underground submarine base nevada

Whether or not nuclear subterrene tunneling machines have been used, Your tour ends at the Walker Lake Country Club, where a beautiful 9-hole golf course (open to the public) was the best-kept military secret in America for 50 years. The United States Atomic Energy Commission and the United States These mines span an area of approximately 75 square miles and presently employ some 4,100 men in the undersea workings., Among the benefits of Rock-Site, Austin noted its immunity to weather and currents, its shirt-sleeve environment and its (very) controlled access. We could always tell when something was wrong with each other. Gila Mountain Area, south of Interstate 8 and approx. underground military bases in the United States. Then again there is the possibility of similar aqua-caves leading inland from the base of the continental slopes of the EAST COAST Branton) only I cant imagine how even the Russians could CAPTURE a vessel like the Thresher without leaving the slightest evidence!, The following account, concerning an area just east of BISHOP (OWENS VALLEY), CALIFORNIA, was related by Val Valerian in his LEADING EDGE Newsletter, Dec. 1989 Jan. 1990 issue. The Air Forces development of underground silos, subways and central commands produced real-world hardware and experience with construction techniques. excavation process. The USS Holland was acquired by the Navy 11 April 1900. underground tunnels and chambers, Little Greys or "EBEs", and Once a month, our reservists go out and do a data sweep, Manofsky said. Fort Huachuca. (Remember that Area 51 is part of the test meter (15.5 ft.) tunnel and 6 percent for the 6.25 meter (20.5 However, some knowledgeable person could probably deduce his (or her) overall map from the voluminous seismographical data sent. She then advised me that she should call the Military Police to confiscate my camera. mechanical earth detachment means and in which the heat required So. Commander John W. Harvey, USN, with a total of 129 men (comprised of the crew, civilian technicians, and observers) disappeared without explanation. such as the one shown here are used to make the tunnels. Facilities include 178 Buildings and 2,427 Igloos. A WELL-KNOWN U.S. nuclear submarine lost its way in these passages and disappeared forever. + Sierra Nevada Mountainsvery deep military base. Also, because of recent international events which may have resulted in a solution to this problem. Babbitt was named for the 2nd Commander of NAD Hawthorne, H.S. military tunnels in the United States. for melting the kerf and liner material is provided by a compact ARE YOU READY TO LEARN ABOUT THE THINGS THAT MOVE ABOUT BELOW YOUR FEET? ************************** Another response was from an anonymous person who cited unpublished oil company seismographical, One thing which may be of interest in connection with Mr. Williams account was a statement which was made by a prominent California Bigfoot investigator by the name of Virginia Louise Swanson, who has done a, Somewhere I got the idea that a big portion of Death Valley is located on a shelf of FALSE bedrock. 9. As late as the 1960s, Navy technicians and their families at. Nuclear submarines have seawater distillation, so bases are not needed for fresh water needs.[11][12]. The underground. Dont know if this is relevant or not.. The Devils Hole water level reportedly rises and falls with the tide, suggesting a connection with a massive underground sea below. I know people have disappeared while exploring Devils Hole. And those who dive for Atlantean gold sometimes surface with treasure. or rather, WITHIN the lower slopes/cliffs of the Continental Shelf Branton). Hawthorne Army Depot is located in the west central part of Nevada close to the California state line. That is why the Mega Search turned up NOTHING. In 1928 directed the establishment of a Board of Officers to provide oversight of the storage conditions of explosives. liquid lithium from the reactor core to the tunnel face, where it History: In 1977, NAD was transferred to the Army, and renamed the Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant (HWAAP). John revealed its the location and he thinks the Base Commander was pissed. Three of the tunnel locations are fully instrumented with weather stations and environmental sensing equipment inside and outside. Hidden under a 400-feet-thick level of rock, the base is regarded as one of the world's largest secret military objects. the study found that the tunnels in the 15 ft. to 20 ft. diameter some of its heat. Babbitt. As far as the tubes go, John, I have no doubt they exist, courtesy of nuclear tunnel boring machines that leave glass walls in their wake. United States F-class submarine were built by the Electric Boat in 1909. There are many rumors of secret Security for the 3,000 bunkers at NAD was provided by the U.S. Marine Corps. One response was from a retired (conventional submarine duty? They have been They have laser-drilling **********************************************. She responded vehemently in the negative. the cost of mechanical TBMs, A.A. Mathews determined: Savings of 12 percent for the 4.73 large tunnels in soft rock or wet, clayey, unconsolidated or Well after Zorgon and me found that plasma nuclear reactor at Aristarchus on the moon Ill believe anything. *********************** Due to an agreement with him, I cannot reveal his identity. By 1950 nearly 2,500 people still lived in government housing at nearby Babbitt, but even as the Korean War broke out, the boom was over. Another response was from an anonymous person who cited unpublished oil company seismographical data, and stated, Although most of the caverns you depict in your drawing are smaller, larger or located somewhat differently than the actual caverns, you are essentially correct My information is more up-to-date than what you apparently relied upon. He (or she) did not supply any maps to pin down our differences, just some written descriptions. Torpedo Boat Station, also was not designated a submarine base by the US Navy, being a private company with Navy personnel stationed there.[2]. is a $13 million tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling A WELL-KNOWN U.S. nuclear submarine lost its way in these passages and disappeared forever. 118 59' 45.64" W. Continental Submarine tunnel system entrance and off shore submarine base underwater. Theres very little hype in Austins report; the bulk of it is taken up with documentation of tunneling methods and mining operations conducted under the sea floor. I pulled across the road to the entrance just short of the shack a lady in Army uniform came over and told me I couldnt take pictures. Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. More than 15,000 people live on the base. More Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas, The Secrets of the Mojave: Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality, http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/4096/base02oo2.th.jpg, http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/issues/2002/Nov/Navy_Sets_Up.htm, http://www.ourhollowearth.com/VoyagetoHollowEarth.htm, 2015: According to the Macuxi Indians of the Amazon: Theres An Entire World Inside Our Planet, 1992: Underground Bases in Southern California. The article, titled CALIFORNIA FLOATS ON OCEAN?, revealed the following: A friend of mine finally tracked the man down. Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982. Hawthorne Nevada is a U.S. ArmyDepot where ammunition is made, tested and stored. Certainly wouldnt seem deep enough for a Ohio, Virginia, Seawolf,Los Angeles. **********************. This map might help: http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/1479/flyingmranchatsauy1.png. National Lab is itself the subject of considerable rumors about The problem is (temporarily) being rectified by water injectioni.e. by means of hydrostatic pressure developed in the molten rock Underground Bases listed by State ARIZONA 1. A penalty of 30 percent was found 2. One wonders what might have happened had the Navy put its nuclear expertise to work drilling holes in the ocean floor. *************** Why would we want a submarine base in Nevada ? San Pedro and San Diego also were not designated submarine bases. At the same time, mechanical tunnel It was redesignated Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant in 1977 when it transferred to Army control as part of the Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition. It was built by base employees, four holes at first, and then two at a time until the ninth hole was completed 30 years ago. I should have felt something the instant there was trouble, if he was really in serious trouble and knew ita matter of life and deathbut I didnt.. A 1973 Los Alamos study entitled Systems and Cost Analysis for a But. (it is postulated by some that an ancient land-mass which some believe may have been connected to what is now California, broke off and sunk into the ocean during an ancient cataclysm Branton). Beginning in September 1930 and during World War II, 600 Marines were assigned to the facility. In (a) a Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. '95. In 1915, the F-class submarines F-class submarines were stationed Naval Station Pearl Harbor, also not designated a submarine base. Submarine Tender carried fuel for the submarines, food for the crew, and living quarters for the crew to rest while the sub was being serviced. If we run across a Park Ranger maybe he/she will answer a few questions or Not supplied by a compact nuclear reactor. hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United Below is a chart on which I have drawn two lines representing these channels between Monterey Bay and Hawthorne. ARE YOU READY TO LEARN ABOUT THE THINGS THAT MOVE ABOUT BELOW YOUR FEET? The Ranch and Hawthorne can be connected by a direct line heading NNE from Hawthorne to the Ranch. In 1913 the F-class submarines were stationed at San Pedro, California and Naval Base San Diego. This is precisely one of the regions of the West where there is rumored to be a secret I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider. Im here in Laughlin area and frequently drive back home to the high desert from the high desert, lol. As I rolled down the window and lifted my camera I heard a bunch of shouting and guards waving their arms from the guard shack. The pictures appear to show a Type 093 nuclear-powered attack submarine enter a tunnel to an underground entrance located on Yulin Naval Base. Thanks john. A certain type of earthquake would collapse all of it down to an enormous series of caverns that would open up into another, Melting Antarctica Ice Reveals UFO Underwater Base, According to our knowledge, the only nuclear submarines ever to disappear under mysterious circumstances were the U.S.S THRESHER and the U.S.S. One incident which tends to confirm the fact that California is in fact floating on the ocean was a story which made the headlines in recent years. making a glass-lined tunnel of 40 ft. in diameter or more. 1981: A UFO Base Beneath The Sierra Bermeja Range In S.W. Support Project Camelot - make a donation: Thank And it evokes a mystery one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. on Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? NOTE : Unlikely. By applying well-understood principles employed for decades by the mining industry, Austin proposed that large bases could be constructed and operated anywhere suitable bedrock occurred in the ocean, at any depth. The cruise missile submarine that was launched back in 1965, remained in operation for 23 years before the Soviets withdrew there Juliett-class subs. Nuclear Subterrene Tunneling Machine: A Preliminary Study, She told me I couldnt take pictures anywhere around there. There Mitchells caverns but those are small but whose to say that a little bit of dynamite couldnt open it up to something even bigger. The three tunnel Construction began on Hawthorne NAD in July 1928, and NAD received its first shipment of high explosives on October 19, 1930. Ft. conveyor, slurry pipeline, etc. When the BIG ONE finally hits, many scientists in the know believe that most of California will break off like a cold Hershey bar and slide into the ocean! tell you, the U.S. Patent Office only issues the paperwork when it's _____________________________ Further, all but one of My sources tell me that the area you speak of is serviced by the high speed ( supersonic) mag trains that crisscross the country. Time to Google map some of these places and see if theres any strange things going on. foot) tunnel were found to be possible using the NSTM as Or so it would seem. This base was formerly used for basing Soviet submarines, but later went under the control of NATO in 2009. I know he lovedloves me. It also houses a guarded "Naval Undersea Warfare Center." This amazing lake has not one structure to support the locals enjoying a swim or some fishing, but does have some kind of base along its western edge. During that time I have driven from Las Vegas to Reno many times and was always intrigued at the guard gate and sign just before entering the town of Hawthorne. solidified, a continuous wall supporting liner, and detaching Ryan and Kerry Cassidy The Holland Torpedo Boat Company of New York City contracted Union Iron Works to build the two Plunger-class submarines. The A.A. Mathews Construction military installations and all information is highly restricted. Energy Research and Development Administration took out Patents in Most tunneling activity is under A.A. Mathews calculated costs for constructing three different sized ordinary English, this machine will melt a circular boundary into capital rather than labor intensive system. If they are, however, it may be that the glass-walled tunnels are Ive heard of saline lakes in California, Mono lake comes to mind : http://www.monolake.org/, Topic started on 17-3-2007 @ 11:23 AM by allMIGHTY, http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread273017/pg1, GO TO : http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/4096/base02oo2.th.jpg. The Navy Sub Base in Nevadamight have thought. Fulton class was followed by the Griffin Class in 1941, Aegir-class in 1943, Hunley-class submarine tender] in 1962, Simon Lake-class in 1964, L. Y. Spear-class in 1970, Emory S. Land-class in 1974, Emory S. Land Class in 1979. A submarine base is a military base that shelters submarines and their personnel.. Many of the United States submarine bases were closed after the war.[1]. base. The The facilitys area 147,000 Acres (Leased/Owned) and .6M Sq. During its existence, Babbitt was assigned the ZIP code of 89416. percentage use of NSTMs to satisfy U.S. transportation tunnel In fact, his scientific background and reputation are impeccable. Just as intriguing is the fact that ************************************Another Post from John Lear : I remember going to the Grand Canyon caverns last year and they said it ran some 20 mile to Grand Canyon the Colorado. Write by: . Research and Development Administration just 21 days later, on 27 Then..the ONI removed the evidence of the crashed aircraft. There is something mythic and compelling about seashore scarps and naval basessomething drawing on archetypal imagery of treasure concealed in cave waters open to the sea. And Austin was not thinking small. This 1975 patent further specifies that machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. showing the many undergro. We have bunkers; we have multilevel tunnel complexes; we have vertical shafts just like youll find over there. The wildest claims relative to the area have stated that alien lifeforms are being released there Deep Springs Lake has been probed and it appears bottomless. At the tunnel by the tunnel machine, where it will form a hard, glassy It used to read Naval Undersea Warfare Training Center. In 1995 Day & Zimmermann/Basil Corporation, Radnor, Pennsylvania, was awarded a $5,487,390 modification to a cost plus award fee contract for the operation and maintenance of a government owned/contractor operated facility. INDIA'S UNDERGROUND SUBMARINE BASE & 20 NEW SUBMARINES: TOP 5 FACTSPROJECT VARSHAIntroduction:A new naval base being developed under Project Varsha for the I. Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates, in most cases, the He also told me about the TUBES, the Navy underground transportation system. It is approximately two hours southeast of Reno on US Highway 95. Tehachapi Canyon was finished in Sept. '95. The cost Is there a vast underground sea under California and Nevada with tributary rivers running in various directions? melted kerf and pass it to the rear of the machine for disposal by However, the depot was subsequently dropped from the BRAC list, and thus will continue to operate. agencies of the United States government. It is noteworthy in the first place that the government States. During its existence, Babbitt was assigned the ZIP code of 89416. A number of patents were filed by scientists at Los Alamos, a few federal technical documents were written - and then the whole thing just sort of faded away. The expanded eastern portion of the property is known as the S-4 site, others allege its the southwest corner of Area 51. In May 2005, the facility was included on the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure list, with closure being recommended. The melted rock will be forced to the outside of 2. The passageways are labyrinthine with widths from a few to thousands of feet (caverns), averaging roughly about a 100 feet. But as history has proven time and again, even the weirdest fantasies have their real-life counterparts. Lake Tahoe is 6200 ft. above mean sea level. The depot covers 147,000 acres (595 km), and has 600,000 square feet (55,700 m) of floor space in 2,427 storage bunkers. Comparing the cost of using NSTMs to I cant tell for sure whether or not these caverns and passageways exist or to their extents. When oil companies began pumping oil out of the ground beneath Long Beach it was soon learned that the entire city BEGAN SINKING INTO THE OCEAN! Because they know that catastrophe is coming. As late as the 1960s, Navy technicians and their families at Point Sur monitored undersea listening posts used to track Soviet subs. for the simple reason that there would not be the tell-tale muck reply posted on 2-9-2007 @ 10:59 PM by MountainStar I dont know. The blast was contained as intended, blowing up instead of out, and the deeply feared chain-reaction causing immense damage and loss of life did not occur. the inventors are from Los Alamos, New Mexico. In 1998-1999, the facility was used to destroy the U.S. stockpile of. creating a huge underground installation. Tram and gondola. [7] There are two different modes of transportation. Your generosity The actual words of this woman, who was interviewed by Will Carson and Jeannie Joy two writers devoted to pursuing strange events shortly after the Thresher incident, were as follows: My husband was on the submarine Thresher when it disappeared. is a transportation system connecting underground installations together. produce and extend cracks in solid rock radially around the bore Some of them were built even earlier than that. melted rock both as a lining for the hole and as a dispersal in The story does sound a bit fantastic but I have no reason to doubt the man. Per John Lear: the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Hawthorne Nevada access the West Coast using underground elevators and train. piles or tailings dumps that are associated with the conventional It is uncertain whether the retired Navy Officer who John J. Williams spoke of was referring to the THRESHER or the SCORPION, although the disappearance of the Thresher probably caused more publicity at the time. The Navy Sub Base in Nevadamight have thought History: In 1977, NAD was transferred to the Army, and renamed the Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant (HWAAP). In the 1970s the Los Alamos National Lab investigated an atomic rock-drilling concept called the Nuclear Subterrene, which like Rock-Site sounds like something out of Johnny Quest, but also really happened. I If so, then sry, 1982/83. Would you believe Patents filed by Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Department of Energy for three Atomic TBMs? on Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? SoWe do NOT know how true the above is. Williams continues: When he retired several years ago, in spite of about 10 years of intensive Naval study, the Navy had not gotten even a handle on their exacts and dimensions. While NASA gathered ever more momentum with monthly Gemini flights and a new Mission Control, the success of Sealab II and the CONSHELF III underwater habitat led to a presidential commission on oceanography and a bigger undersea commitment. . They The depot began its existence as the Hawthorne Naval Ammunition Depot (NAD). It covers the entire continental United States and extends through Central America and Brazil into Argentina. She then advised me that she should call the. In 1975 the National Science Foundation commissioned another cost comprehensive report with two, separate, lengthy appendices, one 235 For three and half years the two submarines operated out of Mare Island Naval Shipyard in San Francisco Bay for training and testing. It cant be very deep. ******************* As late as the 1960s, Navy technicians and their families at Point . In the process of melting the rock the lithium loses February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . As I drove through Hawthorne I came upon the entrance to the Naval Undersea Warfare Center which is on the north side of the road I pulled over to the right and took out my camera to get a picture of the sign. Yes. In the decades since Austins study, industry has created the tools need to realize his vision. conventional TBMs. The abstract describes: A tunneling machine for producing The depot is run by an independent contractor under an agreement with the government. Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if anySEA SALTcould be detected in the water.. Austin foresaw that Rock-Site bases could be ideal for industrial uses such as fossil-fuel production and deep-sea mining. Nevada. Part of the Nevada National Security site, Area 6 is used by government agencies to test unmanned aircraft with sensors. We would probably have to have to separate channels, one for each direction of travel. with deep underground military bases. Hawthorne Army Depot is located in the west central part of Nevada close to the California state line. In 1928 directed the establishment of a Board of Officers to provide oversight of the storage conditions of explosives. The United States Navy built permanent and temporary submarine bases around the world to maintain its fleet of submarines and serve the needs of the crews. We will merely state that it involves a scenario similar to that which was portrayed in a James Bond movie, and which concerned underground caverns, silicon valley, nuclear weapons, and the San Andreas fault Branton). Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if anySEA SALTcould be detected in the water.. operating a nuclear subterrenes. I sure there are many cavities dotting the desert floor, possibly leading to one another in a vast. The nuclear subterrene (rhymes with 'submarine') was designed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in New Mexico. One of the monuments is an underground, formerly classified submarine base that was operational until 1993. 6 May 1975. On April 10, 1963 (according to official reports) the Thresher, under the command of Lt. Williams explains that not all of the areas in question are actually resting or floating on the ocean, however there are allegedly many subterranean cavities below the western U.S., and they are not limited to California, and many of them consist of very large water-filled aqua-systems. Well, they were using tunneling machines back in the mid-90s that could tunnel through a rock face at seven miles per day, that could cut through a rock face with high-energy impact lasers that could blow the nano-sized particles of rock so that there was no debris left, forming an obsidian-like core, and laying an inner core for unidirectional maglev trains that travel at Mach 2 to 2.8 underground between these very very powerful and organized cities. John Lear says it might have to do withan Above Top Secret UNDERGROUND Submarine Base. presently answer. Maybe the Pacific Ocean extends under that shelf to Hawthorne Nevada (and even further?). Floor Space. In the absence of information fantasy takes winger, finbut nearly 50 years later C.F. the same time achieves the advantage of a casing type of bore Using the abandoned mines at China Lake, U.S. units can learn how to operate in such environments, Manofsky said. An underwater craft from another nation engaged one of our subs in combat under California or Nevada. Navy Sets Up New Facility For Tunnel-Warfare Training : http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/issues/2002/Nov/Navy_Sets_Up.htm. 6. Much like dry caverns do, heights and depths vary a great deal and in some cases, two or more caverns or passageways pass over or under each other at different depths. Seattle busses warn of largest nuclear weapons base. A huge underground facility where the exchange of technology takes place. satisfied that the thing in question actually works! The base was said to be virtually indestructible and designed to survive a direct atomic impact. Puerto Rico? 150 feet? on Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? Would you believe Department of Defense documents that, The documents are all here if your afraid the site will bite too bad its where I store all the. was involved in building an addition to the deep Located approx 125 miles north-northwest of Las Vegas and consists of the Groom Lake and the Papoose Lake Complexes. Finally, the southern California location that was chosen for One response was from a retired (conventional submarine duty? Now lets also assume that there is traffic both to and from Monterey Bay and Hawthorne Nevada. too. The U.S. Marine Corps actually already uses another underground bunker complex in Norway, near the city of Trondheim, to store vehicles and other equipment to support rapid deployments. The tunnels are so spread out that the job takes a full day. core by thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and Maybe there is some kind of access from the surface of the desert within the area occupied by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest An estimated NSTM prototype conditions such as soft, wet, bouldery ground or very hard rock, the NSTMs are far more effective. Improbable? It is then circulated back along the exterior of ", (U.S. Patent No. As late as the 1960s, Navy technicians and their families at Point . Puerto Rico? tunneling activities. Bases The Underground War FULL UPDATE. Ft. As I drove through Hawthorne I came upon the entrance to the Naval Undersea Warfare Center which is on the north side of the road I pulled over to the right and took out my, I asked her if I could sign up for a tour. or are being used, for subterranean tunneling is a question I cannot Other early Submarine Tenders, Auxiliary Submarine ship, known as "AS", were USS Alert (AS-4), USS Camden (AS-6) US Rainbow (AS-7) and USS Canopus (AS-9). Day & Zimmermann Hawthorne Corporation (DZHC) is the current operating contractor. This greatly simplifies tunneling. Branton) submarine commander, who according to him, spent many years in the waters off California. Consider a physically secure data center, with free cooling, in an industrial park beneath the sea .

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