genesis 21:22 34 commentary

But He doesnt just provide for our needs so that we can live comfy lives for our own happiness. 1. Its Gods job to meet out justice. CHIEF CAPTAIN OF HIS HOST SPAKE UNTO ABRAHAM, SAYING, GOD IS WITH THEE None ever waited in vain. So that place was called Beersheba,because the two men swore an oath there. Philistines generally (Genesis 2 ISHMAEL AND ISAAC Luke 6:21. (1) that a person cannot always be held responsible for what his servants do, (2) that it is wrong to judge on insufficient evidence with reference to the characters and conduct of others, and. I like that, "as He had said, and as He had spoken." I've got that underlined that just sort of hit me. The Atlantic, June 2009), Jesus told us that all the law and all the prophets are summed up in these two statements:Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. AndLove your neighbor as yourself.. So instead of fighting Abimelek or insisting on Abimelek giving back control of the well, Abraham provides a graceful way out. 23 Now swear to me here before God that you will not deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. Its no wonder that Abimelek is asking Abraham to swear that he wont deal falsely with him. I. _The birth of Isaac. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers He spoke and the universe was created. This visit of the king and his vizier appears to have taken place some considerable time after the beginning of the sojourn of Abraham at Gerar; for the friendly feelings which then existed had evidently given way to a coolness, occasioned by the quarrels between their herdsmen. And Abraham said, I will swear. Isaac is born, and circumcised. that it could not be explained on merely natural grounds. His plane from Pennsylvania had been late, and a friend who had accompanied him to the Chicago airport said that he last saw him dashing through the terminal to make his flight home. Thus, Beersheba can mean, well of oath, or well of seven. So, outside of the name, Beersheba, the word shava occurs three times and the word sheva occurs three times in this passage. In an initial way, God is using Abraham to fulfill His purpose of blessing all the nations as he is blessed. Yesterday (at the time of this writing) I participated in a class that teaches you how to communicate with people on the street in a way that encourages cooperation and avoids the need for physical force. Here we have accomplished promise the blessed 7. But other than that, Abrahams life was fairly routine. B.C. He did what he And they didnt have backhoes or drilling rigs in those days. _GOD IS WITH - The Birth of Isaac with thee in all that At last in God's 'Set time," and in spite of all natural difficulties, NOR WITH MY SON, NOR WITH MY SONS SON.] _GOD IS WITH - The Birth of Isaac The oath a testimony to God where reverently made. Plus, if you add the three times shava is used and the three times sheva is used with the use of Beersheba that makes a total of seven times the words are used. Observing what he had done, and not knowing the design of it: what mean these seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves ? Ishmaels expulsion. No doubt, the king remembered their previous encounter when Abraham dealt falsely with him. Each time, the young man, who was retarded and knew only this one verse, responded simply by quoting John 3:16. 3 Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore him, Isaac. In gratitude for former favours he had received from him, in token of the friendship that subsisted between them, and for the confirmation of it; and to show that he was fully satisfied with Abimelech's answer to his complaint, as well as willing to enter into covenant by sacrifice, when such creatures were divided, and the covenanters passed between the pieces, for so it follows: and both of them made a covenant ; or, read more, And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves. A godly man is entitled to be careful of his property, to preserve it from damage, protect it from theft, and recover it when stolen or lost. "The Lord visited Sarah as he had said." The Lord keeps His word. (3) that in making charges or preferring complaints it is well to avoid both heat of temper and severity of language. COVENANT BETWEEN God is He is not far from every one of us. He wasnt building a sprawling complex of buildings to house his international ministry. List one sac- This passage raises three questions relevant for believers today: Application: Seven lambs sealed the covenant between Abraham and Abimelech, but it was one spotless lamb named Jesus who forever sealed Gods covenant with His people. Maybe youre sinking into sudden depression, because youre thinking, Im not perfect! Stay tuned: (2) For the world to see God in our lives we dont have to be perfect. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976 in Bible exposition) and Califo More. When we lived in California and would take our young children to the beach, there wasnt a second while they were playing in the waves that they were not under our watchful gaze. But it is significant that Gods blessing on Abraham is evident even to this pagan king, Abimelech, who tells Abraham, God is with you in all that you do (21:22). Genesis 20:17 Genesis 26:28 College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Notes on the Pentateuch by Charles Henry Mackintosh, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. 20 God was with the boy as he grew up. (Haydock)_ And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to The point is, as God faithfully provides protection and for our daily needs, and as we walk with Him and give Him the credit for His care for us, as Abraham did, He uses us in the ordinary matters of life to bear witness to a world that desperately needs to turn to Him. genesis-26:26-34 - Bible Commentaries - page 8 of 14 Abraham denies his relationship mercy in Christ the Lord. We dont always think about it, but if the world knows that were Christians, they watch us to see if were different than everyone else. at the time God Himself had 22-34 Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled The Atlantic, June 2009. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS ALSO CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH By the way the new cops boss, the Police Chief, called him into his office the next day for what the new cop thought was going to be an atta-boy. That led to an obsessive seven year deep dive. Weaned] in his second or third year, as is usual among Orientals. GODS ANCIENT PEOPLE Shortly after World War II, a woman went into a grocery store and asked for enough food to provide Christmas dinner for her children. Which things are an allegory.- Galatians 4:22. Do we work hard or slack off? On Genesis, Part 6: The Blooming of Trees. . Abraham, the one who took his army of 318 men and rescued Lot from the armies of four kings, Abraham goes after the servants of Abimelek and takes them out, right? Genesis Commentary - Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise) 4. at the time God Himself had We plainly see that God blesseth and prospereth thee in all thy If he would walk with God, so that it was evident to others, Abraham had nothing to fear. PDF Scripture Story: Genesis 21:1-5; Genesis 22:1-12. Commentary and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). 33:18-19). 1886. Genesis 21:22 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - Abraham set apart seven ewe lambs from the flock,and Abimelek asked Abraham, What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs you have set apart by themselves?, He replied, Accept these seven lambs from my hand as a witness that I dug this well.. And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What mean these seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves? Whenever he looks at the slip of paper that contains her prayer, he is amazed, for it reads, Please, dear Lord, give us this day our daily bread. (Our Daily Bread.). (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. Scripture Story: Genesis 21:1-5; Genesis 22:1-12. IN ALL THAT THOU DOEST:_ CRITICAL NOTES. And yet he was used in Gods great purpose of blessing the nations through Abrahams seed, the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes we may wonder, How does God fit in with the ordinary?. Ver. Peace. 22 And it came to pass at that time that Abimelech and Phichol, the commander of his army, spoke to Abraham, saying, "God is with you in all that you do. If youre not dealing with your sin and seeking to live a life pleasing to God, then youd be better off not to let anybody know that you claim to be a Christian. But we also need to see that His ordinary provision of our daily food is an example of His faithfulness. And both of them made a covenant. Peace established, Abimelech and Phichol, having accomplished their mission, returned to Philistia. Genesis 21:22 Beersheba. The deal is sealed. (1) God fulfills His promise to Abraham and Sarah. The Treaty at Beersheba, Genesis 21:22-34 | kdmanestreet In the Grant Study, 268 Harvard graduates (including John F. Kennedy by the way. captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God is with thee in There he planted a grove for a shade to his tent, or perhaps an orchard of fruit-trees; and there, though we cannot say he settled, for God would have him, while he lived, to be a stranger and a pilgrim, yet he sojourned many days, as many as would consist with his character, as Abraham the Hebrew, or passenger. _God is with thee in all tha 1 Isaac is borne. So we never bear witness for Jesus Christ, which is precisely what Satan wants. Genesis 21 - Smith's Bible Commentary - 2. Genesis 21 1. And, God provides for his need for water through this well. Peace commemorated. fear He got down on his knees and wept in gratitude. As he was leaving, a young man walked up and quoted John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. The businessman didnt see how such a thing could be true and he didnt understand the connection between Gods giving His Son and a person having eternal life. And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines for a long time. A son was ABIMELECHS COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM. Youll recall that he had been deceptive, pawning off Sarah as his sister. Abraham, having got into a good neighbourhood, knew when he was well off, and continued a great while there. "Blessed are the peace-makers," and "beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that publisheth peace.". IN ALL THAT THOU DOEST:_ ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS ALSO CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH The honest and fearless revelations of Bennetts own moral failures affirm he wrote this book for himself as much as for others. Then this brand new cop said,Sir, step out of the car. Abimelech declared himself perfectly unacquainted with the wrong which had been done to Abraham, and immediately returned the well, which discovers how easily misunderstandings might be removed if, instead of harboring enmity, men would resort to friendly conference. The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. We have here an account of the treaty between Abimelech and Abraham, in which appears the accomplishment of that promise (Gen. 12:2) that God would make his name great. Why? (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. In spite of Abrahams past deception, Abimelech recognized God in his life. mercy in Christ the Lord. Sarah, at the unlikely age of 90 years, gives birth to Isaac, Abimelech, that is _Father-King,_ was Youve never said anything to me about this before and I dont know who might have done it. Abimelech, on the other hand, acts generously as of old, and shows no signs of ill-will at the growing power of one whose expectation was that his race would possess the whole land. What for you is the most threatening aspect about telling someone about Christ. A.M. 2118. I like that, "as He had said, and as He had spoken." Here we have accomplished promise the blessed Probably from JE. In this narrative, Abraham appears as a chieftain powerful enough for a king to wish to make an alliance with him; and thus his abandonment of Sarah, and his receiving of presents in compensation for the wrong done her, seems the more unworthy of him. Abraham called on the name of the everlasting God. Now if Abraham dug the well it was his. Genesis 21 Commentary - King James Version Online Related Commentaries of Genesis 21:22. Abraham gets his well back. . continued in the country of the Philistines for a considerable time; But in his case, it was his final home, in heaven. This is even more significant when you realize that Abraham wasnt doing anything spectacular. Even so, as believers, we know that every second of our lives is under the watchful care of the heavenly Father. GENESIS 21:23. Although some of Abrahams resources came directly from Abimelech (20:16), the king sees the blessing of the Lord on all that you do.. Ishmaels expulsion. And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken. I.e. Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not de Genesis 21 Bondwoman and her son cast out. I wont ask you again!. He suggested that Abraham and he make a treaty that would guarantee good relations between them (22-24). Genesis 21:34 Commentaries: And Abraham sojourned in the land of the Abraham called on the name of the Lord. But if you have the reality of a walk with the faithful God of the ordinary, your neighbor will know that youve got something he lacks. 3. And Abimelech said, I wet not who hath done this thing. The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. II. Love Like Jesus: How Jesus Loved People (and how you can love like Jesus). 22 And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phicol the and poetical word. "Abraham stretched forth his hand, ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH COVENANT THE PROMISE FULFILLED IN ISAAC Why did the woman have the prayer already written before he asked for it? could sing with Mary, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spi God is with thee in all that thou doest Heres a bag. a. The most comprehensive longitudinal study in history is a research project called the Grant Study. He was, to put it gently, directed to find a way to verbally persuade subjects to cooperate. But thats not fair! You might be saying. Even as Gods kindness draws us to him, our kindness with others should point them to Him. 9. I like that, "as He had said, and as He had spoken." When Abraham and Abimelech previously met, on the occasion when Abraham lied about his wife, Abimelech endorsed Abraham living where it pleases you (20:15). Genesis 21:22-34 - Frederick Brotherton Meyer's Commentary Genesis 21:22-34 - The Pulpit Commentaries )was probably the Tamarix Africanae (Gesenius, Furst, Delitzsch, Rosenmller, Kalisch), which, besides being common in Egypt and Petraea, is mid to have been found growing near the ancient Beershebain Beersheba, and called there (not beneath the tree or in the grove, but in the place) on the name of the Lord,Jehovah (vide Genesis 12:8; Genesis 13:4)the everlasting Godliterally, the God of eternity (LXX; Vulgate, Onkelos); not in contrast to heathen deities, who are born and die (Clericus), but "as the everlasting Vindicator of the faith of treaties, and as the infallible Source of the believer's rest and peace" (Murphy). Abimelech. In the story of Hagar and Ishmael, we notice: Arab Ishmael is the father of all our outcasts. His flight from New York was first delayed and then cancelled, so that he would have missed his meetings. God's care for those beyond the covenant. Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? He made a traffic stop that went something like this: Listen, I know my rights. ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH Ver. He sarcastically said, Write your prayer on a piece of paper and you can have its weight in groceries. To his surprise, she pulled a folded note out of her pocket and handed it to him. DISMISSAL OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. 21:22 Abimelech recognized the blessing of the Lord on Abraham. Abraham. But Abimelek said, I dont know who has done this. Wells of water are scarce and valuable in eastern countries. Do you see what happened here? you do. Matthew Henry's Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 (Read Genesis 21:22-34) Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. Though he was surrounded by pagans who had no scruples about murdering and plundering a wealthy mans belongings, Abraham could live securely because of Gods faithful protection, apart from any schemes on Abrahams part. Separate from the sheep and oxen he gave to Abimelech, and from those that were used in making the covenant. Show us kindness like we have been kind to you. They cover or deny their sin and try to make it look like theyve got it all together. laughed with the laughter of incredulity, now laughed with the _Abimelech, king of Gerara, who knew that Abraham was a prophet, and a We dont know how much Abimelech knew about the one true God, but he at least knew enough to see clearly that God made a difference in Abrahams life. Isaac is weaned. His life wasnt made up of one spectacular event after another. He sets apart seven lambs from the flock and gives them to Abimelek. Of _Abimelech, _ see GENESIS 20:2. And the Lord visited Sarah, as he had said, and the Lord did unto For these promises to be fulfilled, God had to provide Abraham with a son, which He did in an extraordinary way in the birth of Isaac. Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Genesis 21:22-32 We have here an account of the treaty between Abimelech and Abraham, in which appears the accomplishment of that promise (Gen. 12:2) that God would make his name great. He checked his badge, it was on right side up. Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets (or Beginning of the End), chapter 13. Most days, he got up, made sure his animals were being cared for, dealt with problems like sick or straying animals, servants who had squabbles, and finding enough water and food for his flocks and family. @#$ %^&*^$!, Im not doin it! Jesus taught us to pray each day for our daily bread. The trouble is, people can see that it isnt true. Verse Genesis 21:22. The grocer later discovered that the scale was out of order. all that thou doest: 1. Abraham at all-commanding. As a tax payer Im your boss I pay your ! The shaft is formed of excellent masonry to a great depth until it reaches the rock, and at this juncture a spring trickles perpetually. Love Like Jesusbegins with the story of how after a life of regular church attendance and Bible study, Bennett was challenged by a pastor to study Jesus. The greatest possible injury of a material kind that could be done to a nomads chief was the all faction of his water supplies. Abimelech, the king who had inadvertently taken Sarah into his harem because Abraham had lied about her being his sister, pays a visit to Abraham, acknowledges that God is with him, and proposes a peace pact. It seems to me that the answer is, It shows the faithfulness of God in the ordinary. Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. neit EXPOSITION all that thou _AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME, THAT ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL THE However, see 26:17-33, where Isaac also has a dispute with Abimelech (likely not the same person) over wells and makes a treaty with him. Abimelech claimed no prior knowledge of the matter, and the covenant the two men ratified stipulated that the well belonged to Abraham (21:30). Since were not perfect, we do one of two wrong things. Happy they who can do both in peace! Every wise person I know, finds some means of providing a graceful way out for those with whom they have an issue. Abimelech's treaty with Abraham 21:22-34. But Abraham still struggled with this fear long after he had been living in the land. not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. Genesis 21:22-34 | Preaching Source olam) as a name for the Lord, This is the word used on the covenant with Abraham (13:15; 17: 7, 8, 13, 19). 45-46). Abimelek continued, I have treated you well all this time that youve resided here in my kingdom as a foreigner. On Genesis, Part 6: The Blooming of Trees | (2) that as Beersheba was situated on the confines of the Philistines' territory, Abraham must frequently have sojourned in their country while pasturing his flocks (Rosenmller). The LXX. Genesis 21:22-34 What is the meaning of these seven ewe - God Running Hence "the ownership of wells m Palestine was as jealously guarded as the possession of a mine in our own" (Inglis). Do others see the hand of God on your life? 1886. that Abimelech, and Phichol, the chief captain of his host, spake unto Abraham; Abimelech was king of Gerar, the same that is spoken of in the preceding chapter, and Phichol was the general of his army; these two great personages came together and paid Abraham a visit, and had some conversation with him, who was still in Gerar, or however in some part of that country not far from it: saying, God is with thee in all that thou doest; greatly prospered him in the things of the world, for of them only could they make a judgment; they saw that he increased in worldly substance, and that his family was increased, and that he succeeded in everything in which he engaged; and, being jealous of his growing greatness and power, were desirous of securing an interest in him and in his favour. AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME,possibly in immediate sequence to _The Covenant with Abimelech_ (Genesis 21:22-34) Now the grace of God bears its most important fruit in the history of 14. . He felt Genesis 21:33. Fort Worth, Texas. Why was one Christian man spared while the other was killed? 22. chesed) to Abraham. 22. Vs.1-7 The birth of Isaac. Abimelech has reason to be suspicious of Abraham, but recognizes Gods blessing on his life, so he wisely seeks a covenant of truth and peace between them. Because Abimelech had taken Sarah into his harem, God struck him and all his household with some illness and threatened to kill them if he didnt return Sarah to Abraham. Phichol.] He checked his uniform, it looked good. The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech NINTH SECTION V2 So Sarah became *pregnant. Genesis 20:2 Genesis 26:26 God. xx. Sarah who at an earlier point had God promised that His covenant with Abraham would be an everlasting covenant; Abraham recognized God as everlasting., This foreshadows future encounters between the Israelites and the Philistines. THE FOLLOWING COMMENTARY COVERS CHAPTER S 20 AND 21.

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