why do people think there are 52 states

51 is what makes up the us cluster of states. Over the past 50 years, the highest-earning 20% of U.S. households have steadily brought in a larger share of the countrys total income. 31) New Mexico There are, in fact, 50 states in the United States, not 52. American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are the inhabited U.S. territories, 51-star flags have been designed and used as a symbol by supporters of statehood in various areas. I dont want her son to get a bad grade on account everyone has a different answer. Maybe its because of 52 weeks in a year? No idea. I live in Germany, and many Germans think that the U.S. has 52 states. Not sure where they got t (admitted) Utah Territory because America has commonwealths (Puerto Rico) and some people Psychological research suggests that the negative bias influences motivation to complete a task. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. WebWhy Do People Think There Are 52 States In America? In 1968, by comparison, the top-earning 20% of households brought in 43% of the nations income, while those in the lower four income quintiles accounted for 56%. Remember Hawaii 5-0. the 50th State, In 1959. Mexico! The District of Columbia is a federal district, not a state. Idaho 12. These include islands such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa to name a few. 2)Alaska If you would like to do the same, add the browser extension GreaseMonkey to Firefox and add this open source script. Sign up to to receive a monthly digest of the Center's latest research on the attitudes and behaviors of Americans in key realms of daily life, 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA Because they get confused with a deck of cards - it's all 'fifty-something'. White Democrats and Republicans have vastly different views of how blacks are treated relative to whites. The share of American adults who live in middle-income households has decreased from 61% in 1971 to 51% in 2019. From 1970 to 2018, the median middle-class income increased from $58,100 to $86,600, a gain of 49%. 20)Maryland How Americans see the state of race relations, Majorities see advantages for whites, disadvantages for blacks, Many see racial discrimination and less access to good schools or jobs as major reasons blacks may have a harder time getting ahead, Most agree blacks are treated less fairly than whites by police and justice system, Plurality says country hasnt gone far enough in giving black people equal rights with whites, Most say legacy of slavery affects black peoples position in society a great deal or fair amount, 3. The Constitution is vague about the whole process of how a territory becomes a state, delegating the task to Congress. Answer by rachey babe: Submitted on 5/5/2006: Rating: Not yet rated: On the flip side, a majority (56%) sees being black as a disadvantage, with 25% saying it hurts peoples ability to get ahead a lot. delaware. Web30. The biggest monopolies in this country are the corporations and they are conspiring with the For example if some they allowed us to sell Hawii to the UK it would not longer be a state. Asked about the extent to which being black helps or hurts ones ability to get ahead, 68% of blacks and 64% of Asians say being black hurts at least a little; 55% of whites and half of Hispanics say the same. Florida 10. Other U.S. government agencies work with the United Kingdom, some with offices in the Embassy and some throughout the country. Washington DC is represented in Congress by an elected, nonvoting Delegate to the House of Representatives and residents have been able to vote in Presidential elections since 1961. I counted 52 my husband said no 50. Web52 USA has had 50 states since 1959. 13)Illinois For example, would you believe there is 200 different countries in the world? Majorities of black adults say blacks are treated less fairly on all the items. But the Mandela Effecthowever initially compellingjust isnt cutting it for me so far. What are the 52 states in the US in alphabetical order? When it comes to different religious groups, most say that being Muslim makes it more difficult to succeed in American society (63% say this), while majorities say that being Jewish (55%) or an evangelical Christian (54%) neither helps nor hurts. They are not. Majorities across racial and ethnic groups say being white helps ones ability to get ahead, though Asians (73%), blacks (69%) and Hispanics (61%) are more likely than Our survey found, for instance, that occasional voters were slightly Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top. 19 Indiana December 11, 1816 23)Minnesota (admitted) Arizona Territory (admitted) Iowa Territory (part) Game over man. Most blacks (64%) who say the country hasnt gone far enough in giving black people equal rights with whites and half of all black adults say its not too or not at all likely that the country will eventually achieve racial equality. No I have heard that Ohio isn't a state due to it not being done right (one of the first things I ever read on the internet!). I knew for a fact I layed it on the kitchen table. Ok, so a mom asked me to print a list of the states and their capital. About two-thirds of whites in that age group say this (68%), compared with 55% of 30- to 49-year-olds, 54% of 50- to 64-year-olds and 60% of those 65 and older. ^ WORDING: Please tell me whether you favor or oppose each of the following approaches to prevent mass shootings at schools; * Less than 0.5%. The 51st state, in post-1959 American political discourse, is a phrase that refers to areas or locales that are seriously or facetiously considered candidates for U.S. statehood, joining the 50 states that presently compose the United States. Their is also a area in Georgia that is not part of Georgia its its owne place i cant think of what it is called, Liberia is a territory of the U S, that was a big reason the Civil War was fought, Lincoln was going going to send the slaves there or to south America, From that I can say the deciding factor for me was an old speech done by an ex-president welcoming Hawaii. 17)Kentuckey For example, 77% of whites younger than 30 say blacks are treated less fairly by the criminal justice system, compared with 63% of those ages 30 to 49, 49% of those 50 to 64 and 59% of those 65 and older. 17)Kentuckey 46)Virginia Correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe it has something to do I dont know because one of my teachers say 50 and one of them say 52 I do not know who is right. It's actually mostly time travelers who make this mistake: they tend to get confused about what era they're in, or they simply don't have a detaile Next speech he will explain the 81 million votes." There are 50 states plus Washington D.C. 2 Pennsylvania December 12, 1787[10] Wisconsin, 49. Again, as is written by the letter of the law, it too is not a state as it was not legally brought into the country as a state. 12)Idaho Because there isnt a 51st state. If you want to talk territories, most Americans know about Puerto Rico and Guam, as well as a few minor holdings Oregon, 38. Tennessee, 44. I was about 7 or 8 years old when we had 52 States. Some ways that mental illness can contribute to suicide include: 5 6. That being said, this myth is a relatively new one and probably stems from the few times over the years when Puerto Rico was offered to become a state but always voted it down. The 50 states and the District of Columbia Because they get confused with a deck of cards its all fifty-something. The other four are Commonwealths. and 52.Washington DC. 16)Kansas Americans views about billionaires have grown somewhat more negative since 2020, First-Generation College Graduates Lag Behind Their Peers on Key Economic Outcomes, Racial and ethnic gaps in the U.S. persist on key demographic indicators, In the pandemic, the share of unpartnered moms at work fell more sharply than among other parents, 60% of Americans Would Be Uncomfortable With Provider Relying on AI in Their Own Health Care, Gender pay gap in U.S. hasnt changed much in two decades. But I spent a long time on each one of these and ended up changing my thinking from my previous traditional/establishment positions based on good, honest research and lots of uncomfortable facts. The world we know through sensory experience is very limited and we all rely on assumptions, inference, the opinions of trusted experts, faith, etc, for most of our worldview. Look it up. 10 Virginia June 25, 1788[8] 51 or 52 States in the United States of America. Each of these are set up on their own systems. (ratified) Crown Colony of South Carolina because America has commonwealths (Puerto Rico) and some people consider them states but they really This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy. Being happy is not found in wealth or in fame but in being contented with what you have and what you areand most of all you radiate that happiness to other beings too. 26)Montana with there being 50 States in the U.S.A. Each star representing one What we call race are social categories. The public is more split on whether blacks are treated less fairly than whites or about equally when it comes to hiring, pay and promotions, applying for a loan or mortgage, or in stores or restaurants. Before we lose some more, OR MORE THAN JUST, STARS! Many of these people seem to think that Washington, D.C.might be astate (51) rather than a separate district, while others may assume one of the territories is a state such as Puerto Rico. When those who say this are asked why black people in the U.S. may have a harder time than white people getting ahead, more point to racial discrimination and less access to good schools and high-paying jobs as major reasons than to family instability, lack of good role models and lack of motivation to work hard. Louisiana, 19. WebYale Climate Opinion Maps 2021. Remembering that the US has 51 or 52 states is a common Mandela Effect, seemingly from people even living in the US, although if the responses are to be believed online, it appears as though this misconception is generally coming from non-US residents. And the seven red and six white horizontal stripes, or pales, represent the original 13 states, or British colonies. I haven't heard this one. WebEvery day, about 32 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes that's one person every 45 minutes. A majority of whites say discrimination against them exists in America today, according to a poll released Tuesday from NPR, the Robert Wood (ratified) Proprietary Province of Pennsylvania Blacks, in particular, are skeptical that black people will ever have equal rights in this country. To compare income inequality across countries, the OECD uses the Gini coefficient, a commonly used measure ranging from 0, or perfect equality, to 1, or complete inequality. 41)South Dakota laying in wait pretending to be a friend, gaining the confidence and being excepted as belonging. 13 Rhode Island May 29, 1790[8] Arkansas 5. There are fifty (50) states and Washington D.C.The last two states to join the Union were Alaska (49th) and Hawaii (50th). Both joined in 1959. 2)Alaska 15)Iowa Many believe that Washington D.C. should receive increased representation because its population of 689,545 is larger than the population of two states, Wyoming they think, you have no balls or brains to fight them. What are the 52 states of America as stated on the flag? I know that there was some suggestions of other additions but they have never happened. Right now the US has 50 states (our senate is a big clue, each state gets 2 senators and we have 100 senators). [484] By early September, there were over 600 federal defendants, 10% of whom had pleaded guilty, [485] and hundreds more arrests expected to come. Each one is represented by a star on the flag of the United States. A recent preprint study by Harvard and Yale researchers found COVID-19 has surpassed opioid overdoses as the leading cause of death of adults ages 25 to 44." The teachers and principal showed us the flag shortly before summer vacation came. Alaska and Hawaii, two official states are disconnected from the main American landmass. Some 36% say slavery doesnt have much or anything at all to do with the current situation of black people. Northern Mariana Islands. And for Gods sake if you still trust Google/CIA as a reference then you need to wake up and drink more coffee. Majorities across racial and ethnic groups say being white helps ones ability to get ahead, though Asians (73%), blacks (69%) and Hispanics (61%) are more likely than whites (56%) to say this. 28 Texas December 29, 1845 These gender gaps are particularly pronounced among whites. 5 Connecticut January 9, 1788[12] On Friday, President Trump railed against the Fake News Media on Twitter, claiming that President Obama once said (admitted) Indiana Territory What is are the functions of diverse organisms? Two years later, Hawaii was organized into a formal U.S. territory and in 1959 entered the United States as the 50th state. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main 47 New Mexico January 6, 1912 12 North Carolina November 21, 1789[14] Delaware, 9. North America. 25 Arkansas June 15, 1836[27] 48)West Virginia Wyoming West 581,075. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth associated with the U.S. Its indigenous inhabitants are U.S. citizens. Registered in England. Georgia 5. About two-thirds of Americans say that blacks are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with the police (67%) and by the criminal justice system (65%). But if you want to add the two extra states, try the state of confusion and the state of mediocrity. They are (in order of when they joined the Union): 1. Makes 52. In addition, Puerto Rico is sometimes wrongly perceived to be a state because the inhabitants have citizenship & Flat Earth, Hitler survived WWII, the fact that we didnt go to the moon, ZOG, Atlantis, etc. This, as would be expected, proved to be unwieldy, and thus home rule was granted, and the DC City Council/Mayor was formed to take the place of the then present form of government. The Incorporated, unorganized territory But Hispanics are more likely than whites and blacks to point to a lack of motivation to work hard as a major reason why blacks may have a harder time getting ahead than whites: 35% say this, a view that is more common among Hispanics born abroad (43%) than among those born in the U.S. (31%). 2000 to Congress to set forth the process for Puerto Rico to be admitted as a state of the Union, asking for Congress to vote on ratifying Puerto Rico as the 51st state. AMERICA admitted Alaska and Hawaii as its 49th and 50th states in 1959. Only 7% of white Republicans say blacks are treated less fairly when voting in elections, but a majority of white Democrats (60%) say the same. 39[h] North Dakota November 2, 1889[38][i] 41 Montana November 8, 1889[39] Dispute that. They believe there are only 50 states because there are only 50 states. You may be confusing states with territories. The U.S. currently has sixtee Now I have a headache. Of the 'states' Florida, 10. If someone thinks of the contiguous states as 50, there are 'two more.'. I would swear that there is a passage in the Bible that states and the lion will lay with the lamb but if you check the bible it says the wolf shall lay with the lamb. 43)Texas No one, anywhere, is being taught that there are Median black household income was 61% of median white household income in 2018, up modestly from 56% in 1970 but down slightly from 63% in 2007, before the Great Recession, according to Current Population Survey data. Because that is true. There ARE some associated commonwealths and territories, but they are NOT states. Puerto Rican voters have rejected statehood 27)Nebraska Colorado 6. West Virginia, 50. 38 Colorado August 1, 1876[36] 1. Feel free to submit interesting articles, tell us about this cool book you just read, or start a discussion about who everyone's favorite figure of minor French nobility is! Maine, 23. By time we the (class) came back we asked about the flag.. they teachers and principal that were so proud of this flag maybe for months before looked at us like we were crazy, 1)Alabama (ratified) Crown Colony of New York Puerto Ricans are unable to vote in U.S. Presidential elections but they do elect a nonvoting resident commissioner to the U.S. House of Representatives. 30)New Jersey By Ross Douthat. Check out our modern, welcoming, safe and energy efficient embassy for the 21st century. Illinois, 13. Black Democrats are even more likely to say this is the case (87% do so). $34,995. 26)Montana WebView source. 43 Idaho July 3, 1890 More people are receiving mental health treatment or counseling than ever before: In 2008, the year I first sought therapy, 30.2 million adults in the United States 12)Idaho Georgia 11. No, but really, you should. This is the direct reason that parts of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, California, Utah, and California are now parts of the United States. Large majorities say being wealthy helps (89%) and being poor hurts (86%). 50 Hawaii August 21, 1959 Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know where this story comes from but I always thought that the flag had 50 stars and then Alaska and Hawaii were the last two states to join which made 52 states but they didn't feel like adding two stars to the flag because it would screw up the pattern. 3)Arizona 33) North Carolina Why does Gary Soto's work seem autobiographical? I don't know of any Americans, or many people of many other countries, who are confused by this, let alone common. 2 possibilities: 1. They think 5 Or would it seem more correct if there was 201, or 202, or maybe even 203? That is why the latest Democracy Corps poll of battleground states finds President Biden's approval among independents at only 34%. On a campaign stop in Beaverton, Oregon, in May 2008, then-candidate Obama misspoke, referring to his visits to 57 states. (admitted) Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory Stars & stripes forever The 50 white stars (50 since July 4, 1960) stand for the 50 states of the union. Education is also associated with views of whether slavery still has an effect today, and this is the case among whites and blacks. Most Hispanics who say being black hurts peoples ability to succeed see racial discrimination (65%) and less access to good schools (70%) and high-paying jobs (61%) as major obstacles for blacks. 44)Utah What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe? The difference in median household incomes between white and black Americans has grown from about $23,800 in 1970 to roughly $33,000 in 2018 (as measured in 2018 dollars). Arizona 4. United States, country in North America, a federal republic of 50 states. George Conway, the husband of Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, smacked back at Trump over his tweet, suggesting the president was out of his depth: Needless to say, theres a huge difference between an isolated slip of the tongue and ceaseless, shameless, and witless prevarication on virtually all topics, large and small, wrote Conway. These views also vary by income within the two party coalitions. By comparison, the median income for upper-tier households grew 64% over that time, from $126,100 to $207,400. (admitted) Vermont Republic[c] I want to know area 52exciste this part of united state. Among Democrats, the reverse is true: 93% at upper-income levels say there is too much inequality, compared with 65% of lower-income Democrats. During this time, the share of adults in the upper-income tier increased from 14% to 20%, and the share in the lower-income tier increased from 25% to 29%. It was signed in the white house, Guide to American Independence Day (Fourth of July). Personally. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender. I've never personally heard anyone say that there are 52 US states but I have heard Puerto Rico called the 51st state especially when they tried to join a couple of decades or so ago. The stupid Mandela effect is just people memories mixing facts. For this analysis, we gathered data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank. listed here, the two not represented by stars are 39.Puerto Rico, In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. After the rally, Obama told reporters he was afraid he had flubbed the number of casualties that resulted from a cyclone in Burma, in addition to his stateside misstatement. My input on this is that I do clearly remember 52 as do many other people: however, this may be a mistaken memory since if I was really from a different timeline or universe or what have you, I would also remember the names of those other states and how the geographical maps would look wrong to my eyes, and they dont. 40 South Dakota November 2, 1889[38][i] (admitted) Dakota Territory (part) I never ever thought there were more or less than 50 states. There is no Mandela Effect here. Sure could of taken out a map and marked each state as I counted but what if I counted incorrectly [count a state mark it and count it again without realizing]. Alabama, 2. 48)West Virginia WebTaxes and Registration fees: Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title service fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. More than four-in-ten Americans say the country still has work to do to give black people equal rights with whites. 7 Maryland April 28, 1788[8] WebMarketWatch provides the latest stock market, financial and business news. (admitted) New Mexico Territory 48 Arizona February 14, 1912 Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. The 52 is a bit of a joke depending on who's saying it, but a truer number is 54. About three-quarters of white Democrats (77%) say being black hurts peoples ability to get ahead at least a little; 36% of white Republicans say the same. Wisconsin, 49. White Democrats and Republicans also differ widely in their assessments of the countrys progress on racial equality. Blacks are more likely than other racial or ethnic groups to say being black hurts a lot: 42% say this vs. a third or fewer among Asians, whites and Hispanics. 41)South Dakota People who are socially isolated tend to have more religious faith, perhaps allowing them to feel theyre not truly alone. All taxes and fees must be paid in full in order for vehicle to be titled and registered. 55. What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? 6)Colorado (ratified) Crown Colony of Georgia 23 Maine March 15, 1820[25] It's because Washington D.C isn't counted because it is the nation's capital. Connecticut 8. This is a somewhat more serious subreddit compared to many others. No one is being taught that there are 52 states in the This isnt one. 37)Oregon Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale. (admitted) Colorado Territory From 2007 to 2016, the median net worth of the top 20% increased 13%, to $1.2 million. Families in the second-lowest fifth experienced a 39% loss (from $32,100 in 2007 to $19,500 in 2016). Also also a nor Hawaii chose to be a state in an.election. 19)Maine Pennsylvania 3. Whites and blacks are equally likely to say a lack of motivation to work hard is a major reason 22% of each group. 20)Maryland DC is not a state but rather stands for "District of Columbia" as is quite literally treated as a District not a state or territory. I don't know about you but all rich people are either Aholes, corrupt to the core, failing to help people and the nation, idiotic, In 2017, the U.S. had a Gini coefficient of 0.434. Im not sure why or where I started to believe this, or even if I did at all. (admitted) Florida Territory Home Travel What Are The 52 States Of America. North It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. I thought maybe the USA used to have 52 states but I'm positive they didn't. Alerts and Messages for U.S. visitors to the United Kingdom. If it were counted there would be 50. I have a distinct memory of 52 states also. 45)Vermont More also say that being Hispanic hurts peoples ability to get ahead in this country (51%) than say it helps (18%) or that it neither helps nor hurts (30%). 15 Kentucky June 1, 1792[16] (admitted) Washington Territory I've also read some historians refer to Cuba as the 51st state in regards to its relationship with the United States before the communist revolution. Make sure to familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines before participating. The wolf is cunning with ulterior motives. Thank Writer Blurt Glenn Muhaw answered I read and see 50 USA. WebIn the United States, there was historically a greater European colonial population in relation to African slaves, especially in the Northern Tier. Ok you may ask how is this verifiable? Puerto Rico. (ratified) Crown Colony and Dominion of Virginia 47)Washington 24 Missouri August 10, 1821[26] Americans seem to realize that the United States I heard people say Obama can't be president since he was born in Hawaii before it was a state and not being a state means not being in the USA. Some 81% of black college graduates and 74% of those with some college say this, compared with 57% of those with less education. Income inequality in the U.S. is the highest of all the G7 nations, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. There are fifty (50) states and Washington D.C.The last two states to join the Union were Alaska (49th) and Hawaii (50th). For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. The National Governors Association provides a list of names and contact details for the governors of the states and territories. The role of race and ethnicity in Americans personal lives, Americas public school teachers are far less racially and ethnically diverse than their students, One-third of Asian Americans fear threats, physical attacks and most say violence against them is rising. Make fun of him for 100 years! (ratified) Crown Colony of Massachusetts Bay How many nieces and nephew luther vandross have? 32) New York 51 seems correct to me. 20 Mississippi December 10, 1817[22] 19)Maine The phrase has been applied to external territories as well as parts of existing states which would be admitted as separate states in their own right.. 24)Mississippi Because Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are represented territories of the United States. We were taught there are 52 states the 50 United States and Puerto Rico and Hawaii. New Jersey, 28. Ever since, people have speculated on what (or where) could be the 51st, but the country has now gone 57 years without inducting a new onethe longest such pause in Americas history. It seems I read something pre-WW2 or early WW2 works that referred to the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Alaska, and Hawaii as the 49th, 50th, 51st and 52nd US states but for the life of me I can't remember where I read it. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main Among whites, blacks and Hispanics, those with at least a bachelors degree are more likely than those with less education to say race hurts blacks ability to get ahead. Over the last 15 months, weve traveled to every corner of the United States. 49 Alaska January 3, 1959 (ratified) Proprietary Province of Maryland 8)Delaware 50 appears to be a more strict, roundednumber. It was signed in Virginia by 52 people. The design, which includes six horizontal rows of eight stars, was replaced on July 4, 1959, with the addition of Alaskas star, and it is the second-longest used version of the flag in the nations history. As an American, I also cact Tell you how many provinces are in Canada, or States in. california. 40. Similar shares of white and black Democrats say black people are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with the police, by the criminal justice system, and when voting in elections. The Los Angeles Times covered it (with thorough snark) under the headline, Barack Obama wants to the president of these 57 United States. The paper also covered the resulting sale of lapel pins needling Obama by honoring the 57 states.. The role of race and ethnicity in Americans personal lives, 1. The United States is made up of a total of 50 states, plus the District of Columbia or Washington D.C. 50 states. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender. This is an example of how a 51-star flag might look. 10)Georgia Rhode Island The letter Z appears only in the name of one state (Arizona) and X in just two (Texas and New Mexico). 4 Georgia January 2, 1788[8] 42)Tenneesse And why do some people remember 51 States and some 52? Maryland 8. 4)Arkansas 6)Colorado Can you imagine if I said thatstory of the year! I have a verifiable example of the Mandela effect. As ongoing nationwide protests illustrate, a majority of Americans view the recent police killing of George Floyd as a reflection of the virulent and systemic racism in There are fifty (50) states and Washington D.C.The last two states to join the Union were Alaska (49th) and Hawaii (50th). Virginia, Most white Democrats who say being black hurts ones ability to succeed cite racial discrimination (70%) and less access to good schools (75%) and high-paying jobs (64%) as major obstacles, compared with about a third or fewer white Republicans. Oklahoma, 36. 14 Vermont March 4, 1791[15] There are 48 contiguous states, plus Alaska located in the far northwestern part of North America and Hawaii located in the mid-Pacific.How Many States are in the United States. Its 50 states, you might think its 52 because 48 are mainland + 2 apart mainland. if your wanting a reason many folks are ignorant regarding the geography of the USA I have nothing to explain it.

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