12th pennsylvania regiment revolutionary war

Jacob - Capt. David Steel's Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Isaac Pierce's Co., PA Militia, contributed by Don Major John Kiley's Co., contributed by Beryl Meehan 53 talking about this. Cline Johnson Family - Peter Cline Revolutionary War Soldier 12th Pennsylvania Regiment, U.S.A. Much of the information below was taken from the book, The Clines and Allied Families of the Tug River Region of Kentucky and West Virginia, 1998 Gateway Press by Cecil Cline and Harry Dale Cline. by Dean McGee Garrison, Leonard - GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Finley, Capt. Bowen's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Harbison, Francis - Capt. Daniel - Capt. Harris, Capt. Abraham Smith's Co., PA, YORK COUNTY, contributed by Hockingbery, McCullough, John - Capt. Joseph - Capt. Wright If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. On November 30, 1776, Peter Klein began his service with the 12th Pennsylvania Continentals as a private in Captain Nicholas Miller's Company (Company B). Of further note, family lore, passed down through the generations, reports that Peter Cline was wounded twice during the Revolution. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. It does not contain books from collections that previously have been microfilmed, including the Artemas Ward, William Heath, and Winthrop Sargent papers. William - Capt. by Joy Fisher The 12th Pennsylvania Regiment also known as Northampton and Northumberland Defense Battalion was an American infantry unit that fought during the American Revolutionary War as part of the Continental Army. The field officers had all received a military training. of Revolutionary Pensioners You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. In January 1777 the 12th was commanded by Colonel . County Pensioners 1835, contributed by M. John - Capt. by Raymond H. Stoudt Jr. Berks at 60. It mustered out June 11, 1864. Gen. Niave F. Knell, incoming deputy commanding general-support, 1st Infantry Division, presents U.S. Army Brig. ), Capt. by Kathleen Brown Joseph Harens listed as "Sick at Pluckaming" [Pluckemin, NJ], the site where Washington's Army briefly encampted Jan. 5-6, 1777 after the Battle of Princeton, en route to Morristown, NJ. Conrad - Capt. Fold3, US Revolutionary War (: accessed March 3, 2023), database and images, . On 17 June 1777, Walter Stewart became the unit's commander and led it at the Battle of Brandywine where it fought with George Weedon 's 2nd Virginia Brigade. . Minor, Capt. George - Capt. It completed an epic winter march from western Pennsylvania to New Jersey, though Mackay and his second-in-command both died soon afterward. In the ensuing exchange of fire Burd and some of his men were captured. The United States Census Bureau estimates that the state population was 8,096,604 on July 1, 2011, a 1.19% increase s Samuel Miles was the regiment's commanding officer when he was captured at the Battle of Long Island. Clason, Zachariah - Capt. U.S. Army Brig. Boyers, 2023 myrevolutionarywar.com - All rights reserved. Gillespie, John - CHESTER COUNTY, contributed The regiment would see action during the New York Campaign, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown and the Battle of Monmouth. James McCandless' Co., etc. - BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Jerry L. Johnston& Joanne Corle Search the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files of Pensylvania Veterans from The National Archives: Pensylvania Units in the Revolutionary War, American Military Units in Revolutionary War, The 1st Pennsylvania Regiment in the Revolutionary War. 145-146 of 692). Neal - Col. Hampton's Regt., PA, BEAVER COUNTY, contributed Asa Barns Co., PA, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, While we do not know for sure the precise battle or battles in which Peter was injured, the records of the, The payroll records for the month of January 1777, compiled at some point in February 1777, include a column for "Casualties." Wade on row gallie on Delaware River, etc., DELAWARE (also CHESTER) COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Pensions arranged by veteran's name. The 12th Pennsylvania Regiment also known as Northampton and Northumberland Defense Battalion was an American infantry unit that fought during the American Revolutionary War as part of the Continental Army. Peter - Capt. Moreover, all three enlisted on different days and the company histories for the 1st Maryland indicate that these companies were almost exclusively raised from the organic counties from which they came. Adam - Capt. Then, in late November 1776, "the final two weeks of the Flying Camp's formal existence were spent by its Pennsylvanian remnants retreating with Washington across New Jersey. Promoted to . Posey, Michajah - Capt. Hedreik, County Pensioners 1835, contributed by M. contributed by Ramona Nichols Because of the ongoing problems with militia units (loose discipline and reluctance to serve far from home), and further reluctance for the recruitment of professional units, a compromise, known as the "Flying Camp," was born. The most romantic and chivalrous side of both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 had their happenings with horsemen, and the most of those were either on the Southern soil or came from the states which sympathized with the South. Kinter, John - Capt. It appears then that Peter was wounded sometime in January 1777. Covenhofer's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Continue reading Source Information. Cumberland County - Class Rolls 1780-82, Eighth Battalion, contributed by M. Burns Lot - Capt. David (widow's app. Type above and press Enter to search. Charles (widow's app.) Jeremiah Talbot's Co., CUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed by Pat Sproat War Pension Lists. Tritt, Peter - Capt. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONERS. Project File Managers: Cyndie Enfinger & Donna To preserve some slight memento of them for friends at home, was the primary object of these notes: to gratify the same persons are they now grouped together. The regiment was disbanded on January 1, 1783. 12th Pennsylvania Regiment 13th Pennsylvania Regiment Rhode Island 1st Rhode Island Regiment 2nd Rhode Island Regiment Virginia 1st Virginia Regiment 2nd Virginia Regiment 3rd Virginia Regiment 4th Virginia Regiment 5th Virginia Regiment 6th Virginia Regiment 7th Virginia Regiment 8th Virginia Regiment 9th Virginia Regiment 10th Virginia Regiment Please enable scripts and reload this page. contributed by Joy Fisher Revolutionary War Soldier 12th Pennsylvania Regiment Continental Army United States Revolutionary War Service [Updated Below, 3/13/2021] Peter Cline filed his Revolutionary War pension application in 1832 in Montgomery County, Virginia. However, upon further research, I believe that the Pennsylvania Flying Camp is the unit Peter was involved in for the engagements at Long Island and White Plains., First, Peter undoubtedly joined a Berks County militia unit in or around 1774 as stated in his pension application. Stratton, Schuylkill The regiment would see action at the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and the Siege of Charleston. McGerry/McGeary, 73-74.. McDowell, James (widow's app.) GitHub export from English Wikipedia. The regiment was merged into the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment on July 1, 1778. Search the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files of Pensylvania Veterans from The National Archives:: NARA M804. The South was planning on moving the war onto Northern soil if they won the battle but the result of the battle was that the South lost. Yoho, Henry - Capt. Abijah - 8th PA Rifle Regt., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Don Phillip M. - 2nd Virginia Regt., PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, contributed 21. Composed of eight musketry and two rifle units, that regiment was initially commanded by Colonel John Bull until protests by members of their regiment forced state leaders to replace him with Colonel Walter Stewart. The regiment was raised 23 August 1776 at Sunbury, Pennsylvania as a state militia regiment and later renamed the 12th Pennsylvania. John Minors Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Longs Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette As such, without more evidence, I believe that this striking coincidence is simply that - a coincidence. Chester County, Lower Oxford CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne James Clarke's Co., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by Joy Fisher William - Capt. Id., at pg. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The regiment was raised 23 August 1776 at Sunbury, Pennsylvania as a state militia regiment and later renamed the 12th Pennsylvania. Research Guide: New York in the Revolutionary War; Research Guide: New York in the War of 1812; Research Guide: New York in the Mexican-American War, 1846-1848; Research Guide: New York in the Civil War; Research Guide: New York in the Spanish-American War; Research Guide: New York in the Mexican Punitive Campaign, 1916 Transcriptions of the muster and pay rolls are published in the Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Volumes 7 to 10 with a name index in the Pennsylvania Archives, Seventh Series. First, we know that Peter was in the 12th Pennsylvania Continentals. Springer, Uriah - Capt. Chester County, East Nottingham CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne List of battleships of the United States Navy, List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, This article does not contain any citations or references. Id. Mills serving in the Revolutionary War from DAR records, contributed by Donna Murray Allen Vanderbelt, Numerous individuals listed in the index were granted pensions for War of 1812 service. Peter Tritt's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette by Barbara Allen State Government Records Collection. Please improve this article by adding a reference. Heckendorn/Hackedorn, David - Capt. Recall also that the Revolution began in Massachusetts in 1775 with Lexington and Concord and later, the battles around Boston. Reading was the location of an army hospital. Adams, John - Capt. The Union the won the battle. Virginians played a pivotal role in the struggle for American independence, 1775-1783.

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