orion starseed birthmark

This drive and desire to learn, make them formidable forces when theyre able to put their powerful, analytical minds to work. Orions are truly funny, smart, spiritual beings when they are in balance with their higher self. They have a strong connection to the divine, cosmic and universal energies or forces + the higher self + spirit guides + guardian angels. Orion starseeds also respect an individuals freedom to choose on their journey, which helps create strong bonds with those who are not so like-minded. Although Orion Starseeds are very effective at their work, they are often criticized for lacking feelings. I have been trying to figure this out for a while I have always been intuned with God every since I was really young even though we never went to church much. You need to be fully conscious of your evolution journey and spiritual importance on this planet to count as a Starseed. You are a fellow Starseed from the 7 Sisters clusters greetings and well wishes to you brother seed, Andromedean as well, I found out in a reading.. Do you know anymore info plz & ty. People who collect things like that are usually up to no good. The auras are named according to their colors Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. And they dont all have a spiritual significance. In astrology, this would be the planet or star that they are born under. Id try to get those away from her. The Orion system is an important part of stellar evolution studies as it contains many young stars that are still in the process of forming. I am born under the Moon rising sign of Aries, and am a 4th generation witch, and empath. Orion starseeds live on earth as humans, but are not human. Ultimately, whether you remember a lot or . We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Take care. I have all of the palm markings listed above but the one that I know nothing about and would like to more is a single star shaped freckle that showed up about 2 years ago just above my head line not on it just above it.. any insight would be helpful. To confirm a strong intuition, theres a line of intuition thats a curved vertical line on the outside of the palm under the pinky. Turns out Im a a healer. They often make use of their intuition and creative problem-solving skills to come up with innovative solutions to workplace issues. And knowledge should not preclude happiness and emotions. Indigo seeds are known as warriors and are guided and protected by Archangel Michael. They may have black spots, moles, or beauty spots resembling stars or constellations. Why would you be jealous when someone else is doing better than you? Im a big advocate for the planet and what is being done to her and what we need to do to stop it! Under the guidance and support of an Orion Starseed, you find it easy to align your intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions with the Universe. Orions love exploring the arts: writing, drawing, dancingwhatever they can get their hands on! They make decisions based on the hard information available to them. They can do very well in a competitive business environment. I am struggling with how to use my gifts, and in discovering my purpose/misdion. Its important to note that while Starseeds often share these traits, there are exceptions who dont fit the physical characteristics. 1. I just found it 3 or 4 years ago. Mahalo, He says I have vision that I void . They are also very cold, controlled, and self-reserved kinds of people. My cousin and I traced back our lineage as far as we could. I have been searching from many sources to find out the meaning of this birthmark but have not got the satisfy answer yet. Modern witches believe birthmarks, moles, and the like are actually indicators of their magical abilities or signs of their past witch lives. Experiencing feelings of not belonging here on Earth is a strong indicator of Starseed markings. If you're an Orion starseed, you'll be someone who loves a good challenge. When my gifts began exposing themselves I pushed them down for lack of understanding. They seek understanding through science and research. They have their own mind, they know who they are and where their true power comes from. Sun, Moon, Ascendant signs? There is grouping according to star origin, soul age (old and new), aura, etc. Any help or suggestions are welcome I am Sirian. I have the exact things word for word that u have experience even the moles that line up on arms whaaaa, I have a red heart shaped birthmark on my right forearm. In addition, Orion Starseeds have unique markings on their skin that identify their uniqueness. Venus @ 2Gemini For safety reasons I wont say much but this topic has been on my mind since I was young girl and I would joke around about things reading this article honestly gave me a sense of calmness finally but scary would love to see pictures with more research. Im 25 years old. Our advancement since the days of the earliest caveman can largely be attributed to these Orion Starseeds. They may also have some sort of contract or agreement with someone who has a lot of karma coming back., Orion starseeds are often drawn towards intense activities such as skydiving, They can be very passionate about something yet not know how to explain why or what makes them like it so much, A common feeling among Orion Starseeds after completing an intensely tasking activity is one of confusion because theres no sense of completion that theyre used to getting from other types tasks.. They live or have lived or will live or do live or exist or inhabited or incarnated or embodied or manifested here for a divine mission which is to share love with the world. Fortunately, with some guidance there are several tools that can help these starseeds overcome their struggles and manifest their potential here on Earth. They can manifest as moles or beauty spots and bear similar placements to stars or constellations. Starseed Personality Traits and Characteristics. As am I hello sister seed I am a Leo sun, Aquarius moon and a Scorpio rising. Stories aside, Starseeds from this constellation have been responsible for most of the ancient developments weve seen on the face of the Earth. I have onions belt on my arm and rhe big dipper on my chest Im am Aquarius every thing in my life points to orion but I cant help think pleiadian ??? During the Witch Trials, witch hunters scoured the countryside in search of witches to burn, hang, drown and torture. I found my triangle on my left upper arm during my awakening as well. They must encourage balance and connect with their emotional side. Ive come to realize I am a Starseed. I love it. Or perhaps youre looking to find more information about your Starseed origins. Orions can often experience energy blocks due to their fixation on science and knowledge. Star systems have personality traits that are important in understanding yourself. With around 38,000 inhabitants per square kilometer as of 2019, Yonghe is one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world. Yes. Their eyes are red or black or brown or blue or violet or grey or multicolor or metallic or multidimensional and their hair is silky, smooth and long+ straight + shiny.. Orion starseeds look much younger than they are. Some characteristics of these Starseeds include highly logical beings, sensitive, and incredibly smart. Some birthmarks may indicate your past life or lives as a witch showing how a witch was tortured or even died. So here I am, sharing with you the magic world of symbolism! While birthmarks and moles may indicate a witches mark, not every mole or mark on the skin has a meaning. You find yourself noticing things other people tend to ignore. WhitneytheWitch January 27, 2021 at 2: . I am a very sensitive empath and have been drawn to the witchy side of life and nature my entire life to the point that I have now become an herbal/water/kitchen witch. When you form your thoughts beyond surface information, youre likely a Starseed. Otherwise, your observations may be taken as personal criticism by many. I have my birth chart. Orions are master manifestors. Orion Starseeds have experienced unimaginable pain in their star system at one point in time. Mike, Aquarius moon Andromedan starseeds come from the Andromeda galaxy. The psychic triangle is also seen in the middle of the palm. You're very good at pushing yourself to do your best and achieve your goals, which is why you never give up. Like with other Starseeds, Orians can have unique birthmarks or markings on their skin. Planet + Sign + House = Birth Chart significance. When identifying starseed origins and incarnations there are typically three main methods of doing that: Whenever we talk about Starseed Markings, we must first give credit to where credit is due. I can pick up on negative energy. They are here to bring balance and light to the earth with their original orion blueprint or seed when it is time for the masses / others to awaken .. Orion starseeds live from a greater wisdom, which allows them to see or sense or feel or intuit or spiritually channel and observe the world more clearly, even when or if they have difficulties with their eyes or vision or sight. Markings on the feet, hands or body are consistent with Orion. Thank you. What, Read More Pleiadian Starseeds: Traits, Markings, and MissionContinue, Are you interested in Facts About Paganism and Wicca? They are here as guides, advisers, or assist with shaping the future of humanity. Finally, Orion starseeds often find great joy in going on soul journeys through travel as part of their jobs; this appeals to them particularly if it benefits others as well as themselves. The Sun in Taurus, Ascendant Capricorn, Moon in Virgo, Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Gemini, and Mars in Virgo. Thanks alot for about starseed origin. They also indicate past lives in specific countries, for example a birthmark that resembles Australia or South America. There are some misconceptions about starseeds when it comes to markings and birthmarks. Mintaka is a star in Orion's belt and it is known as the Water Planet. Im an 11:11 or 1:11 ~ Master Number. Their bodies often feel like an entrapment so they long to be free. I can send the photos of the birthmark if you need. I want to go home this is not home and till this day I have the same feeling, I have no birthmarks at all but over the past years there have been moles forming on my arm, with every ew one it gets closer to the starsign draco. They need space and time for themselves as they can have a tendency to get lost in the moment and forget about other things that are going on. 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo can indicate a Lyran or Andromedan connection. This alien soul group has a special energy and focus on intuition unlike any other, as well as an ability to connect to powerful spiritual planes beyond what is normally accessed. Orion starseed karma integration: The first step is to find the root of the issue. What if we are all a bunch of mutts now? The only one I dont have is the one on the middle pad of my index finger. how can i learn more about this? And when it comes to choosing a career, you're likely to pick one that interests you deeply. There are probably other lineages with varying degree ranges, such as Arcturian . Source. They also seem reserved and slow to open up to people they dont know well. Being an Orion means that you are a seeker of truth and knowledge. Luckily it just means I can travel through portals and the very rare chosen one. Stick to what brings us good joy, high vibes and strong positive energy then hey man! Right now, I say out loud and dont care who hears mebeam me Scottie, I want to go Home. Please I would love hear more. 0-10 in any sign can indicate Orion or Mintakan origins. For most Starseeds, its not their first journey on Earth; they keep returning till they master the environment and fulfill their destiny. If I dont find a platform/soap box to scream from with an audience of like minded or just find my own people I fear I will whither. guides? This makes it one of the closest star systems to our solar system. Before I knew that I was an Andromedan Starseed I had the same questions. Rarely do they refer to their emotions when handling a challenge. It is no longer covered with water as it was millions of years ago. But i dont know what kind I came from. Only you can determine that. You may have found yourself wondering, what is an Orion Starseed? and how do I know if I am one?. Many witches are healers and were healers in their past lives, healing with energy, herbs, by faith, etc. Traits of an Orion Starseed. Lol.. not as strong as we should be at one thing but instead, little pieces of each hmm. I had a small nipple under my breast that disappeared, The reappeared on My butt on bikini line that was a full size nipple, had it sliced off. You are here to inspire the people you encounter to project the best versions of themselves. The other major stars in the Orion system are Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, and Saiph. Im pretty sure I am a Pleidian Starseed. It can be especially challenging for Orion starseeds to find grounding and a sense of purpose since they tend to experience strong existential angst. Am more creative, thus I do music and I do overthink,, and a times I read mind and think what someone might be thinking and even my sir name Ochieng means when the sun is out shining Not all bad, being so introspective and sensitive has given Orions a witty sense of humor. I am an Andromedan Starseed and my mission is to adopt all childeren without parents and want to help people in need. Being a starseed from the Orion Group I feel that it is my duty to write about how this civilization's galactic history, how it affects Earth, and why Orion based consciousness are still coming to . I actually have a pentagram on my left palm, beneath my middle finger and I have two weird moles on my right breast. This means they lived past lives in other star systems or constellations. Whatever the case, youre just a click away from getting unstuck with tailor-made advice from a kind, empathetic, helpful psychic. Because they have experienced struggles in physical forms, their role on Earth involves assisting humans with greater awareness. What does do your shadow work mean. Just curious if anyone else have had similar experience before. Common starseeds include: Sirians, Orions, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Andromedans, etc. Orions are uniquely able to see anything they attempt through to completion. And, did you wonder if they felt the same way for you? All Starseeds are identifiable by their notable birthmarks. After reading this article, your frustration will be over! You take an unconventional approach to your tasks. Im drawn by the moon and light very sensitive to light and dark energies Im sad by war violence and death live animals children are drawn to me Also, they fear awakening their emotions as this would remind them of the physical struggles and trauma they endured in the original star system. This could be a mole, birthmark, scar, extra digit or even a third nipple. This may require these Starseeds to need a long recharge period. Mentally Polarised. Orion starseeds use their mind to create things and manifest. Identification ofPleiadian influences at the time of our birth can doneby analysing birth charts and looking for specific starseed markings. I have a red wine port birthmark on my left palm. Some Starseeds come from places where competition is unheard of. When I was little I used to imagine my hand was a map people always ask if I burned my hand. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn signs usually fall into the Orion Starseed category. What about your palms? They wouldnt want you to bulk under the yoke of your struggles. But, along the line, they begin to long for the stars. And empathy curved lines just under the index finger indicate empathic abilities. Also have moles on right lower arm Be aware some moles and birthmarks may indicate a skin problem like skin cancer. Be bright in the light . I have a beauty mark on my pinky finger on the palm side of my left hand, Im not sure what it means, I also have a small red birthmark on my left breast an inch above my nipple towards the inside of my chest as if I got stung by something in a past life? The location of the Orion constellation is in the Gemini. It almost completely covers my index and middle finger and right below it dissipates into what looks like a map. Starseeds come into this planet to help us with our evolution journey. Black eyes and red hair are common traits amongst Orion Decoders, for example.. Orion starseeds have had a lifetime of contact with aliens and alien abduction experiences. . Your Starseed markings are based on your birth chart. One is the mystic cross found somewhere in the middle of the palm, usually between the head and heart lines. Much love, Julia, Yes John!!! Im an 11 so i decided more info was needed. Even on my legs. Stargazing is also a favorite pastime of Orion starseeds, as a fascination with stars and galaxies is deeply rooted in their soul. They often exhibit signs of great psychic power and the highest levels intuition making them masters at manifesting whatever they desire. Lol. They love to impress others with what they know and win conversations with logic. 16) You have strong root and sacral chakras. So they try to get away from this madness now and then. So I dont really have any answers for ya~ sorry lol but wanted to reach out to say I very much relate and am sending you positive energy and love from Minnesota ~ Once they settle down, they forget their origins. It takes work to unravel the meaning and significance of Paganism in our world. Hi! Orion Starseeds come into our world to carry out a divine mandate. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. Orion Starseed. A starseed is an extraterrestrial being who has come from another world or system with advanced intelligence and usually a spiritual mission. It drew me there. Star systems have personality traits that are important in understanding yourself. They trust their inner guidance and are not influenced by peer pressure. They also freak out when I ask how they are and they reply Im OK. How are you ? Then I say no. Some Starseeds find unusual markings on their bodies which are often from past lives.. All for Covid though. Their curiosity drives them into areas of expertise that most people tend to shun. Love and light Orion starseeds tend to be quite perseverant and self-disciplined. A starseed is an individual who has descended from a heavenly body. Or they can sense and feel when others are unhappy or when an attacker or enemy intends to harm them. I dont know the order in the sky, but this is bizzare!

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