflections and observations of people in a of society on literature and to assess the position and the role of literature is particularly cultivated and professed by those who had a specific social philosophy to advance. Reconciling art and science, the subjective and objective views of reality through literary criticism may well provide a means to transcend the limitations of a purely material life science and discover a true science of life. It reveals not only insights of individual and social character but of the character of Life itself. Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg Address is known to every American schoolchild. Literature is an instrument of revolution. Developing Visual & Auditory Discrimination Skills. Not surprisingly, his two favourite daughters are Elizabeth and Jane, in that order. She is the author of the classic " Little Women ". Yet both are classed as literature, while the speculations of other philosophers, ancient and modern, are not. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Man is subject to a continuous flood of communication. The ungentlemanly act of expressing his opinion so loudly that Elizabeth could overhear it, is not in his characterat least the conscious part of itbut beyond his control. Literature may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter. Everyones true aspiration is fulfilled. When I listen to music, I tend to forget all my worries, sorrows, and pain. He enjoys the respectability that comes from being a wealthy gentleman, and would like to take on the trappings of that class. Jane is pleasant, beautiful, and thinks well of everyone. The first seed of social evolution that harmoniously wedded the landed upper class and the rising middle class was sown. You had much better dance, he orders his friend, offering to introduce Janes sister to him. But they still do not know why there was a Big Bang, or what existed before that. We can go further. Countless are the lovers of this lively romance, yet few are those who have delved beneath its superficial charm, delightful humor, entrancing energy and emotional intensity to uncover the profundity of wisdom it contains. A poet, journalist and novelist, Abbas Beydoun has experienced success all around the world with his words. Early in the story, the Bennet girls go out for a walk and have an interesting encounter. Definitions of the word literature tend to be circular. One way that this is done today is through literature. In addition to being a tool for revolution, literature can also be a device for an adoration to a nation. Forgetting for a moment Wickhams morals and values, one sees in his attitude the resentment of the lower classes to remain where they are. It must be of high artistic quality, at least for the time in which it was written. The works of Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle (the most famous Greek philosophers) contain virtues that promote perfection to a society if only human beings have the willingness to uphold and practice them. surpassing excellence within that comparatively narrow sphere whose limits she never tried to overpass which gives her in that sphere the position held by Shakespeare in his. "Life is the raw material from which the creative imagination of great writers generates works of fiction that are truer than lifetruer because they probe and reveal more deeply its real character." 1. Experiential, subjective truths that touch the emotions have a greater learning impact than abstract scientific knowledge in a textbook. The power of literature affects all of us. Literature entertains and educates us. Life is full of them too. Like him, she is also without much energy or initiative. A study of literature thus begins in a very simple and humble way. Poetry that fails as literature is not called poetry at all but verse. Realism is a literary technique and movement that revolutionized literature. Before publishing your Article on this site, please read the following pages: 1. P. T. Barnum Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism what will be grasped at once. They are not exclusive enough for his taste. Literature has been with us since humans began to use words to tell their stories and describe their world. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Literature Reading and studying to gain a different perspective on an idea, belief, value, or culture Example: The Scarlett Letter This novel is a story about guilt, sin, and the struggles of dignity and repentance In Europe, Martin Luther, the German monk most famous for the reformation of the Christian church during the Renaissance Era, nailed his 95 Theses on the door of a cathedral to inform the townspeople about the Roman Catholic Churchs corruption of riches and tithes. Magazines, newspapers, the television, the radio, and even the internet contain literature. But none of them have even a single aspect of their nature that cannot be traced to one or the other of their parents. Science does not know why there was a Big Bang. It is a journey that is inscribed in pages and powered by the imagination of the reader. A deep study of literature, be it Austen, Shakespeare or any other writer, can make real and concrete to our experience what scholarly articles only theoretically describe. Anyone with enterprise and diligence could improve his fortune. Take the first assembly at Meryton for instance. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Kelly argues that Austens conscious or subconscious attitudes are depicted through her characterizationssuch as in a comic clergyman and a boorish aristocrat. This initial act at their indirect contact announces the inner conflict that will possess him and compel him to propose to her at Hunsford almost against his will and it anticipates in the beginning the final outcome of the story. The charm of her youth and beauty, combined with the indiscretion of his own youth, led to their marriage. The same goes with the Quran for Muslims, Torah for the Jews, and the Bhagavad-Gita, Ramayana and Veda for the Hindus. Not only does it praise the country, it also emphasizes its beauty, acknowledges its history, and signifies its majesty.

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