why was henry vii called the winter king

In the late 20th century a model of European state formation was prominent in which Henry less resembles Louis and Ferdinand. [67], Henry made half-hearted plans to remarry and beget more heirs, but these never came to anything. Not only was . The house of York then appeared so firmly established that Henry seemed likely to remain in exile for the rest of his life. Philip had been shipwrecked on the English coast, and while Henry's guest, was bullied into an agreement so favourable to England at the expense of the Netherlands that it was dubbed the Malus Intercursus ("evil agreement"). MP3 CD. This meant that Henry had been the rightful King in the battle and that Richard had been the usurper, and those who supported him had been traitors. Happy 14th Birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files! When Henry VII called his first parliament he used it as an opportunity to legitimise his reign. Author of, Assistant Master and Professor of History, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. [12], Henry lived in the Herbert household until 1469, when Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick (the "Kingmaker"), went over to the Lancastrians. Wales was historically a Lancastrian stronghold, and Henry owed the support he gathered to his Welsh birth and ancestry, being agnatically descended from Rhys ap Gruffydd. Stanley was accused of supporting Warbeck's cause, arrested and later executed. For instance, except for the first few months of the reign, the Baron Dynham and the Earl of Surrey were the only Lord High Treasurers throughout his reign. To unite the opponents of Richard III, Henry had promised to marry Elizabeth of York, eldest daughter of Edward IV; and the coalition of Yorkists and Lancastrians continued, helped by French support, since Richard III talked of invading France. Both parties realised they were mutually disadvantaged by the reduction in commerce. If he trusted anyone, it would be his queen and why not, since both had so much in common both being familiar with being in sanctuary, and pawns in the game of power? Henry came to the throne following the death of his father, Henry VII. Henry, son of Edmund Tudor, earl of Richmond, and Margaret Beaufort, was born nearly three months after his fathers death. His claim to the throne was precarious and he wanted to portray Richard III as a usurper. Henry was devastated. Henry VII introduced stability to the financial administration of England by keeping the same financial advisors throughout his reign. Files Welcome Pack of 5 goodies, 28 January 1457 Birth of Henry VII at Pembroke Castle, 30 October 1485 Coronation of Henry VII, Henry VIIIs Enforcer: The Rise and Fall of Thomas Cromwell A Review and Rundown, Henry VII: Winter King A Review and Rundown, 31 May 1533 The Coronation Procession of Queen Anne Boleyn, Why I think Henry VIII was ultimately responsible for Anne Boleyns downfall, 4 March 1522 Anne Boleyn plays Perseverance, The Boleyns of Hever Castle now 99p on Kindle on Amazon UK, YouTube Live 4 March 2023 The Fascinating Background of Henry VIII. The devastated King became so ill that he was close to death, but then he recovered and Penn explains that when he took control once more, he was remorseless. After Wolf Hall, I wanted to find out about Henry VII, the lesser-studied father of Henry VIII, who founded the Tudor Dynasty. After obtaining the dispensation, Henry had second thoughts about the marriage of his son and Catherine. During Henry's early years, his uncle Henry VI was fighting against Edward IV, a member of the Yorkist Plantagenet branch. Henry VII ruled as Machiavelli, just after his reign, was to advise usurpers to do through fear rather than love. Backdating Henry's Reign. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Henry VII is known for successfully ending the War of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York and for founding the Tudor dynasty. Inadvertently, he provoked a revolution. Updates? I have to admit to being a history geek. [47], Henry VII's policy was to maintain peace and to create economic prosperity. An easy read? Henry Tudors claim to the throne was, therefore, weak and of no importance until the deaths in 1471 of Henry VIs only son, Edward, of his own two remaining kinsmen of the Beaufort line, and of Henry VI himself, which suddenly made Henry Tudor the sole surviving male with any ancestral claim to the house of Lancaster. Read all Directors Giulia Clark Stuart Elliott Writers He spent his entire reign fixated on eliminating or disarming his enemies, and stabilizing England after the bloody, seemingly endless War of the Roses. His dynasty was hanging by a thread and all his hopes had to rest on his youngest son, Henry, and Elizabeth of York producing another son, a spare. [64] This made Henry VII's second son, Henry, Duke of York, heir apparent to the throne. In other cases, he brought his over-powerful subjects to heel by decree. Historians debate the extent of Henry's rapacity. [citation needed] Henry also formed an alliance with Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (14931519) and persuaded Pope Innocent VIII to issue a papal bull of excommunication against all pretenders to Henry's throne. Henry responded to this threat by embedding spies into households. I had an idea Henry VII was a force for stability; in fact he was a terrifying kleptocrat, abusing the law with arbitrary fines and imprisonment, scheming to effectively steal entire estates and wring every penny out of subjects as well as impose political control through financial means. The Winter King is also the title of a book by Thomas Penn, and a useful read. Henry's mother, Margaret Beaufort, was a descendant of the Lancastrian branch of the House of Plantagenet. Stephens, "affords some illustrations of the avaricious and parsimonious character of the king". When they married in 1396 they already had four children, including Henry's great-grandfather John Beaufort. The King was heavily guarded. Pembroke Castle, birthplace of Henry VII [ JKMMX ] [ CC BY-SA 3.0 ]. [citation needed] Following the example of Edward IV, Henry VII created a Council of Wales and the Marches for his son Arthur, which was intended to govern Wales and the Marches, Cheshire and Cornwall. They did as much to endanger his throne as to secure it. Consultant editor for the. [59][60][61], He was content to allow the nobles their regional influence if they were loyal to him. However, King Henry the VIII was much more self-centered as most of his spending was inappropriate and did not benefit England much. He created the Tudor dynasty. Through luck, guile and ruthlessness, Henry VII, the first of the Tudor kings, had clambered to the top of the heap--a fugitive with a flimsy claim to England's throne. It was not until 1506, when he imprisoned Suffolk in the Tower of London, that Henry could at last feel safe. And yet this time removed was summer's time, The teeming autumn, big with rich increase, Bearing the wanton burden of the prime, Like widow'd wombs after their lords . The portly Henry VIII, and the ill-fated destinies of most of his six wives, is one of the first historical figures primary-aged pupils are aware of.. Martin Luther 95 thesis. Henry was thus handed over to English envoys and escorted to the Breton port of Saint-Malo. Omissions? Watch with Prime The Merchant Adventurers, the company which enjoyed the monopoly of the Flemish wool trade, relocated from Antwerp to Calais. Dydd Gyl Dewi Hapus! Henrys throne, however, was far from secure. Henry VII The Winter King is also the title of a book by Thomas Penn, and a useful read. He led attempted invasions of Ireland in 1491 and England in 1495, and persuaded James IV of Scotland to invade England in 1496. [69] The wedding never took place, and the physical description Henry sent with his ambassadors of what he desired in a new wife matched the description of his wife Elizabeth. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. So Henry was a valuable bargaining tool, whose fate always depended on what relations were between England and France, always tainted by the recent Hundred Years War, and how Brittany sought to ward off threats to its own independence. It was no easy feat. The first rising, that of Lord Lovell, Richard IIIs chamberlain, in 1486 was ill-prepared and unimportant, but in 1487 came the much more serious revolt of Lambert Simnel. His biographer, Professor Chrimes, credits him even before he had become king with "a high degree of personal magnetism, ability to inspire confidence, and a growing reputation for shrewd decisiveness". of course, a large proportion of my opinion is probably due to the fact that i knew a lot about henry vii already, and Penn tried to create quite a thrilling/mysterious feel, which is all well and good if you don't already know how everything plays out. He also enacted laws against livery and maintenance, the great lords' practice of having large numbers of "retainers" who wore their lord's badge or uniform and formed a potential private army. [citation needed], In 1506, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller Emery d'Amboise asked Henry VII to become the protector and patron of the Order, as he had an interest in the crusade. Celebrating the release of The Colour of Bone A London Charnel House. The usurpation of Richard III (1483), however, split the Yorkist party and gave Henry his opportunity. They were appointed for every shire and served for a year at a time. Pembroke Castle, and later the Earldom of Pembroke, were granted to the Yorkist William Herbert, who also assumed the guardianship of Margaret Beaufort and the young Henry. [citation needed], Henry honoured his pledge of December 1483 to marry Elizabeth of York and the wedding took place in 1486 at Westminster Abbey. Rarely was a father's reign so widely disparaged and disowned on the accession of the son. Claiming to be Edward, earl of Warwick, the son of Richard IIIs elder brother, George, duke of Clarence, he had the formidable support of John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln, Richard IIIs heir designate, of many Irish chieftains, and of 2,000 German mercenaries paid for by Margaret of Burgundy. From his victory over Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth, to his secret death and the succession of his son Henry VIII, the film reveals the ruthless tactics . The marriage did not take place during his lifetime. On the other side of the coin, instead of the cross, was a Tudor rose and the arms of England. I found this really interesting, but Im a history nut. He was probably baptised at St Mary's Church, Pembroke,[1] though no documentation of the event exists. Some of them have more to say than Penn about the constructive sides of the reign, which developed the state-building methods of his Yorkist predecessors. Hidden under the floor in St George's Chapel in Windsor, England where thousands of people walk every day, a forgotten tomb lies. His regime was magnificent, yet terrifying and oppressive. [citation needed] Henry had been under the financial and physical protection of the French throne or its vassals for most of his life before becoming king. He had to pay a 500 fine to save himself, to buy a pardon for the crime. He explained how Henry VII had achieved what he set out to do, he had passed on the crown successfully. Henry VIII Books Exploring the Best Books on Englands Most Infamous King, 18 February 1516 The birth of Queen Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. [10] A contemporary writer and Henry's biographer, Bernard Andr, also made much of Henry's Welsh descent. [7] He came from an old, established Anglesey family that claimed descent from Cadwaladr, in legend, the last ancient British king,[8] and on occasion Henry displayed the red dragon of Cadwaladr. [77][78] His mother died two months later on 29 June 1509. Thomas Penns Winter King in a brilliant mash-up of gothic horror and political biography. But he leaves us wondering how Henry got away with it. [74] Margaret Tudor wrote letters to her father declaring her homesickness, but Henry could do nothing but mourn the loss of his family and honour the terms of the peace treaty he had agreed to with the King of Scotland. I thought the book was well written, even though a bit dry is spots. Old rivalries simmered, however. [66], Henry wanted to maintain the Spanish alliance. This is why he named the book the "Winter King". Two themes of his book preside: the permanent vulnerability of Henry's regime, and his ruthless methods of rule. His first son and heir apparent, Arthur, Prince of Wales, died suddenly at Ludlow Castle, very likely from a viral respiratory illness known at the time as the "English sweating sickness". He was the last king of England to win . Henry VII was the founder of the Tudor dynasty and father of Henry VIII and Ive been doing a bit of digging on this lesser known Tudor. Having established his claim to be king in his own right, he married Elizabeth of York on January 18, 1486. Why was Henry VII called the Winter King? About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Both were survivors and as united in death as in life, as their tomb in Westminster Abbey illustrates. I picked this audiobook up because it was narrated by Simon Vance. Reasonably interesting overview of the reign of Henry VII of England. Henry VII (28 January 1457 21 April 1509) was King of England from his seizure of the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death in 1509. They were unpaid, which, in comparison with modern standards, meant a smaller tax bill for law enforcement. Penn graphically describes a huge financial racket run by the king and his profiteering advisers. However, this treaty came at a price, as Henry mounted a minor invasion of Brittany in November 1492. It was a fantastic programme and I highly recommend Thomas Penns book on Henry VII Winter King. His claim to the throne was precarious and was from an illegitimate line, a family who had been banned from taking the throne, so Henry needed to make the people believe that he was their rightful King and to do that he had to start behaving like one. Yet in the hands of a narrator as accomplished as Penn, the reign acquires its own, troubling fascination. He was the first monarch of the House of Tudor.[a]. To strengthen his position, however, he subsidised shipbuilding, so strengthening the navy (he commissioned Europe's first ever and the world's oldest surviving dry dock at Portsmouth in 1495) and improving trading opportunities. He was, said Penn, a man who never knew a moments peace during his reign. [68] In 1505 he was sufficiently interested in a potential marriage to Joanna of Naples that he sent ambassadors to Naples to report on the 27-year-old Joanna's physical suitability. Happy St Davids Day! [6] Henry IV's action was of doubtful legality, as the Beauforts were previously legitimised by an Act of Parliament, but it weakened Henry's claim. Henry himself was clearly a distant figure who governed through his ministers, but this means that it's quite hard to get much of a sense of his character from the few sources available. She was a great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster (fourth son of Edward III), and his third wife Katherine Swynford. Up to a point, he succeeded. Henry spared Richard's nephew and designated heir, John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, and made the Yorkist heiress Margaret Plantagenet Countess of Salisbury suo jure. [citation needed], All Acts of Parliament were overseen by the justices of the peace. Interesting look at the founder of the Tudor dynesty. More than a biography of Henry VII, this book is really a highly detailed history of the last ten years of his reign, and how he meticulously and ruthlessly turned England into a police state ruled by what amounted to an organized crime syndicate. Though this was not achieved during his reign, the marriage eventually led to the union of the English and Scottish crowns under Margaret's great-grandson, James VI and I, following the death of Henry's granddaughter Elizabeth I.

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