deer population by state 2021

By 1930 less than 500 deer remained. It also has a small but healthy population of sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae) They are not native to the state, but they were released into the wild from a private farm. Combined with habitat protection measures, this ban allowed deer to thrive. Whereas the size of white-tailed deer can vary greatly, mule deer dont show as much of a difference across their range. Deer species in the U.S. are split into eastern and western groups, with some cross over in the middle. In the 1950s, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission brought deer from other states to repopulate parts of Florida. North Carolina's major efforts to restore our state's deer resource took place in the 1940s through the 1970s. View the latest Missouri deer harvest numbers by county. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department: white-tailed deer hunting information. In the April 2020 state wildlife report, estimates put the elk population in the Black Hills at approximately 6,000 - 8,000, and the population in Custer State Park at approximately 460. Field studies from across the United States, including Pennsylvania, show that predators - notably coyotes, bears, and bobcats - prey on white-tailed deer. Recently the state has been increasing their any-deer (does or bucks) permits in an effort to bring down the population due to complains about too many deer and high levels of Lyme disease in certain areas. It was estimated at 376,450 in 2018 but took a sharp decline in recent years. Sitka are the smaller subspecies weighing between 80 120 pounds. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife: White-tailed deer in Maine. While overall population is down from the peak years of the mid to late 1990s, density of deer still remains a problem in many suburban parts of the state. Efforts at management started as early as 1917 to save the remaining population. New Hampshire: 100,000. The deer population in the United States varies by state. If you ever see a deer in the woods and they spot you, you might catch them flagging as they run away. New Hampshire's Fish and Game Department says human feeding has damaged its deer populations. Since then, the introduction of white-tailed deer, habitat protection, and controlled hunting have allowed the deer to thrive again. However, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game recently added white-tailed deer to the states hunting regulations since the species is slowly migrating into the state. This includes during the winter and early spring, they feed on Douglas fir, western red cedar, red huckleberry, salal, deer fern, and lichens growing on trees. It has around 100,000 white-tail deer, 100,000 mule deer, 100,000 black-tail deer, and more than 5,000 Columbian white-tail deer. White-tailed deer are mainly found in the Black Hills, Bighorn Basin and Riverton regions. Icon. Mule deer are found in the western third of the state, mainly in the High Plains, Smoky Hills and Red Hills regions. The first game laws restricting hunting went into effect in 1853. Damage to crops deer can cause huge amounts of crop damage, eating not only parts of mature plants but also destroying plants at the seedling and budding stages. Emily is an editor and content marketing specialist of five years. The mule deer is a generalist and will forage on whatever is available. Controlled hunting laws have kept the population stable. During the past deer season, 191,731 deer were reported killed by deer hunters in Virginia. About 206,00 hunters used a crossbow and harvested 93,000 deer. They are allowed to be hunted and in the 2017-2018 season just over 3,000 were harvested. This has rebounded from the estimated 10,000 deer in 1900. Insurance provider State Farm estimated there were. Small herds also exist on prairies in Fall River, Meade, Butte, Bennett and Gregory counties. 2021 Virginia Deer Season Review. Because of that, out-of-state hunters' dollars have been a huge boost to the Iowa economy. They have adapted well and currently coexist peacefully with the states native ecosystems. Mule deer are primarily found in the badlands alongside the Little Missouri River. Kansas has about 50,000 mule deer, and the rest are white-tails. In general, black-tailed deer occur in the western half of the state, while white-tailed and mule deer occur in the eastern half. Deer management units with the highest fall densities were mostly in the east-central, south-central and southwestern parts of the state. By the turn of the century people began to realize they needed conservation programs or the deer would go the way of the buffalo. The total population estimate for deer living in the U.S. is approximately 35-36 million. Read more about New Yorks deer abundance on the DEC site here. Pennsylvania: 34 deer per square mile. 2021 seemed to show a higher-than-usual occurrence of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), but at the time of writing this article is is unclear if it will significantly impact the states overall deer population. Population estimates for recent years put the white-tailed deer numbers around 850,000 1 million. Deer Gestation Period: How Long Are Deer Pregnant? But what is their population by state? The states fish and game page describes mule deer as boom and bust, meaning their populations can vary quite a bit year to year based on environmental conditions such as drought. Deer where nearly extirpated from the state by the early 1900s, with only a few thousand left in remote pockets. Idaho has about 520,000 white-tails, and the rest are mule deer. Patterns and Habitats, Deer in Texas: Types, Populations, and Where they Live. Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Deer hunting information. The lowest estimate in the state came around 1931, when Virginia was down to just 25,000 deer after over 100 years of hunting and habitat loss. Tennessee hunters harvested 159,879 deer in the state this hunting season. While deer are prey for some large carnivores, there are not enough of these predators to keep deer numbers in check. There are approximately 5.6 Million White-tailed deer in Texas. I could not find an exact count that was more recent, however based on estimated deer harvest numbers the total population in Florida as of 2019 may be closer to 550,000. Deer adapt to changing environments, and that adaptability has helped them make a strong comeback. According to one source, the introduction of the white-tailed deer did not negatively impact the mule deer, elk or moose in the state as they occupy different types of habitat. This is the only deer species in the state, and it is a huge conservation success story. The main noticeable difference between the mule deer and the white-tailed deer are ear size, tails, and antlers. While populations often have good and bad years, the state feels its time to step in and try to improve the situation. White-tailed deer are mainly herbivores and will eat what they can find during each season. White-tailed deer were once common in Delaware, but hunting reduced their numbers. During the 2020 deer season it is estimated that a total of 107,212 bucks and 90,681 does were harvested for a statewide total of 197,893 deer ( Table 1 ). This includes flowers, grass, tree and shrub fruits, nuts, acorns, berries and lichen. There are six subspecies of mule deer found across California. According to the state of Massachusetts deer management page, there are an estimated 95,000 white-tailed deer in the state. A 2019 study by the South Carolina department of natural resources estimated the white-tailed deer population in the state to be about 730,000. What is the White-Tailed Deer Population by State? Despite these high harvests, the population still remains pretty stable. Title. Deer Season Summary and Population Status Report . They live in forests, prairies, coastal areas, and grasslands. Regular hunting ensures that a state will only have the number of deer its ecosystems can support. The state almost destroyed its deer population. They also said that a significant portion of that population was found in east Tennessee. There is also a small population of black-tailed deer on the island of Kauai that were introduced from Oregon in 1961. Iowas first conservation law came around in 1856, restricting what time of year deer could be hunted. Arizona has a small population of whitetails, though they tend to prefer areas with more vegetation. Current Management. Many animals, such as songbirds, rely on this understory habitat. However Texas is also home to mule deer, who live in the Trans-Pecos and Panhandle regions. . South Dakota has more than 80,000 mule deer and 420,000 white-tail deer. The state says its population is well-managed and sustainable. The following section is not related to the 2021 Deer Hunter Survey but is offered as information relevant to the state's deer population. Despite this, the deer population has remained stable for many years. The largest deer are often found along the northern portions of their range, while the tiny Key Deer of Florida barely make it to 100 pounds. Based on 2015 deer populations estimates from North American Whitetail Magazine, here are the worse deer states to live: 1) Georgia: Deer population around 1.2 million. The mule deer working group estimates the 2021 mule deer population at 330,700. It will be something the state keeps an eye on going forward. The Department notes that deer live in natural woodlands, shelterbelts, old homesteads, and grasslands in every part of Kansas. Deer live in every county of the state. The numbers above do not include deer . Most deer live in the western part of the state. Like most deer, black-tail browse on what vegetation is available in each season. 15 SOAs. Wildlife managers are tasked with the difficult mission of maintaining or recovering deer populations, dampening the magnitude of potential future declines, and stabilizing hunter . This flash can alert other deer that danger has been spotted, and is known as flagging. Currently about 110,000 deer are harvested each year in the state. LDWF biologists and technicians collect harvest and biological data and conduct other research on public . However they are not out of the woods with continued habitat loss and disease (such as the 2017 screwworm epidemic that killed a large portion of male Key deer) threatening their numbers. Thing have come a long way from the first post-conservation deer estimate of 500-700 deer in 1936. An article published in November of 2021 in the CT Insider quotes the CT DEEP stating that the three year average for total deer population in the state is 101,000. The overall size, length, and branches on antlers depends on how well-fed the deer is, how old it is, and some is just genetics. Missouris white-tailed deer population sits at about 1.4 million. Once present in only a few counties, they are now abundant in each of the states 95 counties. She now has three rescue cats and two high-needs Pomeranian mixes to take up her love and attention. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission: deer hunting information. Unregulated commercial hunting and subsistence hunting threatened to eliminate the white-tailed deer from much of its range. 4382 WMAs. The estimated population total today is 427,500 mule deer and white-tailed deer. White-tailed deer population in Pennsylvania has been 1.4-1.5 million for the last few years. Areas included in this final year of goal setting are the East Central Uplands block ( DPAs 52, 155, 156, 157, 159, 172, 183 . There are three main types of deer in New Mexico, the mule deer, the Coues deer and the Texas white-tailed deer. These deer are ruminants, which means they have a four-chambered stomach. In the early 1900s laws regulating deer hunting were passed but did little good as they went unenforced for the most part. The most recent number listed on the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks site estimates 1.75 million white-tailed deer in the state. According to this article, the DNREC estimated the deer population at the start of the 2020-21 season at 45,000 white-tailed deer. Studies of mule deer populations have shown that they have been recorded as eating nearly 800 different plant species. Once the objectives are set, wildlife biologists and the CDACs work together to set hunting quotas and seasons to move the local deer population in the direction of that objective. Learn more. The total deer estimate for the state in recent years is about 280,000 300,000. Deer are found throughout the state with three subspecies broken up by geographic location. Thats an impressive comeback from the near extinction they faced in the state at the turn of the 20th century. Columbia Black-tailed deer (Northern California and Pacific Northwest). This graph published by the NJDEP Division of Science and Research shows the 2018 population estimate at just over 125,000 white-tailed deer. However in many areas of eastern Massachusetts where hunting is restricted by town firearm laws or land closures, the deer population is not well controlled. But by that time, damage to deer herds had already been happening for almost 30 years. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are eight accepted subspecies in the U.S., including the two black-tailed species. Hunters Enjoying More Older Bucks Arizona is home to two main types of deer, the mule deer and the white-tailed deer. South Dakota is home to both the white-tailed and mule deer. Key deer are the smallest subspecies of white-tailed deer in North America, weighing only about 55-65 pounds. Columbian weigh between 88 180 pounds. I could not find a specific estimate for the smaller white-tailed deer population. Apparently people feeding deer, especially during the winter, has been an issue in the state. If you do plant deer favorites (fruit trees, sunflowers, peas, lettuce, tulips, hosta, berry bushes), do so strategically. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. High 62F. States With Minimal Deer Populations. See the 2021 report. Other deer related concerns in the state include Lyme disease and deer-vehicle collisions, which are taken to account in the states management practices. They are an attractive deer with a bright orange-brown coat covered in white spots, much like the fawn of white-tailed deer. Delaware hunters reported harvesting 15,383 deer during the 2021/22 hunting season, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control announced today. Habitat, Mortality, Harvest Per Hunter, and Deer Observations. Virginia has a healthy population of white-tail deer. How many deer live in the United States? In the current Maryland white-tailed deer management plan the most recent population estimate I saw was 207,000 tailed deer in 2018. Michigan: 31 deer per square mile. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks: deer information and hunting guide. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks: deer information and hunting guide. The reader should bear in mind that many . The others are black-tail deer and mule deer. In the late 1800s, India gifted eight Axis deer to King Kamehameha V. These eight ended up on Molokai and have since been introduced to most of the other Hawaiian islands. Like many other states with healthy deer populations, Delaware uses managed hunting to control population levels. Visit our site to view our resource on Estimating Deer Populations on Your Property: Population Dynamics. Like many states, Ohio successfully reintroduced deer, and they are now thriving. Recent field studies from southeastern United States have . Vermont is near the northernmost part of white-tailed deers range, and the deer must look for areas of shelter with mature evergreen trees to withstand the low temperatures and deep snow of winter. Rhode Island only has 18,000 deer and Delaware comes in at 45,000. The White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is the most popular game species in Misissippi.Nationally, the white-tailed deer population likely exceeds 30 million. The Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife estimated a population of 1 million white-tailed deer at the start of the 2020-21 hunting season. Black-tailed deer in their native Pacific northwest range live in dense coastal rainforest and semi-open habitats including riparian forest (along river banks) and areas of tangled shrubs and thicket. That was a 26 percent increase from the 2019-2020 season of 126,452. . Deer are a favorite big game animal. The 2021 big game outlook states that the white-tailed deer population is stable to increasing. A 2021 article in the Press Herald quoted a state biologist as saying the 2019 whitetail deer population estimate was 230,000 250,000 and that today the numbers are likely closer to 280,000 300,000. Deer hunting plays an important role in keeping ecosystems balanced. Recently, the number of hunters applying for a deer tag (residents and out-of-state applicants combined) is in the range of 60,000 to 80,000. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources: deer hunting resources. The state is also home to the rare, endemic Key deer, which is the smallest subspecies of white-tailed deer. White-tailed deer are classified as the species Odocoileus virginianus, the Virginia white-tailed deer. All of Pennsylvanias deer are white-tails. Wishau said the industry is seeing a real decline in new hunters. Florida has a healthy deer population that includes a large number of white-tails and fewer than 1,000 rare Key deer. Many towns are trying to figure out programs that will work for them to keep the deer population in check. . Unfortunately, this is also where the majority of the states human population live, and too many deer can increase car crashes and crop loss. March 29, 2021 6:10 am. Nebraskas deer population includes 300,000 white-tail deer and 130,000 mule deer. After many years of stability, the state reports deer population trended downwards between 2003 and 2015. The Columbian white-tailed deer is an endangered species so is protected rather than hunted. Population expansion is expected at about 1-2% each year in the near future, how some areas of middle and west Tennessee may be trying to lower the deer numbers to a more manageable level. Deer are plentiful, and people who enjoy watching wildlife will find many opportunities to see them roaming free in forests and parks all over the country. Population has been on a slow increase for many years. According to Colorado Parks & Wildlife, the deer and elk meat industry begun in Colorado as early as 1880. The states population declined when coyotes returned to South Carolina in large numbers, but it remains stable. After gathering 2020 data the state reported stable mule deer herds and slightly increasing whitetail herds. Oregon has two species of white-tail deer. The antlers are used during the breeding season to compete for breeding females. Deer Harvest Map. Deer populations are actually higher than they were historically in many areas, or they are at the point of exceeding the carrying capacity of their local environment. Predation is a natural form of mortality for white-tailed deer. 2021 population numbers listed by the state estimate 293,950 mule deer and 212,814 white-tailed deer. The total number of deer hunters in the state is obtained from the hunting license database. It is important they have access to both the cover provided by the forest and the grazing in open areas and along the forest edge. Unlike white-tailed deer, some mule deer are migratory. White-tailed deer are statewide but more populous in the east, while mule deer are found in the western two-thirds of the state. The states Department of Natural Resources and other groups want to attract more hunters to reduce deer populations. Please note that tracking wildlife populations is not an exact science. Wolves and mountain lions, their natural predators, no longer live in the state. Lets find out. Nebraska. Wildlife Informer is reader-supported. The mule deer population has been in decline since 1980, decreasing from 300,000 to todays estimate of 170,000 190,000 in 2020. Although Fayette County had the highest harvest rate at 2.6%. All of Alaskas deer are black-tail deer. Generally cloudy. Utah Deer Population: The state estimates 305,700 mule deer for 2021, above the recent low of 268,180 in 2003, but about the same as the 1998 population of 307,500. Deer Gestation Period: How Long Are Deer Pregnant? They mostly live along the watersheds of the states major rivers. However the accompanying article states estimates are likely conservative. Which states have named the white-tail deer their state animal? Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Predation and Deer Population. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature. Ready for more deer facts? Deer live in almost every country of the world. Indiana Department of Natural Resources: White-tailed Deer History & Biology. Wyoming Game & Fish Department: Deer Hunting. This means they fork as they grow. One of the things that makes white-tailed deer so widespread is their ability to adapt to many environments. Today, the population sits around 660,000. Three of those are abundant enough to hunt, the white-tailed deer, mule deer and black-tailed deer. We facilitate and provide opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy . Deer hunting is a huge sport in the state, and the 2020-21 season saw a whopping 435,180 deer harvested, one of the largest in the country. Michigans many deer are all white-tails. Kansas is home to two kinds of deer, white-tailed deer and mule deer. Delawares White-Tailed Deer: Hunting and Management. With laws enacted and amount of farmed land decreasing, deer began to rebound. Maryland Department of Natural Resources: hunting in Maryland. Like many other states, deer and other large game in Iowa was hunted to near extinction by the early 1800s. They are most populous in states like Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and New York, but they are slowly infiltrating other areas like Alaska as well. Washingtons deer thrive in the mountain regions. They are mostly herbivores who eat browse, which is a collective term for all types of roots, twigs, bark, grass, leaves, and other vegetation. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: deer hunting information and regulations. Making deer dependent on human feeding can make them more vulnerable to predators, diseases, and vehicle collisions. To understand how each metric is calculated and how the data are used view the annual deer management reports. The white-tail deer is the most common type of deer hunted in the United States. It also has about 320,000 black-tail deer, and the rest are mule deer. Put up a fence but it has to be tall. The Largest Deer in the World Do you know which species of deer are the largest? White-tailed deer are not native to Alaska and do not have well-established populations there. Late spring to fall, they consume grasses, blackberries, apples, fireweed, pearly everlasting, forbs, salmonberry, salal, and maple. Some conservationists think the number of deer is too high. The New Hampshire Fish & Game page lists the population estimate for the state at 100,000 white-tailed deer. It is easy to see deer in most U.S. state parks, reserves, and even suburban yards. The white-tailed deer is the states only native deer and is Illinoiss state mammal. Producers working to lower deer populations in their fields have found that these early hunts are critical in reducing the total number of female deer over the course of the year. If the deer population gets too large, it can damage forest growth and destroy native vegetation. Try these articles next! Montana has a large population of two types of deer, the mule deer and the white-tailed deer. As in other states, deer tend to live in different regions. 3) Colorado: Deer population around 25,000. The state is home to more than 400,000 white-tailed and mule deer. Also, their numbers can fluctuate quite a bit based on how severe the winters are from year to year. Their size can vary greatly dependent on their location. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources: hunting in Utah. Hunters harvested 168,427 deer during the 2021-22 season; a robust number indicative of a strong population. Historically mountain lions and wolves helped to control the deer population, but with the absence of those predators today hunters are the only real population control. Indiana: 28 deer per square mile. The tail is straight and black on top with white underneath. However, the abundance of deer in many parts of the state is causing increasing problems, particularly in suburban and urban areas. Market hunting decimated the states population by the late 1800s. So what are the problems that come with too many deer? This number can drift up and down depending on the severity of the winter and how many harsh or mild winters there may be in a row. Strict measure were taken to improve this, including closing all hunting for many years, restocking from other states, and cracking down on enforcing regulations. 2) Oklahoma: Deer population around 500,000. Found in forests as well as the suburbs, deer are often thought to have spiritual meaning and can bring nature close to home since they are often seen in backyards and neighborhoods. However in parts of their range, populations have adapted to prairie and savanna land (such as Texas, Arizona and Mexico), tropical or subtropical forests in Central America, and mountain grassland in the Andes of South America. Only about 1,000 of these deer are white-tail deer. By 1990 the population had grown to 250,000. Wayne county had a harvest percentage rate of 2.4% and Hickman county had a harvest rate percentage of 2.1%. Our mission at Wildlife Informer is to share free information and pictures of wildlife with our readers. The states Department of Natural Resources says these deer are abundant in every county and habitat of West Virginia. Washington has the most variety of deer. These categories represent coarse deer density levels as identified in the QDMA . There is also a population of white-tailed deer in Utah, however I could not find any credible estimates other than 1,000 back in 2008. 4) Iowa: Deer population around 400,000. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. As part of the states deer management plan, the state is divided up into numbered permit areas, each with their own deer population goal. Unlike the white-tailed deers antlers which branch out from a single main beam, the antlers of mule deer are bifurcated. Recent estimates indicate about 80,000 to 100,000 mule deer, and 10,000 to 15,000 Coues and other white-tailed deer. Deer are an important game animal in Georgia, and the state is among many that used conservation efforts to increase its population of these deer. The white-tailed deer gets its name from its white patches, which are behind the nose, around the eyes, inside the ears, over the chin and throat, and beneath the tail. Animal husbandry and agriculture also grew, removing forested land in favor of farming.

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