when does vera find out about jake on wentworth

Requiem. The three unlikely allies devise a plan in which Bridget attempts to entrap Ferguson into exposing her psychopathy. S8 E7 In episode one Jake is present at the governor's meeting when the guards learn that Lou Kelly and Reb Keane are making their way to the prison on a prison bus. Jake almost slots May as a result of her being drunk in her unit. Ferguson returns from the burns unit and is placed in a medical hold under the supervision of Jake. Mind Games. S3 E7 Stewart would begin a relationship with Vera Bennett under the orders of Joan Ferguson. Jake and Vera after the bombing of Wentworth. Vera Bennett's story thoughout Season 7 hinged on her pregnancy and relationship with Jake Stewart. In episode six, Jake is first seen in a meeting where the officers learn of the changes to the roster and he asks when Jenkins is coming out of the slot, after that he attempts to speak with Ann, but she says to stick it in an email. Seeing Red. Vera's life away from Wentworth was anything but quiet, she looked after her mother Rita Bennett in which she wouldn't allow Vera to do anything, this lead Vera to making up a boyfriend named "Adam". Vera says to Jake that Grace slept through the night at the sleep clinic but she needs routine. Legacy. Marie makes a desperate, last-ditch attempt to avenge her son. In prison no one can hear you scream: Allie Novak (Kate Jenkinson) in the final episode of Wentworth.Ben King. When Ferguson takes her revenge on the prisoners by bulldozing the garden project, Doreen turns her anger on Franky. When the riot happens and Meg Jackson dies, Vera becomes the acting Governor until she is replaced by Erica Davidson takes the role after Vera orders a ramp on Will's instinct. Later after the prison explodes, Vera finds Judy, but she is dead. But when Jess makes a sudden, drastic move, all plans are thrown out the window and the stage is set for a dramatic showdown. Does she keep her baby in prison with her? The stakes ramp up for Will when the media learn he is the prime suspect in the police investigation of Harry Smith's murder. In episode four Vera is present when Ann announces the Protection Unit is to be shut down, and after the meeting she argues the point to Ann saying it not only puts those prisoners at risk but the staff as well. Does Vera have Jake's baby? Belly Of The Beast. In episode nine Vera talks with Greg about him going to Joan's committal hearing and she connects the dots between the guy who bashed her and the money he took, Vera and Joan then have words in the kitchen storeroom. S1 E10 Later when Jake is in the admin bay he asks Vera if she knows why a brawler is just sitting in the sallyport, she doesn't know why. Vera learns off Linda that Ferguson got taken to the psych unit for another 'breakdown' but finds out she is remembering again. Vera watches on as Ferguson is in the psych unit. Vera stops Ann from hitting Judy anymore and orders Linda to take Judy to medical as a result. S7 E6 Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissed and expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced to backtrack and enlist Bridget's help instead, when Ferguson makes a bid to be released into the general prison population. Vera in episode two announces she is handing over the governorship to Will as she is going on reduced duties and is clearly amused when Linda asks who will be acting deputy, Vera is also asked by Greg Miller before she goes on her leave to help him get better binding because of her good relationship to the prisoners and has good knowledge of them and what makes them tick, telling Greg to appeal to Boomer's better nature and for Liz's ongoing struggles with dementia. No Place Like Home. in . A desperate Judy seeks her father's help, but his callous rejection pushes Judy to commit a vicious act. He tries to help her up but is pushed away. Vera learns from Ann that her daughter died in a blast caused by terrorists and Judy reminds her of everything she lost. S8 E5 Jake is later seen in the security room wanting to take Grace for the night so Vera could get some sleep. Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'. (Picture: Foxtel) It's a nightmare that Vera Bennett, Will Jackson and Jake Stewart never imagined they would have to relive but thanks to the input . Will Jackson is a Correctional Officer of Wentworth Correctional Facility and was a main character of the Foxtel series Wentworth. Ironically, Jake's ex Sean Brody shows up to help Marie (further adding to the chaos of Vera's image of Jake). Kaz stages a protest with the women in the yard in an attempt to force Vera's hand on the conjugal visits program. Jake later watches Lou's visit and catches Lou out and almost slots Lou as a result but Reb stops Jake from doing so. Battle lines are drawn. Do Doreen and Nash stay together? The fact that she now despises Jake after finding out he was using her while he was under the thumb of 'The Freak . Vera earns the nickname 'Vinegar Tits' after a cruel prank meant for Matthew Fletcher backfired. Meanwhile Bridget struggles to force Franky to accept that she has an emotional block. Vera is also dealing with her ailing mother and the stresses of looking after her and being demoted back to deputy governor, Vera goes under the wing of Ferguson who teaches Vera all that she knows. Perhaps the only shining light is that Will (Robbie Magasiva) has finally been vindicated. Jake later tells Joan again that Miller is responsible for Liz Birdsworth's death as he prescribed her the wrong medication which caused her stroke. In episode nine Jake inducts Sheila to Wentworth after she is brought in on murder charges. S2 E3 Vera and Rita wait for news as the two talk, Rita informs Vera that the injury was her fault, as the night goes on, Rita and Vera get to know each other better and Rita tells Vera that she'll make a great mum, Vera holds Rita's hand and puts it to her belly to feel the baby kick. Jake talks with Eve who says she would like some vodka as she has a shot before she goes to bed. S2 E4 S9 E6 Franky is on the run. Will disagrees and says later that Sheila Bausch was near the unit when the camera was moved, Vera had ignored the clue from Joan to bring Sheila down. She was quite a pleasant officer to begin with, trying to get to know the prisoners as people, trying to help prisoners adjust to life at Wentworth, and so on.. Vera helped to induct Bea Smith, and was a bit of a friend to her in general. Vera later argues with Jake about Grace and says that he will never take her away from her. They could start by setting it when Nash, Brody and Jake were there (season 2 in Wentworth time, 2014ish). Goldfish. Vera refuses Jake's idea and says that she needs to stop running from her past. Bridget identifies Franky as someone she could really help, but Franky refuses to engage, venting her frustration by trashing the Education Unit. With her supply cut and her powerbase decimated, she's on her own when prisoners come after her to claim what they're owed. Thankfully, Bridget manages to help her gather the evidence needed to clear her name, and while Franky is still suffering from the bullet wound, she finally wakes up in a hospital where detectives let her know that they're dropping all charges against her. S1 E1 Jake later asks Will what they are going to do about Ferguson. Agendas and conspiracies clash as several life-and-death struggles reach their dramatic conclusion. The Boxer. Clean Slate. S3 E10 6. Something Dies. Vera first appeared in Episode 1. Franky and Allie formulate a detailed plan of escape, requiring ingenuity, courage, and some help from an unlikely source. S2 E9 Later seen checking the cells and Joan says to Marie "sometimes you have the kill the monster you create.". The ninth season of Wentworth will become available on Netflix on October 27, 2021. Jake's past is also revealed when he speaks with Sean he admits that he was going straight after being gay and turning his life around after years of being bent. Vera believes that there is some supernatural power controlling this island. S9 E9 When the lab results point to Doreen being pregnant, Ferguson threatens to have Doreen's lover, Nash's, parole revoked unless lies about the father. Grace was born during the Siege of Wentworth. S6 E7 Stewart serves as acting deputy governor when Will is suspended for drugs, and is the father of Vera's baby Grace. Vera later watches the rise of a new top dog. Bea questions whether she has the stamina or desire to be Top Dog for the next forty years of her sentence. This ten-part series takes the viewer inside to an uncompromising environment exploring the politics of women in a world without men, and how such a threatening experience both challenges and often changes those confined and working behind the razor wire. The news of Ferguson's survival rocks Wentworth. Rita faces an impossible dilemma, while Kaz gets the better of Marie and Vera learns the gender of her baby, casting doubt over her mothering skills. Fletch seeing Jess for the first time since his return triggers a distressing emotional reaction that leads him to the wrenching conclusion. Vera "Vinegar Tits" Bennett (Kate Atkinson) takes over as the governor in Wentworth.Foxtel. When Joan walks off Vera passes out. In episode three Jake takes down Judy's details when Judy comes into the prison on charges. Allie learns that Marie is getting surveillance photographs smuggled in that shows the attack on her son and Ruby panics. Judas Kiss. But Ferguson has underestimated Bea, who starts a riot amongst the prisoners. Vera admits that it did. Vera talks with Marie and says that no one in the prison is the same since the siege. Eleventh Hour. Whilst there was an officer in the original series with a similar name, A throwaway line in season 4 from Will telling Linda that Jake is gay and Linda repeating it Vera. Liz gets drunk with Sonia and hears a graphic confession to Don's murder. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Kate Atkinson has stated in interviews that Vera will get nasty over time, and this has been correctly proven in Episode's 8, 9 and 10. Vera is threatened by Sean, and is taken into the laundry where other hostages are. Vera later chases after Ann and says that she will be following her report on Ann and says she will back Will, Ann leaves and Jake rushes out and says that Joan is being transferred to Sinclair and that the two should make a run for it to Alice Springs. Alive S6 E5 But as much as she hates Jake, Vera wants to protect Will more. Jake sees Allie as she tries to make her way back to the unit. Main Menu The Living And The Dead. An isolated and paranoid Franky tries to uncover which inmate is leaking vital information to Ferguson. S1 E3 Jake is apart of the officer squad that breaks up the inmates after Rita Connors (Wentworth) beats Zara Dragovich to death, and Vera is taken to hospital after being knocked out. In episode seven Jake delivers the mail to Lou, and is present when Ann tells the guards Ferguson is going to be released back into General. Jake is still seen on extremely shaky ground with Vera, and in the premiere is very protective of her, stopping a game of basketball due to Kosta becoming rowdy and throwing a ball at her and says "you could've hurt Vera." Joan regains her memory and has urges that she wants to attack the people who wronged her. In Season 6 Vera is Pregnant to Jake and threatens to expose him after that murder of Nils Jesper and the escape of both Joan and Franky. Vera informs Rita that she cannot see Ruby as Will has denied the request, and when Rita goes to jump the fence, she gets caught in it and Vera radios for help telling Rita not to move. Jake takes her to her unit. Jake Stewart is former Deputy Governor of Wentworth Correctional Facility and a main character in the Foxtel series Wentworth.He was brought in to replace the character of Fletch in Season 4.. Jake originally worked at Walford until he feared he was going to lose his job for providing drugs to the prisoners. When Vera throws him out of the office he bumps into Joan. Meanwhile, Liz summons the courage to meet with her estranged son. Jake is also present when Ann announces the closure of the protection unit. Blood & Fire. "You were right about Jake," Vera says. Vera later goes to get petrol with Ferguson lurking at the bus stop behind, Ferguson runs and Vera leaves. Franky has commenced her sessions with Bridget, and in a candid moment admits to a desire for revenge against Bea. Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'. Vera runs into Miller and tells him to read several other inmates files on what Ferguson was involved in and Will later stand in the security room and threaten to bring down both Ferguson and Miller. As Bea and Allie take their illicit affair further, Bea finds herself uncharacteristically tentative and vulnerable. Vera tells Ann that she needs help and Ann just brushes her off and blames Vera for not being there when her daughter died. In episode five Jake is with Vera and Will when they learn of Ferguson's "total memory loss" and is later present at the presentation that Ann is giving, Jake laughs at it and later lets Ruby out on day release and has a shift in the laundry. When Bea hears that Simmo's daughter is working for the Holts, she plants paranoia in Simmo's mind and fuels it to further her own plans. Afterlife. Vera finds Ann going through the paperwork in the admin area, Vera asks Ann why she hasn't made it out of the prison yet, Ann says that they had to let the bomb in to tie it too Judy. Divide And Conquer. This causes friction between Erica and Vera. Twist the Knife. Lou discovers her phone is missing and all the money for Reb's transition surgery has been stolen. After being publicly accused by Harry Smith of an inappropriate relationship with Bea, Will comes to believe that Harry is behind his campaign of harassment. and later the two have to push past prisoners to get to a prisoner and slot her. S6 E6 Meanwhile, Will is haunted by what he has done to Ferguson and Jake scrambles to stop him from flipping out. S7 E3 Jake eventually cuts ties with Turk. Joan carries Vera out of the prison and Vera asks why Joan saved her Joan reveals that she saved Vera because Grace needs her mother. When Vera returns to the prison she is stopped by Jake in the elevator and he says to her that she's just spinning it to look good in the media. Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Season finale. Later on Vera spots a disjointed Linda Miles who tells her what is going on. Enemy Of The State. Jake learns that Vera knows that he killed Jesper and he threatens Will that he will go down with him, so they later dig up Ferguson. What season is Vera pregnant on Wentworth? Last appearance: Legacy. Jake later tells Vera about how he found her website but inducted her earlier, when Linda comes in and asks to help round up inmates. In episode 8 Will is still angry at Vera, but he understands in the end why she did what she had to. Ferguson is blindsided by Jodie's complaint to the ombudsman. In episode six Vera is present when Cynthia is taken to medical and tells Linda that she will deal with Marie instead of Will. Jake later sees Sean giving Linda a hard time again, and he asks if she is alright, which Linda replies "she's fine" when she isn't. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Bea is dealt another devastating blow but is buoyed by the inmate's support, while Jacs's power further diminishes. The show returns to TVNZ 2 for its seventh season this week, picking up a few months after Vera announced her pregnancy, at the same time telling the baby's father, corrupt prison officer Jake . Jake also takes Reb to medical after he suffers a reaction. Bea Smith goes from housewife to inmate and finds out the hard way that retribution in prison has fatal consequences. As Sonia tries to spin her "Angel of Wentworth" PR into an innocence campaign, her past crimes threaten to derail her. Portrayed By: Kate Atkinson. They just got together and then Bea dies not long after. Fremantle Australia. Jake decides to empty the syringe in the sink. Vera tells Ann that Judy is dead and so are many people, "innocent people" are dead and several injured. Later Jake is on kitchen duty when he is attacked by Eve to get to Joan. Vera later lets Judy phone her dad. Jake later takes Marie out for her airing and is informed to take her from isolation to the Protection Unit, Jake takes her there and Marie complains and Jake says she should fit right in. Vera later talks with Greg and says she is worried for Linda and it might be related to the siege. S6 E9 Ferguson, having found protection in Kaz's crew, cunningly blames Will for her brutal ganging, a move which only strengthens Kaz's support for her. S8 E4 In episode eight Jake is furious when Miller takes Joan to the creche. "Hi, Franky," Vera says, pushing Grace in a pram. The fourth season of the television drama series Wentworth premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. Meanwhile, Kaz faces her toughest challenge when she warns Hutch to stop fight club. Vera tells Miller she is worried about Linda. Vera received the role after Ann Reynolds suggested Vera come back to work after her maternity leave. Will is in a happy place and seems to finally be able to put the past behind him is shocked when he is the focus of a murder investigation. Vera tells Allie that the prison will keep up with her physio and health team. Jake is later seen rushing to H1 where he was ordered to lockdown H1 as protection was set to be reopened by order of the governor. Wentworth. Fractured. . Vera later is seen taking Liz to strip search when she asks Sean and the other officers for their IDs, when Vera goes into the room, she is taken hostage and an officer is knocked out, during the struggle to keep Liz quiet, Vera manages to press the panic button and all hell breaks loose. Jake later gives Eve wine and then talks with Vera about how well she has been sleeping because of Eve's tips. 4 ervna, 2022; Posted by: Having discovered a link between Mike Pennisi and Iman Farah, Franky enlists Bridget's help to uncover the true nature of the connection. Season 5. In episode ten Vera struggles to settle Grace as she deals with Ferguson's upcoming committal hearing and the stress of the prison. Has Franky sacrificed the love of her life? Meanwhile, Liz has a difficult reunion with her daughter Sophie and is unsure when Doreen proposes she be the alternate carer when the baby comes.

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