henry louis gates jr daughters

The latter, tracing the ancestral history of contemporary figures, was especially popular. They came in slave ships. GATES: He wasn't even out the door, and I moved into his bedroom. GROSS: Huge story. As of February 2022, Gates, 71, serves as the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and as the Director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.. These American faces, we learn, are the descendants of colonialists, aboriginals, overseers, bondspeople, interned citizens, and religious pilgrims. Accuracy and availability may vary. Cambridge police officers were dispatched. Gates was the host and co-producer of African American Lives (2006) and African American Lives 2 (2008) in which the lineage of more than a dozen notable African Americans was traced using genealogical and historical resources, as well as genealogical DNA testing. GATES: Very close to them, yeah, particularly to my mother. I found the first edition when I was an adult. - like the Aunt Jemima figure. It measures your ancestry back 500 years approximately. In Loose Canons: Notes on the Culture Wars (1992) and elsewhere, Gates argued for the inclusion of African American literature in the Western canon. However, in the 60s amid the Civil Rights Movement, Vivian had been the target of attention from white supremacists since they believed she looked Black. He earned his B.A. 2. You know, we used to say tribe, but now that's not politically correct - so the Yoruba ethnic group in Western Nigeria. Soyinka persuaded Gates to study literature instead of history; he also taught him much about the culture of the Yoruba, one of the largest Nigerian ethnic groups. Thank God. But we can expect some acknowledgment and interpretation of technologys limits. GROSS: So when you had your DNA done, did you have a wish for a certain area of Africa or a certain group of African people who you wanted to be your ancestors? My great-great-grandfather's now been found. And my mother used to write the eulogies, the obituaries for all the black people in the Potomac Valley, where I grew up. Gates graduated as valedictorian of his high school class in 1968 and attended a local junior college before enrolling at Yale University, where he received a bachelors degree in history in 1973. It feels heartbreaking, Rosanne Cash admitted through tears after finding out that an ancestor of her mother, Vivian Liberto Cash the first wife of singer-songwriter Johnny Cash, who both received threats from the KKK was enslaved. Alondra Nelson is an associate professor of sociology at Columbia University, where she also holds an appointment in the Institute for Research on Women and Gender. In 2021, Gates was named a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy and elected to the Johnsonsians (Society). He introduced the notion of signifyin to represent African and African American literary and musical history as a continuing reflection and reinterpretation of what has come before. So you GATES: Because of this white man. The Bondwoman's Narrative was first published in 2002 and became a bestseller. And she would stand up and read their obituary, their eulogy. I love you. He argues, "It can't be real as a subject if you have to look like the subject to be an expert in the subject,"[13] adding, "It's as ridiculous as if someone said I couldn't appreciate Shakespeare because I'm not Anglo-Saxon. You were 9 years old when you found her picture. He introduced the notion ofsignifyinto represent Black literary and musical history as a continuing reflection and reinterpretation of what has come before. So I just wrote an essay that was published by Yale University Press about race. The former vice president has become the Democratic front-runner with primary victories across the country. They spoke in front of an audience last May when Gates received WHYY's annual Lifelong Learning Award. The arrest attracted national attention after U.S. President Barack Obama controversially declared that the Cambridge police "acted stupidly" in arresting the 59-year-old Gates. He draws on structuralism, post-structuralism, and semiotics to analyze texts and assess matters of identity politics. In July 2009 Gates was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct: After returning from traveling abroad, Gates had forced open the door to his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which precipitated a call to police from a neighbour who believed a robbery might be underway. What is race? We are unable to fully display the content of this page. "Signifyin'" refers to the significance of words that is based on context, and is accessible only to those who share the cultural values of a given speech community. And that is a long time. It was a horrible, horrible thing. So overseer, slave plantation - rape, right? GATES: Yeah. Because of the injury, Gates now uses a cane when he walks.[6][7]. She is author of the forthcoming Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Politics of Health and Race, and is at work on a book about genetic ancestry tracing and African diaspora culture. Prosecutors later dropped the charges. African-American - I love to joke about this. GROSS: So I want to squeeze in one more question. On hand again is admixture analysistesting that probes a persons full nuclear DNA for genetic indicators said to be suggestive of ancestry; percentages of African, American Indian, European, or Asian descent are inferred from those informative markers. We know that BRCA1, BRCA2 - they're genetic. GROSS: Yeah. And she was a beautiful woman. In the early 1980s Gates rediscovered the earliest novel by an African American, Harriet E. Wilsons Our Nig (1859), by proving that the work was in fact written by an African American woman and not, as had been widely assumed, by a white man from the North. [18] To build Harvard's visual, documentary, and literary archives of African-American texts, Gates arranged for the purchase of The Image of the Black in Western Art, a collection assembled by Dominique de Mnil in Houston. The book tells stories about Gates's parents, his lifelong nickname, Skippy, and his brother, Rocky. Many of us were troubled. The minister would call on her. That yearning manifests itself in many ways, from anomie to ethnic mutual-aid associations. Historical evidence suggests that intraracial slavery was uncommon, and that when it did occur, sometimes free men and women of color purchased enslaved relatives and friends to rescue them from the cruelty of the chattel system, if not the social death of slave status. It was just put on the historic GATES: Register in Maryland. And we have a wall of degrees at home. The recipient of fifty-six honorary degrees and numerous prizes, Professor Gates was a . You know, I try to - doing "Finding Your Roots" is a way to paying homage to my mother and father every year. We fought to keep the pipeline of opportunity open, and, despite our ideological differences, we found a way to link arms against every form of bigotry.. Mama - I'm sorry, Mama. Gates wrote, executive-produced, and hosted the series, which earned the 2013 Peabody Award and a NAACP Image Award. Before the PBS episode, the world only knew that Vivian was reported to be of Sicilian heritage on her dads side, and German/Irish on her mothers side. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., is an American literary critic and scholar who is known for his pioneering theories of African literatures and African American literature. As a result of research he conducted as a MacArthur Fellow, Gates discovered Our Nig, written by Harriet E. Wilson in 1859 and thought to be the first novel written in the United States by an African American. It's a lot of data to process. And consequently, you are now a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. And then he'd - and I read quite a lot. So you found out that your ancestors were, like, 18 miles away from where you lived. GROSS: And it made me think about - because I was just reading this - it made me think about how a president can set the tone for the country on so many things, including, you know, racial issues, immigration. Crockett Jr., Stephen A. In 2021, Gates became the seventh recipient of the, In 2021, Gates received the prestigious Gold Medal from. He notably explored genealogy as host of the series African American Lives (200608), Faces of America (2010), and Finding Your Roots (2012 ). If the findings of conventional genealogical research produce fireworks, the results of the DNA analysis generate shock and awe. Henrys research also led him to discover a census from 1870, which revealed that Rosannes great-great grandfather a man named Lafayette Robsinson was mixed-race. Upon learning this, Rosanne recalled the long-running rumors of her mothers background and said, So, it was, at least, a small part true., Related: GATES: But everyone who's in one of those databases has given some kind of permission. Gates has joined the Sons of the American Revolution. GROSS: You had family that passed for white. And the geneticists have found the identity finally of Jane Gates's paramour, the man GATES: Yes. I regret we are out of time. But on the other hand, Terry, there were a lot of people who never forgave the country for electing a black man to the White House. So everybody knew that this whole thing was building to the climax when Delilah - is her name - the character. Sgt. And by in traction, I mean on my back with my foot up with weights. In an essay that Henry Louis Gates, Jr., wrote in 2018 for the Encyclopdia Britannica Anniversary Edition: 250 Years of Excellence, he identified voting as the most important form of resistance against hate. After that, everything stopped. So then I became close to them but in two completely different ways. Even if you were free and you were black GATES: In most states, you weren't allowed to vote. And the last thing I did before I went to bed was - we always had a desk in our bedrooms and had a bookcase. He's also written for Time magazine, the New Yorker, and the New York Times. In 2020, Gates was named a Walter Channing Cabot Fellow by Harvard University. And I loved the news. Episode 1409A -- Pictured in this screengrab: Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. During an interview on February 22, 2021 -- Time will tell. In July 1976, Gates was promoted to the post of lecturer in Afro-American Studies, with the understanding that he would be promoted to assistant professor upon completion of his doctoral dissertation. and Ph.D. in English literature from Clare College at the University of Cambridge. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research and professor at Harvard University, the seriess subtitles"The Promise of America, Making America, Becoming American, and Know Thyself"suggest assimilation, a melting pot rather than a tossed salad notion of the United States. GROSS: It's mind-boggling. "People wanted to kill me, man," Gates says of the reaction to that op-ed. If that date is correct, it would have precedence as the first-known novel written in the United States by an African American. "[14], As a mediator between those advocating separatism and those believing in a Western canon, Gates has been criticized by both. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. After a break, he'll talk about his childhood and about how DNA evidence demonstrates there's no such thing as racial purity. And she invents this pancake mix, and they become fabulously wealthy. They lived together. Biology matters. What percent would be from Europe? Hollywood Life, Latest Hollywood Celebrity & Entertainment News. Isn't that a cool thing? And my father would just make up stories and tell my brother and me. Following a two-year stay at Duke University, he was recruited to Harvard University in 1991. GROSS: Whoa. February 12, 2010. And we're listening to Terry's interview with Henry Louis Gates. The work extended application of the concept of "signifyin'" to analysis of African-American works. That belief is shared by Native groups that similarly objected to the Human Genome Diversity Project, as described in the work of Jenny Reardon and Kimberly TallBear. And I sat down. But I saw that photograph and read her obituary on the day that we buried my father's father, Edward St. Lawrence Gates. In the show, notable guests discover their family roots based on genealogical research and DNA results. Some critics suggest that adding Black literature will diminish the value of the Western canon, while separatists say that Gates is too accommodating to the dominant white culture in his advocacy of integration of the canon. In addition to Rosanne, Vivian and Johnny welcomed three other daughters: Cindy, Kathy and Tara. A passerby called police, reporting a possible break-in after describing to 911 "an individual" forcing the front door open. Even with the aid of cutting-edge 21st-century genealogydigitized archival records and genetic analysiswe may never know the ins and outs of how Gladwells fifth-great-grandmother came to be a slaveholder. After turning that corner, Sharon gave birth to Maggie, their first daughter, in July 1980, and Liza was born 18 months later. Gates and daughter vie on the Vineyard. In 2020, Gates received the 400 Years of African American History Commission's Distinguished 400Award. Surely, most people of African descent do not expect to find a black slave owner in their family tree. The current PBS documentary miniseries Faces of America traces the family histories of 12 prominent people who, over the course of several hours and with the aid of conventional and genetic genealogy, come to fasten their varied tribulations and successes to the arc of ancestry. Barack Obama. This trip came 25 years after Gates worked at a hospital in Kilimatinde, near Dodoma, Tanzania, when he was a 19-year-old pre-medical student at Yale University. And when they analyzed my mitochondrial DNA, it went to England. So I know that moment of transcendence is real.". American literary critic, professor and historian (born 1950), Critical studies and reviews of Gates' work. GATES: We know he was Irish from my DNA. GROSS: And you got this information from the 1870 census. But when I started the series, it wasn't called "Finding Your Roots." So (laughter) given the example that President Obama set in calming down that kind of argument in America over you and this officer, what do you hear now coming from our president? And I was in the hospital for six weeks. GROSS: OK, for two weeks. And we'd have the chess board set up. But mutations exist. After an evening at a bachelorette party, she woke up with what she thought was a hangover. And she throws herself on the casket. And she burst into tears because she used to read me that book all the time. [7] In his major scholarly work, The Signifying Monkey, a 1989 American Book Award winner, Gates expressed what might constitute an African-American cultural aesthetic. And so then they came in - this is a big deal back in 2008. Over . It was just misdiagnosed. So I'm telling this story over and over of my - of rediscovering my own lost roots. You know, no matter how different we appear phenotypically, under the skin we're 99.99 percent the same. I'm going to be black. And he fought in - for the Continental Army. On the same night Harvard professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr . Yet genealogy is, at the same time, put to the task of heightening awareness of human relatedness, be it experiential or biological. In the first series, Gates learned that he has 50% European ancestry[22] and 50% African ancestry. And you don't have a Y DNA, so that's why you're a woman. The Native American writer Erdrich refuses to assent to genetic ancestry testing, because she understands her DNA to belong to her community. Does race exist? Faces expands on those outings in topic and technique, branching out from the genealogies of prominent blacks to those of a multiracial, multiethnic group of notables, including the actors Eva Longoria and Meryl Streep, the writers Louise Erdrich and Malcolm Gladwell, the musician Yo-Yo Ma, the poet and scholar Elizabeth Alexander, the comedian Stephen Colbert, and Gates himself. 1. It's incredible. And the reason I wanted to be a writer is that my mother wrote so beautifully and read so beautifully. He is a Trustee of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. [33], Gates married Sharon Lynn Adams in 1979. [19], In 1995, Gates presented a program in the BBC series Great Railway Journeys (produced in association with PBS). Henry Louis Gates Jr. was born Sept. 16, 1950, in Keyser, W.Va. His father worked at the local paper mill during the day and as a janitor at a telephone company at night. GROSS: OK. On your mother's side, you found out that you had three men in the family who were freed slaves - freed before 1776. [34] They had two daughters together before they divorced in 1999. He was a free negro, as we would have said then. GATES: And my father lived to be 97 1/2 without any dementia. Coproduced, hosted, and written by Henry Louis Gates Jr., director of the W.E.B. Kids don't even know what they are anymore, but everybody here does. GATES: Yeah, I was 15 years old. TERRY GROSS, BYLINE: Because you've talked to everybody about their genealogy, I want to talk with you about yours and what you've learned about yourself and the larger meaning of what you've learned about yourself. From Blum, he says, he learned a lot about writing and history. In 2021, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania honored Gates with itsFoundersAward. Terry will be one of the guests whose family history is explored next year in the sixth season of the show. ". DAVIES: This is FRESH AIR. What does Henry Louis Gates, Jr., see as the most important form of resistance against hate? Cameo as a digital presentation of a fictional version of himself as, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 15:56. Gates collaborates with genetic scientists, including Eric Lander and David Altshuler, of the Broad Institute of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; the Harvard professor George Church, progenitor of the Personal Genome Project; and personal genomics companies such as 23andMe and Knome Inc. GATES: Oh, my father and I were the first father and son of any race and the first African-Americans fully sequenced. Elizabeth had suffered a stroke, her mind irreparably harmed. And it's just crazy. GROSS: Is that too personal? By Alondra Nelson. Well, I'll tell you a funny story. So I'm out there. GROSS: Yeah. When my daughters were born, I had them tested for sickle cell because - black people are not the only people in the world that have sickle cell. And my Y DNA, which is - comes in an unbroken chain, descends from this Irishman. And I have my mother's certificate from this vocational school where she learned to be a seamstress. (January 21, 2015), Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, Potomac State College of West Virginia University. Joness tale offers some insight into the appeal of genealogy, another effort at reconnection with home and kin, and ballast against the tumult of modern living. Armstrong Williams, a person I really admire and like, I ask him, and he said absolutely not. [5], At the age of 14, Gates was injured playing touch football, fracturing the ball and socket joint of his right hip, resulting in a slipped capital femoral epiphysis. The series combines the work of expert researchers in genealogy, history, and historical research in genetics to tell guests about the lives and histories of their ancestors. So I would say, you know, no, I don't think so. [11] Additionally, he is the director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research. Gates's prominence led to his being called as a witness on behalf of the controversial Florida rap group 2 Live Crew in an obscenity case. Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise, "Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Biography, Books, & Facts", "African American Lives The Past Is Another Country 2 4of4 YouTube", "Finding Your Roots: Decoding Our Past Through DNA", "The biggest brother: interview with Henry Louis Gates, black America's foremost intellectual", "Yale Afro-Am Chair Resigns After Remarks of Yale Pres", "Henry Louis Gates Jr. to continue at Harvard", "Henry Louis Gates is Wrong about African Involvement in the Slave Trade", Hutchins Center for African & African American Research, "Henry Louis Gates Jr. announced as editor-in-chief of the new Oxford Dictionary of African American English", "What It Means to Be Black in Latin America", "Ben Affleck's slave-owning ancestor 'censored' from genealogy show", "Ben Affleck Demanded PBS Suppress His Slave-Owning Ancestry", "Citing Ben Affleck's 'Improper Influence,' PBS Suspends 'Finding Your Roots', "PBS' 'Finding Your Roots' returning in January after Ben Affleck controversy", "West Virginia Weslesyan College biography", "Black Studies' New Star: Henry Louis Gates Jr", "Henry Louis Gates Jr. On 'The Black Church' and His Own Bargain with Jesus", "MacArthur Fellos Program: Henry Louis Gates Jr. | Literary Critic | Class of June 1981", "Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement", "Mister Jefferson and The Trials of Phillis Wheatley,", "2015 Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Award Winners Announced", "Henry Louis Gates Jr. Receives duPont Award for The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross", "Read Henry Louis Gates Jr.'s Acceptance Speech for the duPont Award", "Chicago Tribune Announces 2019 Literary and Heartland Award Winners", "Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Named Don M. Randel Award Recipient | News | The Harvard Crimson", "Encarta Africana, the First Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Black History and Culture, Launches Today", Bibliography of Gates's publications and responses to it, African American National Biography Project, NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work Nonfiction, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henry_Louis_Gates_Jr.&oldid=1142289654, African-American history of West Virginia, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences fellows, Members of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Television personalities from West Virginia, African-American television personalities, Members of the American Philosophical Society, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2009, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Gates has received numerous honorary degrees, including a. And I cluster more toward the Yoruba than any - because 50 percent GATES: Of my ancestry is from sub-Saharan Africa. His father worked in a paper mill and moonlighted as a janitor, while his mother cleaned houses. But I also watched TV. Gates was also involved with various television documentaries that were aired by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). [35] As of 2021, Gates is married to historian Dr. Marial Iglesias Utset. And you got this from the 1870 census - (reading) that Jane Gates, age 51, female, mulatto, laundress and nurse, owns real estate valued at $1,400; born in Maryland; cannot read or write. Thank you. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden eventually extended an invitation to Gates and the Cambridge officer who was involved to share a beer with them at the White House, which they accepted. OK. At Yale University in 1973, he was one of 12 students selected as a Scholar of the House, a program that allows seniors to write a book or compose a symphony or follow a similar passion instead of taking classes. He grew up in neighboring Piedmont. GATES: And we - they only put - remember "The Late Show"? [3], Gates learned through research that his family is descended in part from the Yoruba people of West Africa. He also learned that one of his African ancestors includes a Yoruba man who was trafficked to America from Ouidah in present-day Republic of Benin. As a literary historian committed to the preservation and study of historical texts, Gates has been integral to the Black Periodical Literature Project, a digital archive of Black newspapers and magazines created with financial assistance from the National Endowment for the Humanities. It's called the Beer Summit. The world just isn't like that. GROSS: There's some people who are trying to use genealogy to out people who are white supremacists and say, oh, you think you're so pure white, that that's such a big deal? Gat. Gates' Daughter Speaks Out CBS 2.04M subscribers Subscribe 53K views 13 years ago Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.'s arrest continues to cause controversy after President Obama. I told them that I did not want to know if I had any of the sort of - I don't know - the slam-dunk genes for Alzheimer's disease. He reported:[37], "I had this spiritual event where it was like the top of my head opened up. He has insisted that Black literature must be evaluated by the aesthetic criteria of its culture of origin, not criteria imported from Western or European cultural traditions that express a "tone deafness to the Black cultural voice" and result in "intellectual racism". In 2021, the National World War Two Museum recognized Gates with its American Spirit Award. As a Black intellectual and public figure, Gates has been an outspoken critic of the Eurocentric literary canon. 35 (1): 212227. And then you see this white girl next to Claudette Colbert. GROSS: I think they're doing it through records and not through, like, secretly getting their blood samples. In an article for Newsweek, journalist Lisa Miller reported on the reaction to Gates' article: The enemy of individuality is groupthink, Gates says, and here he holds everyone accountable. Now she was born in 1819; died in 1888. Jointly appointed to assistant professorships in English and Afro-American Studies in 1979, Gates was promoted to associate professor in 1984. Now you can get a full sequence for less than $5,000 - some people say $1,000 or $2,000. I mean, like, my - I'm second-generation American. And we filmed the whole thing. In October 1975, he was hired by Charles Davis as a secretary in the Afro-American Studies department at Yale. Gates claimed that his arrest was a sign of racism on the part of police. I said, well, I've never met Donald Trump. And the only reason that I started making the series that became "Finding Your Roots" is because of that obituary and that photograph. or subscribe. Moreover, these genetic techniques may be inconsistent with the aims of conventional genealogy. Terry spoke to Henry Louis Gates in front of an audience last May when he was in Philadelphia to receive WHYY's annual Lifelong Learning Award. GROSS: It has been a great honor to speak with you. The "You. Henry Louis Gates Jr. was born Sept. 16, 1950, in Keyser, W.Va. His father worked at the local paper mill during the day and as a janitor at a telephone company at night. He has learned that he is also connected to the multiracial West Virginia community of Chestnut Ridge people. Corrections? This is FRESH AIR. Today's most compelling personalities discover the surprising stories in their own family trees. And he'd make a couple - a move. He was a graduate of Frederick Street High School and in 1998 received an honorary doctorate degree from Seton Hall University. He maintains that it is "ridiculous" to think that only Blacks should be scholars of African and African-American literature. And the average African-American has less than 1 percent Native American ancestry, but they have 24 percent European ancestry. "Finding Your Roots" has become a phenomenon -- and it all began with host Henry Louis Gates Jr. receiving a piece of angry fan mail. So I want to read something that you wrote about her. For $50,000, they sequenced my father, me and then 12 of the guests who were in "Faces Of America" - not a full genome but a dense genotyping. 22,158 talking about this. We might think of Faces of America, then, as an allegory of the simultaneous diversity of our experiences and the deep interpenetration of our histories. In 1974, Carol Stacks important ethnography All Our Kin (Harper & Row) suggested the plasticity of the designation cousin well beyond consanguinity. In 2021, Gates was honored by PEN America with its Audible Literary Service Award. We'll hear more after a short break. That seems to be one of the programs aspirations. In the years that followed he earned a reputation as a literary archaeologist by recovering and collecting thousands of lost literary works (short stories, poems, reviews, and notices) by African American authors dating from the early 19th to the mid-20th century. This is called an admixture test. After that I would say I was a teacher. Rosanne Cash became tearful after learning that her mom, Vivian Liberto Cash, had a Black great-great grandmother who was subjected to a life of slavery. The surprising reveals, coupled with the celebrities raw reactions to the information conveyed by the host, deliver moments of high drama and genuine emotion. And she's the cook for Claudette Colbert. Author Herb Boyd, who teaches African and African-American history at the College of New Rochelle and City College, CUNY, argued that despite the complicity of African monarchs in the Atlantic slave trade, the United States "was the greatest beneficiary, and thus should be the main compensator". Video of the day: Drake and 21 Savage's "Spin Bout U" NYC's Extra Butter and Russ & Daughters Join Forces on 50th-Anniversary PUMA Clyde NYC's Extra Butter and Russ & Daughters Join Forces on 50th-Anniversary PUMA ClydeTwo quintessential Lower East Side outposts celebrate the downtown staple sneaker.HypebeastDylan Kelly Culture: Henry

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