allentown agricultural hall wwf

Capt. WWF North American Champion Pat Patterson defeated Tito Santana via count-out Greg Valentine pinned Dominic DeNucci at 9:07 after reversing a monkey flip into a cover; prior to the bout, the Grand Wizard escorted Valentine ringside Bob Orton Jr. pinned Steve Travis at 11:15 with the superplex (6/23/82; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse) Andre the Giant vs. Bobby Duncum Nikolai Volkoff pinned Frank Williams at 8:02 Victor Rivera defeated SD Jones at 8:00 Tony Altimore defeated Fred Marzino Andre the Giant defeated Peter Maivia, WWF @ Waterville, ME Armory April 11, 1979 for Nikolai Volkoff) defeated Frank Williams WWWF Tag Team Champion Tony Garea defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna (sub. Steve Travis defeated Jimmy Valiant via disqualification at 13:14 when Johnny Valiant interfered Jim Duggan pinned Moose Monroe Dark match after the taping: WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Ivan Koloff via count-out, WWWF @ Hamburg, PA Fieldhouse March 28, 1979 2/10/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; featured McMahon interviewing Bulldog Brower & Capt. Sylvano Sousa defeated Tony Russo Pete Sanchez vs. Davey OHannon Jesse Ventura (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Kenny Thompson via submission at 2:25 with the backbreaker for Freddie Blassie who was said to be on vacation) pinned Frank Williams at 3:41 with a kneedrop Dark match: WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana defeated Mr. X Johnny Valiant defeated WWWF Tag Team Champion Larry Zbyszko via count-out, WWWF @ Spotswood, NJ High School Gym March 3, 1979 WWF IC Champion Pedro Morales fought Greg Valentine (w/ the Grand Wizard) to a double count-out at 4:21 after Valentine suplexed Morales on the concrete floor and then attempted to apply the figure-4 until Ivan Putski, Rick Martel, & Tony Garea made the save, who then carried Morales from ringside 10/6/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino: for Spiros Arion), WWWF @ Hamburg, PA Fieldhouse January 24, 1979 Bruno Sammartino pinned Nikolai Volkoff at 10:35 4/14/79: Bulldog Brower defeated Pete Reeves Johnny Rodz defeated Mike Jones Greg Valentine defeated Paul Figueroa via submission with the figure-4 at 2:47 Ivan Putski pinned Jimmy Valiant at 2:00 Jerry & Johnny Valiant (w/ Capt. Pete Doherty pinned Mark Tendler at 15:20 with a sunset flip Gorilla Monsoon vs. Bobby Duncum WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase defeated Johnny Rodz Rick McGraw & Steve Travis defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Jose Estrada at 3:13 Johnny Rodz defeated Pete Doherty (sub. for Dominic DeNucci) defeated Frank Rodriguez via disqualification Larry Zbyszko pinned Jose Estrada at 6:49 with a back suplex into a bridge Dave Darrow defeated Moose Monroe via disqualification Bobby Duncum defeated Mike Masters WWF Tag Team Champions Chief Jay & Jules Strongbow defeated Tony Colon & Tito Senza at 2:26 when Colon submitted to Jules sleeper Greg Valentine fought Chief Jay Strongbow to a double disqualification, WWF @ New York City, NY Madison Square Garden July 2, 1979 Womens Champion the Fabulous Moolah & Suzette Ferrera defeated Joyce Grable & Wenonah Littleheart Swede Hanson defeated Ted Dibiase Womens Champion the Fabulous Moolah & Kitty Adams defeated Joyce Grable & Vivian St. John in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-1; fall #1: Adams pinned Grable; fall #2: Grable pinned Adams; fall #3: Moolah pinned John Pete Sanchez defeated Charlie Sharkey Tito Santana defeated Johnny Rivera WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson defeated Chief Jay Strongbow at 16:40 WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana vs. Dave Darrow Johnny & Jerry Valiant defeated Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko via count-out at 9:20 after Johnny kept ramming Garea into the ringpost; Johnny wrestled the entire match himself for his team, WWWF @ Steubenville, OH March 11, 1979 Baron Mikel Scicluna fought Johnny Rodz to a draw Steve Travis defeated Bulldog Brower via disqualification Jimmy Snuka (w/ Capt. Mark Tendler defeated Steve King Greg Valentine defeated Frank Williams Steve Travis defeated Johnny Rodz WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) fought Greg Valentine to a 60-minute time-limit draw at 59:18; after the match, Skaaland saved Backlund from the figure-4 by hitting Valentine with the world title belt (Valentines MSG return after a 4-year absence) Ivan Putski pinned Frank Williams at 4:40 with the Polish Hammer WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski defeated WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson via count-out, WWF @ Harrisburg, PA Zembo Mosque November 23, 1979 Ivan Koloff defeated Ivan Putski via count-out at 17:18 after Koloff knocked him out of the ring after Putski had just woke the referee who had been knocked down just before Putski had hit the Polish Hammer; Dusty Rhodes made the save after the bout Andre the Giant defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Johnny Valiant, WWF @ North Attleboro, MA Witschis Sports Arena August 24, 1979 Ted Dibiase defeated Bulldog Brower via disqualification at 11:26 Chief Jay Strongbow defeated JoJo Andrews via submission at 4:41 with the sleeper; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Strongbow at ringside Jimmy, WWF Tag Team Champions Jerry & Johnny Valiant (w/ Capt. Steve King defeated Johnny Rodz via disqualification WWWF Tag Team Champions Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna (sub. WWF Tag Team ChampionJerry Valiant defeated Dominic DeNucci WWF @ Hamburg, PA Fieldhouse October 3, 1979 Allentown Train Meet Associates (ATMA) produces one of the larger non-affiliated train shows in the east, twice per year. Jose Estrada defeated Johnny Rivera Chief Jay & Jules Strongbow defeated Jeff Craney & Mac Rivera at 7:08 when Rivera submitted to Jules sleeper; after the bout, Pat Patterson interviewed the Strongbows at ringside Womens Champion the Fabulous Moolah pinned Joyce Grable at 13:50 Gypsy Rodriguez fought Pete Doherty to a draw Nikolai Volkoff (sub. Bulldog Brower pinned Dominic DeNucci Salvatore Bellomo pinned Sammy Sanders with a splash at 3:07 Lou Albano) pinned Jerry O (Jerry Allen) with a piledriver at 4:15 Andre the Giant pinned WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant at 3:43 with a boot to the face and splash; prior to the bout, Valiant was escorted to the ring by Capt. Pete Doherty defeated Mike Hall via disqualification Killer Khan defeated Marvin Turner Womens Champion the Fabulous Moolah & Kitty Adams defeated Joyce Grable & Vivian St. John WWF North American Champion Pat Patterson (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Steve King at 3:51 with the kneedrop off the top Ivan Koloff vs. Bruiser Brody Dominc DeNucci fought Hussein Arab to a draw Bruno Sammartino defeated Peter Maivia in a steel cage match at 11:15 by escaping through the door after ramming Maivia into all four corners of the cage, WWF @ Durham, NH April 21, 1979 Swede Hanson defeated Chief Jay Strongbow, WWF @ Garfield, NJ High School Gym November 1, 1979 WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson defeated WWF World Champion Bob Backlund via disqualification at 17:41 when the champion struck referee Dick Woehrle as Woehrle stepped in to see if Patterson, who was bleeding profusely, could continue the bout Womens Tag Team Champions Leilani Kai & Judy Martin defeated Wenonah Littleheart & Kandi Malloy Tony Atlas pinned John Callahan at 3:12 with a standing headbutt from the middle turnbuckle WWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji & Mr. Saito (w/ Capt. Johnny, Jerry, & Jimmy Valiant co-won a 20-man, $10,000 battle royal; due to prematch stipulations, the winner would face WWF World Champion Bob Backlund later in the show, with Jerry being chosen as the one to get the title shot; participants included: Hussein Arab, Dominic DeNucci, Ted Dibiase, Bobby Duncum, Jose Estrada, Angelo Gomez, Swede Hanson, Joe Mascara, Mike Masters, Gorilla Monsoon, Davey OHannon, WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson, Johnny Rodz, Tito Santana, Nikolai Volkoff, Frank Williams, and Larry Zbyszko WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase defeated Johnny Rodz Nikolai Volkoff pinned Dominic DeNucci (sub. Dave Darrow defeated Sylvano Sousa Dave Darrow defeated Sylvano Sousa Bob Orton Jr. defeated Frank Williams Televised in Japan 4/20/79: WWF World Champion Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) pinned Johnny Rodz at 4:52 with a German suplex into a bridge; after the bout, Backlund cleared Capt. Chief Jay Strongbow (sub. Superstar Billy Graham (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Victor Mercado via submission with a bearhug at 3:44 Lou Albano) defeated Laurent Soucie & Charlie Brown at 6:31 when Fuji pinned Brown with a Samoan Drop; after the bout, Pat Patterson interviewed the champions and Albano at ringside WWWF Tag Team Champion Tony Garea defeated Pierre the Lumberjack Tiger Jeet Singh fought Seiji Sakaguchi to a no contest Nikolai Volkoff pinned Baron Mikel Scicluna at 8:43 Frank Williams fought Frank Rodriguez to a draw Jimmy Snuka (w/ Capt. Steve Travis pinned Victor Rivera Jim Brunzell defeated Greg Valentine at 18:58 Buddy Rose (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Frank Williams with a kneedrop off the top at 2:27 SD Jones defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna via disqualification Championship Wrestling taping: Swede Hanson defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski via count-out, Detroit, MI Cobo Arena October 28, 1979 Andre the Giant pinned Pete Doherty at 2:31 with a boot to the face and a sit-down splash Ivan Koloff pinned SD Jones with a cradle Championship Wrestling taping: WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Jerry Valiant, WWF @ North Plainfield, NJ High School Gym December 15, 1979 3 Hussein Arab pinned Dominic DeNucci Ted Dibiase pinned Ron Lee at 7:59 with an elbow drop Ivan Putski pinned Mac Rivera with the Polish Hammer at 3:20 Lou Albano & Jimmy Valiant) defeated Frank Rodriguez & Steve King at 5:44 when Johnny pinned Rodriguez with an elbow from the top rope; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Albano and the Valiants at ringside Bulldog Brower vs. Mike Masters Ted Dibiase defeated Tony Altimore for Gorilla Monsoon) Larry Zbyszko pinned Pete Doherty at 5:44 with a back suplex into a bridge Womens Champion the Fabulous Moolah pinned Judy Martin at 2:15 with a splash after Martin missed a legdrop Included 3 other matches, WWF @ Baltimore, MD Civic Center August 11, 1979 (11,000) for Greg Valentine) WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski won an 18-man battle royal at 12:27; other participants included: Swede Hanson, Hussein Arab, Bulldog Brower, Bobby Duncum, Johnny Rodz, Jose Estrada, Jimmy Valiant, Jerry Valiant, Johnny Valiant, WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana, Moose Monroe, Larry Zbyszko, Pete Sanchez, Dominic DeNucci, Ted Dibiase, Gorilla Monsoon, and Chief Jay Strongbow; order of elimination: DeNucci, Duncum, Monsoon, Rivera, Rodz, Estrada, Strongbow, Brower, Hanson, Dibiase, Monroe, Arab, Zbyszko, Johnny Valiant, Santana, Jimmy Valiant, Jerry Valiant WWF Championship Wrestling TV-Taping Date: 08.07.1980 Promotion: World Wrestling Federation Type: Event Location: Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA Arena: Agricultural Hall :::: Not eligible for the matchguide: unknown match length. Dave Darrow defeated Fred Marzino 5/15/82 hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson: SD Jones pinned George Rosello with a side slam at 2:46 for the Red Demon) defeated Billy Berger Steve Travis pinned Bob Fulton at 2:48 with a bodyslam Larry Zbyszko pinned Moose Monroe (sub. Johnny Rodz fought Jose Estrada to a draw Johnny Rodz pinned Steve King at at 12:31 with a back suplex Bulldog Brower pinned Dominic DeNucci at 13:00 with a powerslam for Mr. X) WWF & NWF World Champion Antonio Inoki & Riki Choshu defeated Tiger Jeet Singh & Nikolai Volkoff in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match; fall #1: Singh forced Choshu to submit with a cobra claw; fall #2: Choshu defeated Singh via disqualification; fall #3: Inoki pinned Volkoff, WWF @ Springfield, MA Civic Center December 1, 1979 Greg Valentine pinned John Schmidt with a suplex at 3:57 Superstar Billy Graham (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Bob Bradley via submission with a bearhug at 2:10 Bulldog Brower defeated Frank Williams & Fred Marzino at 2:36 in a handicap match Hussein Arab vs. Steve Travis Lou Albano, WWWF Tag Team Champions Jerry & Johnny Valiant defeated Ivan Putski, Tony Garea, & Larry Zbyszko in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-1 at 11:59; fall #1: Jerry pinned Zbyszko at 9:07; fall #2: Larry pinned Jerry at the 18-second mark; fall #3: Johnny pinned Garea at 2:34, WWWF @ New Haven, CT Coliseum March 18, 1979 Lou Albano) defeated Fred Marzino via submission at 6:23 with a bearhug after hitting him several times with a chair on the floor Johnny Rodz defeated Steve King Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Steve King 4/24/82 hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson; included the Jimmy Snuka vs. Charlie Brown match from the 4/17/82 All Star Wrestling; included Pat Patterson conducting a ringside interview with Blackjack Mulligan & Freddie Blassie, where Mulligan challenged Andre the Giant to meet him in the ring: Greg Valentine defeated WWWF Tag Team Champion Tony Garea Larry Zbyszko defeated Pete Doherty via submission with the abdominal stretch at 3:12; during the bout, the Grand Wizard briefly did guest commentary to further discuss his pending deal with Capt. Mr. X defeated Mike Hall Ivan Putski defeated Mike Caron Allen Coage vs. Dominic DeNucci Jimmy Valiant vs. Pete Sanchez 4/10/82: Buddy Rose (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Curt Hennig at 3:14 after reversing Hennigs backbreaker attempt into a small package, 11/16/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall Dominic DeNucci pinned Baron Mikel Scicluna at 10:04 Tito Santana & Ivan Putski defeated Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada at 8:36 when Putski pinned Estrada with the Polish Hammer; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Putski & Santana at ringside Frank Rodriguez fought Mike Hall to a draw Allen Coage defeated Jeff Rhodes at 2:25 Steve Travis pinned Victor Rivera This card was not televised Jay Youngblood pinned the Masked Blue Devil Mark Tendler defeated Steve King Larry Zbyszko defeated Jose Estrada Greg Valentine defeated Steve Travis after the 16-minute mark Lou Albano) defeated Steve King & Dominic DeNucci at 4:02 when Saito pinned King with a suplex Greg Valentine pinned Billy Martinez at 3:44 WWF North American Champion Pat Patterson (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated SD Jones via submission with the Boston Crab at 6:31 Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Dave Darrow pinned Mike Paidousis at 12:10 Tito Santana defeated Frank Rodriguez Johnny Rodz fought Mr. X (sub. for Nikolai Volkoff) at 10:02 Hussein Arab defeated Tony Altimore at 2:52 Allen Coage defeated Mike Hall 3/10/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; featured McMahon interviewing WWWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase at ringside; included the Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Greg Valentine, Hussein Arab vs. Tony Russo, and the Valiants & Brower vs. DeNucci, Garea, & Zbyszko matches from the 3/3/79 Championship Wrestling: WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. Ivan Putski, WWF @ White Plains, NY Westchester County Civic Center September 19, 1979 Jacques Goulet at 16:18 WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase vs. Greg Valentine Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Mike Masters at 2:28 with a clothesline and elbow drop (Pateras return after a 16-month absence) Fundraiser for Volunteer Fire District No. 9/8/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino: WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Bulldog Brower at 16:44, WWF @ Binghamton, NY Arena November 24, 1979 WWWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase pinned Johnny Rodz at 4:29 with a flying elbow smash Greg Valentine pinned SD Jones (sub. for Gorilla Monsoon) & SD Jones at 14:39 Johnny Rivera defeated Jose Estrada This instrumental piece was used from 1978 and well into 1981. Lou Albano) to a double disqualification at 6:18 when Jimmy Valiant and Ivan Putski also became involved in the action; midway through bout, DeNucci had gone backstage and brought Putski to be in his and Calhouns corner to counter the constant interference from Jimmy & Albano Johnny Weaver & Jay Youngblood defeated the Scorpion & Brute Bernard Greg Valentine (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Fred Marzino via submission at 4:32 with the figure-4; after the bout, Valentine kept the hold applied causing Marzino to be taken out on a stretcher Tito Santana vs. WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant Abdullah the Butcher defeated Tony Atlas Adrian Adonis (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Mac Rivera at 1:25 with a powerslam and legdrop Featured Bruno Sammartino challenging Nikolai Volkoff to an impromptu arm-wrestling Challenge, where Bruno was attacked by Volkoff & Freddie Blassie before it could begin, Bruno was then double-teamed until Gorilla Monsoon, Tito Santana, & Dominic DeNucci made the save Andre the Giant defeated John Schmidt & Ron Lee in a handicap match at 2:29 by pinning both men at the same time Lou Albano, WWWF Tag Team Champions Johnny & Jerry Valiant defeated Dusty Rhodes, Larry Zbyszko, & Tony Garea in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match at 18:04; fall #1: Jerry pinned Garea at 12:37 with a clothesline; fall #2: Garea defeated Jerry via submission with an abdominal stretch at 2:08; fall #3: Johnny pinned Zbyszko at 3:59 with a piledriver Your browser does not support the HTML5 Geolocation API. El Invader vs. King Cobra Greg Valentine defeated Chief Jay Strongbow via count-out at 18:00, WWWF @ Nashua, NH Coliseum March 1, 1979 Ted Dibiase defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant via disqualification WWF World Champion Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) fought WWF North American Champion Pat Patterson to a double standing count-out at 28:22 when, after Patterson hit Backlund with brass knuckles, Skaaland climbed on the ring apron and hit Patterson with the title belt for Joe Mascara) Hussein Arab defeated SD Jones Allen Coage defeated SD Jones at 14:05 12/18/82 hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson; included Big John Studd & Freddie Blassie as guests of Buddy Rogers Corner, where Studds $500 Bodyslam Challenge was announced for anyone who can slam Studd; included an amateur wrestling match with 7-year old Leroy Baylor and 10-year old Dale Turcott, which WWF World Champion Bob Backlund provided commentary for; Vince McMahon then interviewed Backlund, the referee, and the wrestlers, with Backlund presenting them both with Backlund Amateur Wrestling School jackets and a plaque: Cowboy Lang & Tiny Thumb defeated Little Tokyo & Butch Cassidy in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-1; fall #1: Tokyo pinned Thumb at the 6-minute mark; fall #2: Thumb pinned Cassidy at 7:15; fall #3: Lang pinned Tokyo Ivan Koloff defeated WWWF Champion Bob Backlund via count-out, WWWF @ New Haven, CT Coliseum January 14, 1979 Blackjack Mulligan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Joe Perkins with the claw at 5:20; a big red X appeared on the screen when Mulligan applied the hold Steve Travis defeated Victor Rivera via referees decison at 5:34 when the match was stopped due to the curfew WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. Ted Dibiase Steve Travis defeated Joe Mascara (sub. Steve Travis pinned John Schmidt at 4:34 with a back drop and splash Dark match after the taping: Ivan Putski fought Ivan Koloff to a double disqualification, WWWF @ Hamburg, PA Fieldhouse February 14, 1979 Daz Ayuso awards the Grand Cross to victims of terrorism in Madrid: "At the moment, with the deformation of history, they are a wall against pettiness". Jim Duggan defeated Tony Altimore Ivan Putski pinned Mac Rivera at 1:24 with the Polish Hammer Ken Patera defeated Ron Lee via submission with the swinging full nelson at 5:34 Hussein Arab defeated Ted Dibiase via count-out Bulldog Brower pinned SD Jones Ivan Putski vs. Greg Valentine, WWF @ Scranton, PA CYC October 1, 1979 (881) Larry Zbyszko defeated Jimmy Valiant via disqualification Hussein Arab defeated Fred Marzino Bob Orton Jr. pinned Barry Hart at the 6-minute mark with the superplex Bobby Duncum defeated Fred Marzino at 3:45 Johnny DeFazio pinned Billy Berger at 11:25 Jose Estrada pinned Johnny Rivera at 14:07 Buddy Rose (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Barry Hart with a backbreaker at 3:25; Rose was also escorted by his two Playgirls who were Sherri Martel & Penny Mitchell; ring announcer Joe McHugh mistakenly introduced Barry Hart as Jeff Craney Tony Atlas pinned BB Coleman at 3:28 with a gorilla press slam and elbow drop

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