internal and external statements law enforcement

Helicopter, Community Outreach Spotlight: Cops and Clergy Breakfast, Leadership Spotlight: Information Output vs. It is important then, as a profession, that there are safeguards against the type of internal procedural justice that will negatively impact agency members and their service to the community. Contemporary issues relating to non-discrimination and fundamental freedoms, Module 1: United Nations Norms & Standards on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice, 1. law enforcement in general. He served as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps and has served as a police officer with the Charlottesville police department for over 24 years. Their oversight functions are more indirect to those of the judiciary, parliament and independent oversight mechanisms, since they do not have a formal mandate to authorize, scrutinize or investigate police actions. Most punctuation mistakes and syntax problems fall into the category of usage. Local, Regional & Global Solutions to Violence against Women & Girls, 1. It releases you from "all penalties and disabilities" arising out of a conviction.. As criminal defense attorney John Murray 3 explains, "In today's economy where finding a job is tougher than ever you want to do everything in your . One means by which the executive could meaningfully contribute to police accountability, would be by ensuring that strategic and policy setting documents are in line with international human rights standards and promote integrity across the police service. Being a member of a parliamentary police oversight committee is one of the multiple duties Members of Parliaments (MPs) have. Penal Code 504 PC is the California statute used to prosecute public officers accused of embezzling or fraudulently using public property, resources, or funds in a way not consistent with official duties.. Resist the temptation to flaunt your skills. Our fairness and straightforwardness of conduct will be examined and has been captured in the concept of procedural justice. Officers brains already contain the hardware necessary for police writing. There is no value in it nor any mechanism for predicting behavioral outcomes, which results in increased stress. Democratic societies subject the application of those powers to judicial authorization, since the judiciary is often best suited to review the legality, necessity and proportionality of proposed investigative methods. Internal stakeholders are people who are already committed to serving an organization as board members, staff, volunteers, and donors. Research has shown that perceptions of internal procedural justice correlate with how officers embrace the tenets of procedural justice in the community. external reporting procedure must be followed, in addition to the internal procedures and completion of the investigation form. Often, they just need to partner with someone who speaks well to ensure their diction and usage meet the required standards. Procedures for tracking the use of firearms and tracing ammunition: The use of force and firearms is one of the policing functions with the highest risk of human rights violations. Victims and their Participation in Criminal Justice Process, 6. To that end, the committee has been effectively using legislative, budgetary and monitoring powers to oversee the police. 7. In addition to law-making, parliaments have other functions that contribute to 'accountability before the act': most parliaments are involved in reviewing, amending and adopting the state budget, which includes the budget of police services. 87). Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission in Malaysia. This paper will first make an account of "the internal and external aspects of rules according to Hart", then analyze how the external aspect (1) neglects the possibility of seeing rules as reasons to conduct and thus (2) fails to account for the maintenance of a legal system, and in the last part examine Hart's accusation of theshow more content hmo6 All rights reserved. Investigations of complaints should be conducted by a police unit or officers that are reasonably independent of the police officer involved in the incident which led to the complaint (OSCE, 2009, para. One of the most fundamental roles of parliaments across the world is to draft, amend and enact laws. %PDF-1.6 % The fulfilment of the right to a remedy, as stipulated by the Collaborated and communicated with team members, internal and external stakeholders, law enforcement and regulatory agencies to ensure the pharmaceutical products quality comply with regulatory standards. For instance, a regular review of disaggregated stop and search data may reveal disproportionate stop and search practices targeting young men from a particular race or religion. Not all police powers can be subjected to prior judicial authorization, and thus countries typically subject only the police powers that are considered to be most intrusive, to ex-ante judicial control such as the surveillance of electronic and telecommunications. Judicial Independence as Fundamental Value of Rule of Law & of Constitutionalism, 1b. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, (1), 13788. Most of the other IPCBs comply with the regular procedure of submitting investigation reports to either the police or the prosecution for disciplinary sanctions or prosecution. The Federal Trade Commission, along with more than 50 federal and state law enforcement partners, today announced a nationwide law enforcement and outreach initiative to protect consumers from phantom debt collection and abusive and threatening debt collection practices. 87). X jY&Z[YMW& Ei4*7'_[$v-MoADN/3j6~=Q/tM0Wh@?GTSk Dl[lx+aZ6(Bj>K JUlM\PgnC3kHS\|+e) \(p~["w[^T7E&}{oF~G)4 fgx{>xWvhc 2. HmmigO. The executive scrutinizes the police on a regular basis through inspectorates. Brian N. ODonnell is a lieutenant with the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, Police Department. In Slovenia, while most disciplinary misconduct complaints are handled by the police, a ministerial panel directly investigates the complaints in which complainants are children or members of national or ethnic communities or minorities or other vulnerable groups (Slovenia Police Tasks and Powers Act, 2013, Section IV). Procedures for regular and unannounced inspections and spot checks by the supervisors of places carrying high risk of human rights violations such as custody facilities and interrogation rooms. D. Monitoring risks and assessing their effect on the company. [1]. Towards Humane Prisons & Alternative Sanctions, 1. Those institutions and individuals involved in the teaching of criminology, criminal justice, law enforcement and related subjects should be familiar with factors and forces, internally and externally, that interact to bring about curricular change in institutions of higher education. That is why the section referred to challenges with respect to each oversight actor. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2010, 25(7), 713-726. Policing in democracies & need for accountability, integrity, oversight, 2. Internal and external communication styles - Internal and External Communication Styles BPA/ May 27, - StuDocu Internal and external communication styles A paper on internal and external communication styles University University of Phoenix Course Public Sector Communications (BPA 200) Uploaded by Sciatta Stevquoah Academic year 2018/2019 Helpful? Knowledge about Gender in Organized Crime, Gender and Different Types of Organized Crime, Organized crime and Terrorism - International Legal Framework, International Terrorism-related Conventions, Organized Crime Convention and its Protocols, Theoretical Frameworks on Linkages between Organized Crime and Terrorism, Typologies of Criminal Behaviour Associated with Terrorism, Terrorism, Crime and Trafficking in Cultural Property, Intellectual Property Crime and Terrorism, Exploitation of Natural Resources and Terrorism, Module 1: Migrant Smuggling as a Specific Crime Type, UNTOC & the Protocol against Smuggling of Migrants, Migrant Smuggling vis-a-vis Other Crime Types, Module 2: Protection of Rights of Smuggled Migrants, Assistance and Protection in the Protocol, International Human Rights and Refugee Law, Positive and Negative Obligations of the State, Smuggled Migrants & Other Categories of Migrants, Module 3: Criminal Justice Response to Migrant Smuggling, Module 4: Prevention and Non-Criminal Justice Responses to Migrant Smuggling, Non-Criminal Law Relevant to Smuggling of Migrants, Complementary Activities & Role of Non-criminal Justice Actors, Macro-Perspective in Addressing Smuggling of Migrants, Module 5: Smuggling of Migrants in the Broader Context of Migration and its Drivers, Humanitarianism, Security and Migrant Smuggling, Module 6: Defining the Concept of Trafficking in Persons, Distinction between Trafficking in Persons and Other Crimes, Misconceptions Regarding Trafficking in Persons, Module 7: Prevention of Trafficking in Persons, Monitoring, Evaluating & Reporting on Effectiveness of Prevention, Module 8: Human Rights-Based Approach to Trafficking in Persons, Protection under the Protocol against Trafficking in Persons, State Responsibility for Trafficking in Persons, Principle of Non-Criminalization of Victims, Module 9: Criminal Justice Responses to Trafficking in Persons, Criminal Justice Duties Imposed on States, Current Low Levels of Prosecutions and Convictions, Challenges to an Effective Criminal Justice Response, Rights of Victims to Justice and Protection, Module 10: Role of Civil Society and the Private Sector in Countering Trafficking in Persons, Module 11: SOM & TIP - Differences and Commonalities, Vulnerability and Continuum between SOM & TIP, Module 12: Children as Smuggled Migrants & Victims of Trafficking, Protecting Smuggled and Trafficked Children, Children Alleged as Having Committed Smuggling or Trafficking Offences, Module 13: Gender Dimensions of Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants, Basic Terms - Gender and Gender Stereotypes, International Legal Frameworks and Definitions of TIP and SOM, Key Debates in the Scholarship on TIP and SOM, Module 14: Links between Cybercrime, Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants, Use of Technology to Facilitate TIP and SOM, Technology Facilitating Trafficking in Persons, Using Technology to Prevent and Combat TIP and SOM, Module 1: Illicit Markets for Wildlife, Forest & Fisheries Products, Locations and Activities relating to Wildlife Trafficking, Module 2: International Frameworks for Combating Wildlife Trafficking, CITES & the International Trade in Endangered Species, Module 3: Criminal Justice Responses to Wildlife Trafficking, Investigation Measures and Detection Methods, Module 4: Illegal Exploitation of Wild Flora, Wild Flora as the Target of Illegal Trafficking, Purposes for which Wild Flora is Illegally Targeted, Module 5: Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Engagement, Background: Communities and conservation: A history of disenfranchisement, Incentives for communities to get involved in illegal wildlife trafficking: the cost of conservation, Incentives to participate in illegal wildlife, logging and fishing economies, International and regional responses that fight wildlife trafficking while supporting IPLCs, Mechanisms for incentivizing community conservation and reducing wildlife trafficking, Other challenges posed by wildlife trafficking that affect local populations, Apr. Brian Willis. Models for Governing, Administering and Funding Legal Aid, 6. Furthermore,in some centralized countries, the executive holds the power to dismiss the chief of police following an investigation into an offence or wrongdoing. ICCPR (GA Resolution 2200A (XXI), article 2(3)a), is central to an effective accountability system. Every officer should be exposed to fairness, transparency, be given a voice (when time allows) and impartiality in decision-making. Therefore, external control and oversight actors should be actively involved in all stages of accountability before, during, after the act. Leadership Spotlight: You Cannot Lead from Behind Your Desk, Leadership Spotlight: Believe in Your Own Leadership, Leadership Spotlight: Build Bridges, Not Dams - Performance Evaluations, Officer Survival Spotlight: Lessons Learned from Critical Encounters, Leadership Spotlight: Emotional Triggers in Decision Making, Officer Survival Spotlight: Wide-Reaching Benefits of Law Enforcement Training, Officer Survival Spotlight: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Leadership Spotlight: Lunchtime Learning Seminars - Benefits and Steps to Get Started, Officer Survival Spotlight: Speed and Seatbelts, Leadership Spotlight: Humility - A Leadership Trait That Gets Results, Officer Survival Spotlight: Officer Perception and Assault Prevention, Leadership Spotlight: The Legacy of a Leader, Officer Survival Spotlight: By the Numbers - Turning LEOKA Data into Training Opportunities, Officer Survival Spotlight: Much More Than a Job - Creating a Lasting Tribute. Gender-Based Discrimination & Women in Conflict with the Law, 2. An expungement is a form of post-conviction relief authorized by California Penal Code 1203.4 PC. Nevertheless, United Nations Treaty Monitoring Bodies and Special Rapporteurs play an important role in fostering police accountability through norm setting, official country visits (especially inspection of detention facilities), individual complaint mechanisms and urgent actions, and supporting the capacities of local oversight actors (see, for example, with respect to children in conflict with the law, Van Keirsbilck and Grandfils, 2017). Improper procurement, registration, storage, maintenance and tracing of weapons and ammunition would lead to major accountability gaps and render any internal and external investigations ineffective. There are certain risks and ethical considerations associated with the media investigating and reporting on police action and potential abuses. However, from another perspective writing appears communal. Throughout the section, the terms 'ex-ante, ongoing, ex-post oversight' will also be used to reflect these three stages of accountability. 1 Internal Complaints Contemporary issues relating to conditions conducive both to the spread of terrorism and the rule of law, Topic 2. The widespread use of social media platforms, and the sharing of video footage of police abuse (either through recording of by-standers, witnesses or even victims; or the disclosure of CCTV footage) often draw significant public attention to an incident in a short span of time. Leadership Spotlight: Where is Your Bottom Line? International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2019, 23(5), 538-551. 5. This is important because, as per international standards, in addition to the police officer who committed an offence, his/her immediate supervisor who instructed such act, or was not able to prevent the commission of the offence should also be held to account ( Achieving these objectives requires that a clear chain of command be established, the purpose of which is twofold. ,@ There are certain types of policing functions such as However, there is no country which has The impact of psychological science on policing in the United States. Although the complaint handling processes of IPCBs vary, depending on their exact mandates and powers, handling of complaints typically proceeds as follows: In addition to the aforementioned complaints handling procedure, some IPCBs are mandated to carry out regular monitoring and/or launch own-motion, thematic reviews of controversial policing policies without a complaint. Discuss the importance of accurate and legible writing for both, internal and external statements and why clear, comprehensible writing is critical. Internal complaints procedures within the organisation, including to the supervisory board or to an independent service provider contracted to receive and act upon complaints of wrongdoings; 2. Instructors and administrators can apply some basic principles when working with officers who need to build confidence and improve writing skills. Writing Clear, Effective PoliceReports: No English Degree Required. Developing and effectively implementing integrity standards are important preventive tools for internal control and thereby contribute to 'accountability before the act'. Aims and Significance of Alternatives to Imprisonment, 2. It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for law enforcement agencies and police departments worldwide. Precisely for such situations, police services need to establish a code of ethics which sets overarching integrity standards that are built upon the values of impartiality, fairness, equality, justice, honesty as well as principles for respecting, human rights and dignity (Costa and Thorens, 2015). In addition to the examples above, several IPCBs around the world have either quasi or full investigative powers, such as the However, the rise of the social media brought a new dimension to the debate about media and police accountability. 10. Experience managing oversight for regulatory agency inspections compliance and corrective action as appropriate. Understanding the Concept of Victims of Crime, 3. An internal statement could be a statement made by an officer to inform the agency or department they are a part of an excessive force case of another officer. This example illustrates the potential of social and other forms of media to ensure that appropriate action is taken. Leadership Spotlight: Doing More with Less? Leadership Spotlight: Are You An Approachable Leader? Parliaments use a variety of mechanisms and procedures for contributing to 'accountability during the act', most important of which are the permanent parliamentary committees mandated to oversee the police. 0000002202 00000 n perception, internal and external (Philosophy of perception). The Many Forms of Violence against Children, 3. Internal balance sheets and their supporting schedules should provide all the detail that you need to make good business decisions. (b) Each party shall have these rights: to call and examine witnesses, to introduce exhibits; to cross-examine opposing witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues even though that matter was not . Addressing Violence against Children within the Justice System, 2. Once again, the hierarchical set-up and the mandate of inspectorates vary across countries. The United Nations Standards & Norms on CPCJ in Operation, Regional Crime Prevention Councils/Institutions, Module 3: Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings, 1. Often, slang words and colloquialisms, such as has went, dont have none, and me and my partner arrived, slip into reports and other documents. Copyright 2023 Enter and click OK. 7. . It is easy to understand why people often describe writing as a solitary activity. As per United Nations standards, it is good practice "to disclose the number of complaints received, the nature of the complaints and their consequences, including numbers of officers that have been disciplined and criminally prosecuted" (UNODC, 2011, p. 38). LEISI serves as an active advocate in support of law enforcement information sharing both internal and external to DHS. Internal procedural justice has an impact on how officers deliver services to the community. Strong prioritization skills . Rigorous record keeping and internal briefing and reporting procedures, which would help supervisors monitor the activities of their subordinates, analyse trends, identify problematic practices from incident reports and assess whether there are systemic factors behind those practices (OSCE, 2009, para. Leadership Spotlight: Have We Lost Civility? [6]Read that as an environment where officers are less productive, less forthcoming with ideas and less engaged in their job. Fundamental Principles Instructors and administrators can apply some basic principles when working with officers who need to build confidence and improve writing skills. Developing professional and integrity standards are not sufficient by themselves for ensuring compliance. However, if such laws are not in line with international standards, governments and their agencies may tend to over-classify information or impose other unnecessary barriers, which can compromise the role of the media. The Danish IPCB has an exceptional power of taking binding decisions on disciplinary investigations, and its decision is final. This ruling has led to the creation of the so-called "Garrity warning" used in internal investigations. Police services should also accept anonymous complaints. Oversight can help hold the police or sheriff's department accountable for officer's actions. The table can also be searched by typing all or a portion of a title or keyword in the search field below. There may be circumstances where police officers face ethical dilemmas such as the tendency for bending certain laws to achieve what they perceive as greater law enforcement objectives, or the tendency for applying deceptive interrogation tactics to extract crucial information or confession from suspects (ICRC, 2013, p. 140). TylerTR, Goff PA, MacCoun RJ. 6. Forensic Spotlight: A New Investigative Biometric Service - The National Palm Print System, Leadership Spotlight: The Carver and the Planter, Officer Survival Spotlight: Foot Pursuits - Keeping Officers Safe, Leadership Spotlight: Value of Compassion. Copyright 2023 Police1. HabermacherA, Ghaderi A, Peters T. The case for basic human needs in coaching: A neuroscientific perspective The SCOAP Coach Theory. Community Outreach Spotlight: COPTOBER Community Fair, Community Outreach Spotlight: Building Bridges. hbbd```b``A$S5d 27D lO~IFO P#z 4'30}` ) It is thus a mechanism of limited self-governance, "a police force policing itself". As defined by Merriam-Webster, honesty is defined as both adherence to the facts and fairness and straightforwardness of conduct. [2] The failure to be truthful or the perception of being untruthful casts a shadow over every word or assertion a person makes. Whether officers serve as cadets, instructors, supervisors, or seasoned officers, they already have encountered a wealth of language experiences. 1 William L. Harvey, Leadership Quotes and Police Truisms, Law Enforcement Technology, July 1, 2015, 44, accessed December 9, 2016, Rebecca Kanable, Getting it Right: Convictions Require Good Report Writing, Law Enforcement Technology, September 1, 2005, accessed December 9, 2016, Amaury Murgado, How to Master Report Writing, Police: The Law Enforcement Magazine, November 22, 2010, accessed December 9, 2016, . The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner outlines what successful leaders do to make them successful. Victim Services: Institutional and Non-Governmental Organizations, 7. International actors also play a role in promoting police accountability at the national level. 0000071061 00000 n Exceptionally, inspectorates can take over investigations relating to the senior management of the police, or complaints with allegations of severe violations, especially if there are no independent investigative mechanisms in that country. Nonetheless, professional standards are not enough. Oversight of the police in all three of these areasexternal, internal, and journalisticis growing, and its development is robust. Leadership Spotlight: A Look in the Mirror, Leadership Spotlight: Importance of Listening Skills, Leadership Spotlight: Setting the Example, Community Outreach Spotlight: Rape Aggression Defense Class, Leadership Spotlight: Rapport and Empathy, Leadership Spotlight: Spiritual Wellness in Law Enforcement, Leadership Spotlight: Development Is a Question Away, Leadership Spotlight: Lessons on Conflict, Leadership Spotlight: Choose to Take Action. They should 'lead by example' by displaying the highest integrity standards in their daily professional conduct, to promote a culture of ethical conduct across the organization (CoE, 2001, article 20). The officer was later sentenced to 20 years in prison (Zuckerman, 2016; Blinder, 2017). More Command Staff - Chiefs / Sheriffs News, More Command Staff - Chiefs / Sheriffs Videos. In addition to the permanent committees, some parliaments establish ad hoc parliamentary inquiry commissions, often in the wake of a police scandal causing significant reaction from the public. If having credibility is the foundation for effective leadership, Kouzes and Posner build the remainder of their leadership structure with five practices: Each of these practices has long been a part of successful leadership. 4. Many high school graduates who watch TV and movies have years of exposure to suitable diction and correct usage. If one embarks on a trip as the navigator of a ship departing from London and bound for New York, it is their job (as well as everyone elses on the ship) to sound the alarm if the ship is off course. California's criminal statutes identify a wide range of illegal conduct that is made punishable by sanctions like imprisonment and fines. Even more importantly, law enforcement leaders with positional authority should understand that their behaviors are causally linked either positively or negatively to the way junior members of the department interact with the community. In such cases, the prosecutors have a direct responsibility to scrutinize the lawfulness of police activities in the course of the investigation and monitor the observance of human rights by police officers (CoE, 2000, article 21). (n.d.). The Coaching Psychologist, 2014, 10(1), 7-16. Danish Independent Police Complaints Authority are two examples of IPCBs with a wide mandate, investigating all criminal and disciplinary complaints against the police. 0000000798 00000 n Receives, researches, processes and issues permits, licenses, analyzes information for legal forms and reports; reviews documents for accuracy and completeness prior to forwarding to appropriate . Popular culture often portrays abusive police supervisors as the norm. The network covers Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. These classify as diction errors. In the real world, the consequences of this type of behavior lead to the suppression of creativity, initiative and information sharing. Corrections have a higher need to complete internal statements because external statements are reports primarily made by people not employed by the agency. The inherently secret nature of undercover work, combined with the lack of ex-ante control on the application of undercover policing methods leaves very little room for effective judicial oversight, or any other external oversight for that matter. independence of investigators, be able to gather Contemporary issues relating to foreign terrorist fighters, Topic 4. in economics from Northwestern University and an M.S. Most countries have information classification laws to protect national security interests. hb```Jf.a !u @enZ l0q`vZSs,ypsv<8AAIAA@8[iN YX vlk/,gbx/}'gR %#(,V` 3{Ek4fa`Ug@ @6: Leadership Spotlight: Congratulations, Graduate! }ue ihuXn\;8dhd$JS+AnH0qB*::)Y)uhNghA xV" REiw,HuX $9=IpT\Pl|)x\ w7t0 ?YjOAd^. endstream endobj startxref The positive contribution of effective accountability mechanisms to public trust in police is acknowledged in the literature (Goldsmith, 2005). 10114.1. Data on complaints should be systematically reviewed and analysed by the police together with external expert groups. %%EOF A thorough scrutiny of the proposed police budget might reveal unnecessary procurements, or areas with high risk of corruption. Key Components of the Right of Access to Legal Aid, 4. Firstly, there is usually a limit to the police powers that are subjected to ex-ante judicial control. SSM - Population Health, 2017,3, 393-402. In doing so, it is also important to highlight that no country has achieved 'effective police accountability, integrity, oversight mechanisms' overnight; and that as policing evolves and will continue to evolve in the future due to new security and socio-political developments; so will the mechanisms and actors for police oversight need to be reviewed and assessed. In community application, this would be categorized as contempt of cop behavior, where officers use formal sanctions to punish a person absent a legitimate law enforcement purpose. Parliaments can use this function to promote the incorporation of ethical and integrity standards to the selection and appointment processes of police chiefs. Metro Transit Police Department, Washington, D.C. Campbell County, Kentucky, Police Department, Jefferson County, Colorado, Sheriff's Office, Columbia County, Oregon, Sheriff's Department, Lower Gwynedd Township, Pennsylvania, Police Department, New Providence, New Jersey, Police Department, El Paso County, Texas, Sheriffs Department, Dorchester County, Maryland, Sheriffs Office, Anoka County, Minnesota, Sheriffs Office, Wake Forest, North Carolina, Police Department, Georgetown, Massachusetts, Police Department, Sunapee, New Hampshire, Police Department, Virginia Division of Capitol Police, Richmond, Virginia, German Township (Montgomery County), Ohio, Police Department, Cle Elum-Roslyn-South Cle Elum, Washington, Police Department, Powder Springs, Georgia, Police Department, Lower Salford Township, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, Police Department, Fairfield, Connecticut, Police Department, Clearwater County, Minnesota, Sheriffs Office, Baltimore County, Maryland, Sheriffs Office, Bradford, New Hampshire, Police Department, Hickory, North Carolina, Police Department, Somerville, Massachusetts, Police Department, New College of Florida and University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee Campus Police, Central Arizona Project Protective Services Department, Summit County, Colorado, Sheriff's Department, Springfield Township (Montgomery County), Pennsylvania, Police Department, Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Police Department, Macomb County, Michigan, Sheriff's Office, Asheboro, North Carolina, Police Department, Henrico County, Virginia, Sheriff's Office, Apache Junction, Arizona, Police Department, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Police Department, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Clackamas County, Oregon, Sheriff's Office, National City, California, Police Department, Lacey Township, New Jersey, Police Department, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Sheriffs Office, Middletown, Connecticut, Police Department, Cottonwood, Alabama, Department of Public Safety, Edenton, North Carolina, Police Department, Wakefield, Massachusetts, Police Department, Piscataquis County, Maine, Sheriffs Office, Fernandina Beach, Florida, Police Department, Hermitage, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Houston, Texas, Memorial Villages Police Department, Woodbridge, Connecticut, Police Department, Bordentown Township, New Jersey, Police Department, Chowan County, North Carolina, Sheriffs Office, Las Vegas, Nevada, Metropolitan Police Department, Carroll, New Hampshire, Police Department, Boxford, Massachusetts, Police Department, Marshall County, Kentucky, Sheriffs Department, Elmira Heights, New York, Police Department, North Providence, Rhode Island, Police Department, Oakdale Borough, Pennsylvania, Police Department, LaSalle County, Illinois, Sheriff's Department, University of Connecticut Police Department, Minnetrista, Minnesota, Police Department, Manchester-by-the Sea, Massachusetts, Police Department, Durham, North Carolina, Police Department, Providence, Rhode Island, Police Department, Flagler Beach, Florida, Police Department, Upper Southampton Township, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Moraine Valley Community College Police Department, Gasconade County, Missouri, Sheriff's Department, Town of New Windsor, New York, Police Department, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, Sheriffs Office, Cornwall Borough, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Public Schools Police Department, Fayette County, Georgia, Marshal's Office, Prince William County, Virginia, Police Department, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Police Department, Ambridge, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Santa Barbara, California, Police Department, Jefferson County, Missouri, Sheriffs Department, Manalapan Township, New Jersey, Police Department, Mount Morris, New York, Police Department, Shrewsbury, New Jersey, Police Department, North Syracuse, New York, Police Department, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, Police Department, Quogue Village, New York, Police Department, Glencoe, Illinois, Department of Public Safety, Morgan Hill, California, Police Department, James City County, Virginia, Police Department, Southern Pines, North Carolina, Police Department, Stratford, Connecticut, Police Department, Ector County, Texas, Independent School District Police Department, Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, Chilmark, Massachusetts, Police Department, St. Johns County, Florida, Sheriffs Office, Patton Township, Pennsylvania, Police Department, Onondaga County, New York, Sheriffs Office.

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