prettiest slavic girl names

Origin: Russian. Ekaterina is a form of the English Katherine, which would make Katya an equivalent to Cathy or Katy. It means divine. Everyone has played Loves me? Audrey. Name days are popular mainly within the Eastern Orthodox traditions, with some resonance in the Catholic world and commemorate different saints of the Christian church. Bogdana is a cool Slavic girl name, derived from the elements Bog, meaning God, and dan, meaning given, thus making a beautiful choice to bestow upon your new, God-given blessing. 3. Variation of Mary or Miriam which means Bitter or Wished-for child, Aramaic,Armenian,Belgian,Brazilian,Bulgarian,Cyprus,Estonian,Finnish,French,German,Hebrew,Indonesian,Italian,Latin,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Sicilian,Slavic,Spanish,Ukrainian, French,Frisian,German,Hawaiian,Macedonian,Russian,Slavic,Spanish,Swiss, Australian,Canadian,Danish,Dominican Republic,Frisian,Georgian,German,Hawaiian,Hebrew,Irish,Norwegian,Scottish,Slavic,Swedish,Swiss,United States,Welsh, Argentina,Dominican Republic,German,Italian,Latin,Sicilian,Slavic,Spanish, Defending men, Excellence, Fragrance, esteem, Variation of Alina which means Bright and Beautiful, Slavic - Bright; Beautiful; Hebrew - Brightness; Ornament; A variant of the name Alina. Whether you have roots in one of these countries or just like the idea of paying homage to a different culture, you may flip when you discover some of these incredibly pretty girls' names. Some names may include the "ya" or "ia" sound, such as Anastasia, Daria, or Kira. Find the best Slavic female name to bestow upon your beautiful new warrior, and uncover its meanings, origins, history, and more! Iris - Greek for "rainbow" and also the name of a flower - Iris was the Greek goddess of the rainbow. This trend's popularity ranking fell from #441 in 2016 to #561 in 2017. A cute nickname is Mira or Mimi. it means young and youthful or Joves child. Not only saints and queens were called Olga. 65. Hazel. It carries the perfume of Russian queens and their love with prominent poets. Plus, most Russian names for girls are pretty easy to spell. Unique in flair but enticing nonetheless, we urge you to consider the dazzling Sobiesawa for your beautiful new daughter! Ana is a Slavic version of the Greek Ann/Anne. OR. Origin: Russian, German, and Hungarian. A legendary person according the different chronicles with the name Ioana is Ioanna Papessa, or Pope Joan, the unique woman who reigned as pope during the Middle Ages. Jenny - English/Celtic word that means "fair spirit". Thats why all women called Ivelina are talkative, forgiving and loving, cute characteristics for a little baby girl and important traits for an adult. Lets not forget the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov and his dogs that influenced our knowledge on conditioning and learning. In Bulgaria, in particular, this name has inspired a lot of literature master pieces and theres a special day when bearers of this name celebrate. The name and its variations are linked to Christianity. Aliona is a beautifully sweet Russian female name that rolls off the tongue melodically. Diana is a beautiful name that is popular all around the world. Girls that have the name Elisaveta (or Vetka) are gentle, helping, feminine and strong individuals at the same time. You could also consider the Polish form of this name too, which is the short but sweet Ewa. Stemmed from the same root as the traditional Hebrew masculine name John, Joasia holds the heavenly meaning of God is gracious. As well as working as an independent name, Joasia may be used as a nickname form of Joanna, or you could shorten it even further to sweet Asia. Either way, we adore the double Z appeal of this name, as it just adds that extra air of awesomeness! Its believed that the name Ivelina has its origins in the old Jewish name Ivan, which means God forgive all. Helenka is an adorable choice of Slavic girl name, with a meaning of bright, shining light to cast an ethereal glow on the pretty girls who bear it. Eve and Eva are both popular choices in English-speaking countries, so mix it up by opting for Yeva. Ruby - French for "red gem". Dominika: It is a lovely name for girls, which originated from Russian origin, and the meaning of this name is Born on Sunday. Lada is the name of pagan Slavic Goddes of Love, means maiden, Girl, Ladda means Maiden. Brigitta. Triumphant and passionate, Zdzisawa makes a lovely blessing of a name for your new little warrior queen. Meaning "love" or "she loves," Lyubov (pronounced loo-bov) is a popular Russian baby girl name cherished for decades. Margaret Thatcher is one of the famous people who carry this name. Kristiana, Christina or Hristina: feminine, gentle and powerful. Last but not least, lets not forget that names facilitate communication. They love art and music, which make them romantic and mystical. In Slavic mythology, Prija is the name of the goddess of good wishes, and what could be a more perfect wish than the arrival of a beautiful baby girl? Babies come to the world carrying their own personality and beauty. Isabella - Call her Izzy. Jiana. Meaning And Etymology. So why not a Slavic name? Pure and dreamy, Nadezhda is a lovely name to bless your gorgeous daughter. Janely. Luna: The Latin word for moon. Madeleine is a writer from somewhere near Manchester, England. Romina is another beautiful variation of the name, used in many Romance languages, which comes from the Latin word for a Roman. Nadezhda is a pretty Slavic name for girls full of wishes and dreams, as the name holds the adorable meaning of hope in both Russian and Bulgarian. This unique-sounding yet awesome choice is derived from the Slavic element vlast, which holds the charming meaning of homeland, making it a perfect choice if youre looking to honor Slavic heritage in your baby girls name. Jarosawa is the feminine form of the Polish male name Jarosaw, which holds the mighty meaning of powerful glory. A name to rule over all others, this epic name seems like a perfect choice for a new little heroine goddess, spelled with traditionally Slavic elements and a strong sense of adventure! Jasna is a cool name for unique little girls, derived from the South Slavic word jasno, thus holding the pure meanings of clear and sharp. Clarity is a brilliant virtue to bestow upon your daughter, and we hope this jazzy name offers nothing but good vibes for her on all her adventures! Theres something magical about the name Leda. The numerological meaning of the name also says that women with this name are helpful, artistic, creative and powerful. Both of these nicknames are popular choices in English-speaking countries, so if youre looking to mix it up a bit, we definitely recommend Katya as a bubbly and fashionable alternative. Its gentle and sweet. Meet single Russian women online. Either way, Maja remains one of the most acknowledgedly beautiful Swedish girl names. Rebecca - Hebrew for "to tie" or "enchantingly beautiful". 1; 2; 3 > NAMES MEANING GENDER; Ajla . Meaning star, this pretty Slavic girls name beautifully captures the shimmer of hope and inspiration that comes with the arrival of a newborn. This uncommon girls' name dates back to mediaeval times, but its origin is uncertain. This pretty choice literally holds the meaning of Slavic woman, making it a confident name to wear with pride. The cute diminutive Zosia is an adorable option to consider, too! This gives Galina the soft and melodic meanings of calm and serenity, beautiful virtues which we hope will shine upon your beautiful newborn angel. Her charming beauty and increasing celebrity status have made her one of the best known tennis stars worldwide. Since the Renaissance, Diana has been often represented in paintings, sculptures,films and novels. Klara. If you like the k addition in the masculine form, consider the feminine Zdenka as a fun alternative to Zdena, too. Setup Size: 8.9 GB. Zdena is a stylish feminine form of the Slavic masculine name Zdenko. In Slavic mythology, Marzanna is another name for Morana, the mythical goddess of death and winter. Diana is associated with the moon. Karolyn - "Free man". It comes from the Irish Mac Dara that translates as oak tree. Nessa - Nessa refers to a miracle. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or consultation. This name stems from the Dominican Republic and means "loving" or "kind." 102. Families That Understood The Assignment For Baby's First Halloween. Savannah - Spanish for "flat tropical . So lets see 25 of the most amazing Slavic baby girl names. A kalina is the equivalent of what we would refer to as viburnum in English, which is a beautiful and delicate genus of shrub, that produces the cutest clusters of tiny white or pink flowers when in bloom. Urka is a fun variation to consider, sounding friendly yet sassy and, with the adorable meaning of little female bear, a perfect choice for a feisty little lady. So if you are expecting triplets, maybe Viara, Nadejda and Liubov are cool Slavic names you can consider. They were tortured to death in order Sophia to renounce her faith in Christ. 101. Monica. According to Slavic mythology, iva was the name of a goddess of life and fertility, best associated with the Polabian Slavs. Larisa - Greek nymph, daughter of Pegasus. Many parents will tell you that they consider their child to be their greatest achievement. Furthermore, Richezas fun meaning of wealthy certainly amps up that rich feeling to the name! Georgia. The second meaning is "defender of mankind" as this is the shortened version of Oleksandra (or Alexandra.) Dreamy and ethereal, Alina is a beautiful Slavic girl name to consider for your new little angel. Cyzarine/ Czarina - royalty. Marzanna is a snazzy alternative to Morana, but still keeps that eerie intrigue and cool style that we cant help but be fascinated by! For a baby born during that magical time of the morning when the sun is just starting to peek out above the horizon, Zarya is a gorgeous name to consider. Olivia 2. Since Crandall was unranked in both 1957 and 1988, I kept that name the same. This name means "Manly". Penelope - Greek for "bobbin-weaver". Agnessa is a regal, Russian form of the timeless name Agnes, which was derived from Greek origins and holds the wholesome meanings of pure and holy. If you like Agnessa, there are so many variations to this stem to consider, with many of which being top choices in their respective languages. With roots in both Greek and Hebrew, this baby girl's name means "God is gracious." Nadia, meaning 'hope,' is also starting to rise in popularity on baby name lists but remains rare enough that your daughter is unlikely to be . Ewa is a beautiful Polish form of the ever-pretty Hebrew girls name Eve, which holds the vibrant meanings of life, or to live. Although spelled with a w, Ewa still maintains that same, earthy v sound in its pronunciation, making it a stand-out yet familiar choice at the same time. It means little fir tree and parents give this name wishing their little woman to grow beautiful, tall and strong. As mentioned above, Viara is a saint and a sister of Nadejda. Helenka is actually a diminutive form of the popular name Helen, making it a particularly sweet choice of independent name if you already have a Helen in the family. Agata: It is a baby girl name mainly popular in Russian origin. With the meaning of free, arlota is adventurous and enthusiastic, and we love how this variant adds a charming Slavic twist on a name we already know and love. Popular and full of strength, this gorgeous name is a great one to choose for your daughter. Mateja is a variant of Matthew, meaning "gift of God," while Olya is a soft pick meaning "holy.". Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. It originates from the Greek word "agath," meaning "kind or good," and is a variant of the old Russian names Agafya and Ogafya. Also featured on my list of badass girl names! Some are new. If you love springtime, flowers, and all things sweet, youll appreciate Darvas unique meaning of honey bee, a fun meaning that also connotes hard work, ethical resourcefulness, and creativity. In the beginning of each calendar year (January, 7th), Ivelina, Iva, Ivanina, Ivana and Ivka have their name day, celebrating and shining with their warm personality in the cold winter weather, which despite the global warming can be still experienced in Eastern Europe. Yet, when you add in the adorably soft connotations of the Slavic girl name Xenia, you get a wonderful name that seems perfect in every way. U- names are always appealing thanks to their rarity, and Ulyana offers a unique, more alluring alternative to the almost floral-sounding Juliana while keeping its international appeal. Plus, with the adorable meaning of youthful, Ulyana is a gorgeous name to bestow upon a newborn baby, who will hopefully keep her childlike curiosity and sense of adventure as she grows up. They are emblematic for the former communist countries of Eastern Europe and even though not so beautiful as the name, they are strong and loved by many. Meaning: Pure, perfect. Elitsa is a mix between a psychologist and a teacher, passionate about writing, caving and traveling, and interested in topics such as addictions, premature babies and human rights.

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