i am an indigo child now what

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. im born 1963, according to starseedology im originated from Orion and Andromeda. Indigo people are born with a sense of purpose to make the world a better place. Things started to make sense for me, this was not suited for me. All Rights Reserved. Something that helps me is meditation, thats what I used to do when I was scared or when I was afraid but with time I have learnt to become one. As an indigo child, you tend to ask questions such as Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of life? Why is there injustice? Why was I born? Such deep philosophical questions cause you to lose interest in the meaningless pursuits carried out by the majority of humanity. What Is An Indigo Child Or Crystal Child? 2. Indigo children are intuitive, empathetic, spiritual, and have a deep sense of knowing. During this year alot of tears has come out. Also, I am an INFJ, Jung personality type, one of the most common for an Indigo. Many indigo children are teachers in different capacities because it is a role that suits them and helps them fulfill their life goals efficiently. I am also constantly happy. According to New Age beliefs, indigos love spending time in nature and enjoy looking after gardens and houseplants, too. I dont like self-proclaiming indigo because it reminds me of part of the problem we face here today. Hi everybody, I am an Indigo Gamma (I guess) and I had my awakening two years and a half ago at 28 years old. In the world where most of us are greatly forgetting the 'feel', the indigo child will appear as a Paradigm Shifter. This is because your goals are bigger than you. If you are an indigo child let it be and don't try to make anything from it that makes you feel special. We recognize their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. My aura reader always sees my energy as dark green and blue, almost indigo, which makes sense, as that is teaching & healing and peaceful energy. In the mature age (37 39), the recovery of psychic abilities begins, Tappe claims. Ive always felt different and just alone in the world but I recently found out I was a starseed and indigo to be exact its just no one takes me seriously, mostly because Im really young and my parents and family members just think im talking crazy, Im 12 years old, almost 13 (my zodiac sign is cancer) and this website is really helpful so thank you <3. The 3 energy is that of truth seeker and finder and of the Activist . In their environment, they wantblue and purple colors and enjoy slow music. I was that child that bored easily and drift off into conversation with my friend and still be able to know exactly what the teacher has been waffling on about for the last 10 minutes. According to Tappe, the period of the awakening of the Alpha generation was from 1986 until 1996. You feel a compelling need to "find yourself" and your life purpose now! Enabling us to protect ourselves; as well as allowing others to see the, Light.. Unfortunately, medications such as Ritalin and Adderall often end up numbing the indigo child and causing them to lose contact with their intuitive capacities and truth-seeking nature. - Traits, Personality, Characteristics. Only The Right Love can change this planet into a better place to live. Between 1996 and 2008, the number of kids being prescribed stimulants for ADHD increased by nearly 50 percent, as did the rates of antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications. I am a Light Worker. Familiar with Doreen Virtue. I have always been so sensitive with different food and especially candy, cakes, potatochips which has made my stomach hurt alot. Star children are divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. The primary role of the indigo child seems to revolve around exposing truth and deception. It was already received, and all I did was sit by the river staring at a plant. They seem to just "know" things, even when there is no logical explanation for how they could have acquired that knowledge. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. Im very lost w/all of this. Indigo children are usually aware of the indigo soul mission. You cry when movies are sad and belly laugh when they are funny. They can be overly aggressive, but also fragile and introverted, Virtue wrote; they can have either low self-esteem or lean towards delusions of grandeur. They're often called "system busters" and are usually intuitive, strong willed, incredibly bright souls who don't seem to or want to fit into the system. Let me know in the comments! I am also born in the zodiac Gemini. Unfortunately, some other indigo child traits cause indigo children to undergo periods of turmoil, especially in their childhood and adolescence. You have the ability to tell when someone is being truthful and when someone is telling lies or hiding the truth. Signs a child may be indigo include strong intuition, creativity, also a headstrong, passionate, and questioning character, wrote James Taylor, recounting his own experiences with the term in an article for Glasgow University Magazine last year. Indigo adults are often said to have a close affinity with animals. Although they might come in conflict with others because of their nature, they must learn to take it on the chin. So I flew under the raider and making sure my grades were of average range with maintaining B average grades and the odd A+ on topics that really made me passionate to do extremely well and a C standard to subjects that never interested me. We might add: These are not aliens. You feel a divine urge to create change in the existing status quo, especially when the status quo tends towards injustice and unfairness. why is that? You want to offer better, wiser, and healthier ways to live life, making you destined to be a spiritual elder. Very often, Indigo children are misdiagnosed with, Before you dive into the 22 signs, I therefore highly recommend you get a. . If this sounds a lot like you, its likely that you are an indigo child because these are core indigo child traits. Read more about Julia Lundin. We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. Stubbornness, distrust of the norm, and unconventional approaches to situations are core indigo child traits. Take an indigo child who is struggling in a traditional school into a less structured school and they will thrive. According to Virtue, an indigo child exhibits most or all of a long list of characteristics, including being strong willed; born in 1978 or later; headstrong and independent even if they're constantly asking you for money, Virtue noted; creative; prone to addictions; easily bored; craving friendships, even being able to bond with animals or plants; who sometimes finds it difficult to go to sleep, and may have a history of seeing angels or deceased people, she wrote. Their aura was seen as dark blue and green with purple shades. You motivate and teach others to change the world with you. 13. Your mission is written in your hearts and not your mind and I wish only love to you all as it has taken much courage for you to come here and you have done so for the betterment of your brothers and sisters who have yet to understand what you do. If so, some may have labeled you as an indigo child not, as your parents and teachers might have thought, a little terror who ought to be in detention four days a week, but nothing less than the next stage of humanity. It has taken me most of my life to understand my strange powers: empathic, apparently somewhat psychic, and an intuitive healer. And in tiny pill bottles across the world, something else was happening: a massive change in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological and neurological disorders. Theres a lot of work to be done still. Yes we are here to counter balance the current state which is dominated by souls who are still developing there desire bodies, meaning they are ruled by there emotions and desires, they are yet to be awakened spiritually. I have had good & bad contact me in my mind & i recall at times feeling so drained afterwards. Basically, there are three different types of Earth Angels - Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. The period of maturation and spiritual awakeningof the delta generation coincides with the periodfrom 2016 until 2026. and is an indigo. Comprehensive numerology will reveal other details about you, like your soul urge and your life path number. Thats another big criticism leveled at those who promote the indigo child concept: the so-called indigo characteristics are so broad, and so generalizable, as to apply to just about anybody. My entire life I have wondered why I never fit in, no matter where I went. When you Google the term, there are lots of websites to help you diagnose your child. Hence the name "Indigo" which is the color of the Third Eye Chakra or Pineal Gland. I always knew I was somehow different, but never knew why. There were also born within the date parameters . This wave will soon be split in order that all can be afforded the right space suitable for there evolution. An Indigo Child/Person is a rare individual that possesses natural spiritual gifts that they inherited as a young child. The traits often put them at loggerheads with people who do not understand their nature and their quest for change. The DNA distortions that cause contemporary humans chemical imbalance and hormonal malfunction at the onset of 4th strand activation at puberty occur in Indigo children from birth to age 12, creating excessive buildup of frequency within the DNA and bio-energetic field. They are defined by their powerful drive to change the world. Hey guys, am putting something together. No matter what you face, where you may be misleaded you will still get back to what you were meant to do. A person, usually a teenager or young adult who does not and can not comply with modern society, who is highly evolved spiritually and is believed to have come here in this time to aid in the transition of the energies of earth in the near future. I always felt I knew many things better than adults, and therefore could not stand any authority; I was rebellious and a-social (until I met like-natured people in my 20-s). 17. Unlike people who are obsessed with career or financial success or thrill-seeking or even nihilism, the motivating force in an indigos life is that they have a sense of fulfilling their purpose in being born. Are you a spiritual traveler? These are the primary ones who will bring us the enlightenment to ascend. Indigo child traits are certain characteristics that have been observed when studying indigo children. Start here . Reading all of this for the first time is overwhelming as I cant learn enough but feel so scatterbrained I cant do anything right now. Always levels wrongly, Iam a catalyst indigo child. By the way, indigo children arent the only people to be so diagnosed. My omega, I fear, I may be failing. So, perhaps a personality test is out of the question but luckily, theres one trait that every indigo child has, no matter how strongly they identify with all the other supposed characteristics. Indigo children are the spiritual leaders, rebels, and revolutionaries of this planet. As a result, indigo children are often labeled as rebellious, and so they get into trouble quite often. I know an 85 year old who also looks about 35 or so. Welcome! You feel more than other people. Ignoring this mission can make you feel empty and heavy like you have a hole in your heart. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. 1. I have omitted typical signs often mentioned on other websites like sense of entitlement and feeling special and like you should be revered because these, to me, represent narcissism or unhealthy parenting styles more than genuine indigo child signs. This period is full of different problems and various difficult challenges. I first read about indigos probably a decade ago and it helped me realize why I always felt the way I did and is helping me grow into who I really am which is an ongoing process Im still learning. If you are a spiritual person, maybe believing that you are an indigo child or adult could help you realize your potential. You may find it hard to work in teams or for other people and function better when youre in charge or working for yourself. As an indigo child, questioning is everything to you. What Are Indigo Children? Since you were little, youve always gravitated towards leadership. Indigo children are also gifted and have incredibly high IQs, outstanding intuition, and self-confidence. Identifying with this label helps us to develop self-understanding and acceptance, which are important elements of spiritual growth. Since 2019 Ive realized my purpose of this incarnation, which is two thingshelping the homeless and cleanup (litter collection) outside of regular light work, smiling and and sending love centered thought waves at these trolls around me, Im just having a hard time getting situated rn. Dearest Alexa, always be sure of your intuitions. Creatively express yourself and your visionary ideas. How do you know if you are one? Anyways my son is almost 4 & sees auras but has a lot of health issues, right now respiratory w/all the chem trails & allergens. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hmmmmso I Am an Indigo Adult. Indigo children are said to have been born between 1978 and 1988. Who Are The Real Female Narcissists? Awake. - Updated on: 2022-01-02 - 398,208 taken - User Rating: 3.8 of 5 - 17 votes - 112 people like it. They also tend to enjoy reading and learning more than the kids their own age. 10. Throughout their lives they will always find a way to be creative in their job and home life, even if their explicitly creative pursuits never make them rich or famous. The aura was also under the influence of themetallic beige hue,protecting them from external attacks and excessively early showing of indigo potential. According to Nancy Ann Tappe, the self-proclaimed synesthete (more on that later) who invented the concept, indigo children are a group of "highly evolved" individuals, all of whom share certain psychological traits that mark them as existing outside maybe even above the norm. Your gift is not for personal fulfillment but for all humanity. As a child, you may have behaved like an old man or woman, and as an adult, you have a deeply spiritual and philosophical outlook on life. You are here to make the world better, period. Love, Simon. Just as i write this im all over the place. You also tend to struggle with depression sometimes. The biggest users of this term were Nancy Ann Tappe, Lee Caroll, and Jan Tober. It was great a few years ago when I first heard the term Indigo. Indigo Children are beings that have reached a pivotal point or age within their soul journey, and so they've been sent back to Earth with this mission. Anna is the author of, Learning Mind 2012-2022 | All Rights Reserved |. Big love and hugs! I am who I am and I dont fit into one social box nor can you slap a label on me, I dont bow down to social conformity nor will I tone myself down or be less of who i am to fit into a crowd or group. Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! Indigo children are a new generation of gifted children blessed with supernatural abilities. that it really cool !! All explainer articles are confirmed by fact checkers to be correct at time of publishing. To realise the wrongdoings in this world. If you are a star child, regardless of which category you fall into, star children are known to embody the energy of grace, purity, truth and wisdom. Ive got to grow in hard conditions and it has made me a diamond-hard Indigo. I didnt recognize that I had one and three until much later in life. In addition, indigo children are blessed with psychic abilities, and they have a unique perspective on the world. Also, a large proportion of them are characterized asautistic or suffers fromAsperger syndrome. As with any of this stuff, not having a real primer to go by, time lines may be off and individual journeys may be affected by three-dimensional life. This makes them strongly challenge the norm if their mission tells them its wrong. They are the kids who cant stop asking why? While others will accept a trope answer, indigos want to dig below the surface until they truly understand the thing in question. This spark may have many parts or elements, and whatever way it appears, its final goal is to offer the world your unique perspective. The idea that indigo children were not just unique, but semi-magical, was encouraged by some of the main original proponents of the concept. If thats the case, its important to give them the attention, medical or otherwise, that they truly need. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. Regularly spend time in nature to unwind and regain balance. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? Indigo children are known for their incredible imaginations. The following article will answer some of the questions you may have about indigo children and will help you find the miracle children in your close circle. Love you all! As a result of your tendency to get bored easily, you may have been misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD as a child. Every parent wants to have a gifted child. I am never lonely but prefer to be alone most of the time, until 7 yrs ago when I met my twin flame. We are here to shine, to inspire and project our your love without limit or judgement and to ALL souls. Meanwhile, spirituality is all about finding God within and discover your divinity. Indigo children often feel out of place when they are young because they are more independent, intelligent, and emotionally mature than other people their age. When I realized its importance my spiritual growth was easier. Its like they cant teach you the life. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially.

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