kryptonian spoken language

Zod, Faora and Nam-Ek). After being separated from Earth by a culture that evolved completely outside of them, they speak perfect English but dont speak in a language theyve never heard of. In the Superman/Batman: Apocalypse movie, a mix of gibberish and Esperanto is used to depict Kryptonian dialogue spoken by both Superman and Supergirl. Presumably they'd have needed to write on Krypton as well, though perhaps as in Star Wars there's no paper Ha- a particular fantasy of mine is to hear a choral Superman theme sung in Kryptonese. Like in Smallville, a number of criminals imprisoned by the Kryptonians in the Phantom Zone are from other planets and have different powers from those of either Superman or Supergirl. Click over to the Man of Steel Kryptonian Writing page for a detailed breakdown of the writing including a downloadable chart, as well as the phonology of the language. Press J to jump to the feed. })(); For the 2013 film, Man of Steel, linguistic anthropologist Christine Schreyer was brought in to develop a new and unique writing system and spoken language for Krypton, unrelated to any previous depictions of Kryptonian. In Young Justice, it was believed Superman (Kal-El) was the sole survivor of Kryptons destruction by its exploding star Rao with exceptions being his half-Kryptonian, half-human clone Superboy and his son with Lois Lane Jonathan. Superman murders the Joker and establishes a tyrannical government called the One Earth Regime. Breeding between Kryptonian explorers and this race created a new Kryptonian hybrid race that could interbreed with a larger number of humanoid racesincluding Earth humans. Argo City is destroyed during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, but is resurrected following the Anti-Monitor's defeat. Wrong, explained Schreyer. Edgar Rice Burroughs created it. Thus, 1.676 Kryptonian years equals 2.294 Earth years, or 1 Kryptonian year equals roughly 1.37 Earth years. However, in some continuations humans are not only able to reproduce with Kryptonians, but are able to create fertile offspring with them.[4]. Shes also become a filmmaker in her own right, appearing as executive producer on a documentary about con-langing (constructed languages). One of Astra's operatives, Vartox, was ordered to sabotage the Department of Extra-Normal Operations by causing a plane crash that was thwarted by Supergirl (when she realized her sister Alex Danvers, a DEO member, was on board), and to alert Astra that Kara survived the explosion and now has come into discovering her powers. Add to that the many revisions and inconsistencies between . ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? Why Man Of Steel's Kryptonian Language Was A Bad Idea Writing, after all, should be a very practical thing (something MoS completely misses). Schreyer was fascinated by the fact that in Cree, some syllables flip based on how they are being used. There are no straight lines. So sign up for that directed seminar and pursue what interests you, because you never know it may even take you to an imaginary world. 73 zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per lorax (Kryptonian month). Online. When they arrive in Krypton, they are both human and speak English like everyone else on the planet. An opportunity to show my tattoo!] Supergirl compares his methods to General Zod's and briefly fights Superman and his allies, though Brainiac's attack forces them to focus on dealing with him first. Adaptations of existing alphabets | It would have undoubtedly drawn parallels with Lord of the Rings' Elvish and Star Trek's Klingon, serving to build immersion and make the film's world (or universe) feel far deeper and richer. But it's a lot further from completion than the other versions since it was barely used or seen. In the 1970s and 1980s, details about the Kryptonian calendar as it existed in the Earth-One universe were revealed. Supermans S is an example of an ideogram that means hope. Its also the symbol for his house line, El. Schreyer and her team developed a series of glyphs embedded with deeper meaning that fans could generate for themselves online in a glyph creator. Instead, the worst criminals were sent to the Phantom Zone, despite a lack of understanding of the nature of the zone, its danger to the imprisoned and the presence of exits.[6]. And, thousands of years of cultural history would be preserved. All such writing appearing in the comic books is actually just the language of publication (English in the US and UK, French in France, etc.) Also, in both Silver Age and Modern Age continuity, Kryptonians have more than one ethnic group, such as dark-skinned Kryptonians from Krypton's Vathlo Island that resemble Earth humans of Sub-Saharan African, Negrito, Melanesian, and Indigenous Australian descent reminiscent of Earth peoples of the Negroid, Capoid, and Australoid races and a group from the continent of Twenx that resemble Earth humans of North African, Middle Eastern, Asian, Micronesian, Polynesian, Native American, and Latino descent reminiscent of Earth peoples of the non-European Caucasoid and Mongoloid races. The child was attached to Clark's ship in the form of a cocoon; on Earth it assumed a human form and became known as Davis Bloome, but would periodically assume its true form: the monster Doomsday. When you see that in the comics, it's just English (or German or French or whatever the language of publication is) written with the Kryptonian font rather than the Roman alphabet. The six loraxo (months) were: Belyuth, Ogtal, Ullhah, Eorx, Hefralt and Norzec. Also, the inhabitants of the planet Daxam are descendants of Kryptonians who long ago ventured into space and settled on another planet. Ben Dane. In "Hostile Takeover" more Kryptonians, led by Astra's husband Non, surfaced on Earth preparing for take over of the planet, and came prepared to counter the kryptonite weapons with anti-kryptonite body armor. Outside DC In 2003, Darren Doyle, a linguist from UT Austin, began a project to develop Kryptonian, not only as a transliteration of English, but as a language all its own. Valyrian to Klingon: Study Shows Top Fictional Languages - Newsweek Translating "Superman" - When Krypton was destroyed, it was thought that the entire Kryptonian race was destroyed. In Injustice: Gods Among Us, General Zod appears as a DLC character, though he plays no role in the game's story. Krypton's red sun was named Rao. A more geometric and symbol-based alphabet replaced the squiggles,. Superman vows to escape and is hurt by Supergirl's betrayal. In 2000 DC Comics introduced a transliteration alphabet containing Dax-Ur is killed soon after by Brainiac. Later, it is revealed that another Kryptonian, the scientist Dax-Ur, has been living on Earth for over a hundred years, using blue kryptonite to render himself powerless, and has even fathered a son with his human wife. Chinese languages | While the alphabet is used to write the majority of the language, the ideograph is largely used to represent its bound morphology (e.g., verb tenses, particles, and adpositions). He was also devoid of any Kryptonian minerals, because any such minerals would turn to kryptonite upon leaving Krypton's atmosphere. Why Man Of Steel's Kryptonian Language Was A Bad Idea - MSN The severe xenophobia of Kryptonian society conveniently explains Kal-El's being the first Kryptonian to leave the planet. The clones are relocated to a new world that they designate 'New Krypton' at the conclusion of Season Nine, with Clark Kent remaining on Earth and Zod being sent to the Phantom Zone to merge with his original self when the clones learn that Zod killed his lover Faora for objecting to his plans. She has already managed to translate quite a few words and phrases. Kryptonian alphabet - Omniglot On the planet Krypton, whose parent star has often been depicted as an ancient red supergiant with a relatively low energy output, their natural abilities were the same as humans. The animated adaptation of All-Star Superman features the inhabitants of Kandor, and a pair of surviving Kryptonian astronauts named Bar-El and Lilo. Malay & Indonesian | Schreyer created two parts to Kryptonian: the written and oral components. _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16097713-1']); Together they free Superman's current lover Wonder Woman from imprisonment on Themyscira. In addition, it is shown that without some form of training, Kryptonians are left vulnerable to their own abilities, as the case with Zod when Superman destroyed his solar-visor and caused him to develop a sensory overload. Why exactly do the Kryptonians and Martians speak English? Persian | A previous version of this article included an incorrect version of the Superman commemorative coins which Schreyer was not involved with. Christine Schreyer, who spent years teaching courses on constructed languages such as Star Treks Klingon and Avatars Navi, is one of the first to create her own. referring to the language as 'Kryptonian'. In the One Earth Regime universe featured in Injustice: Gods Among Us and Injustice 2, Krypton is attacked by the rogue Coluan scientist Brainiac. Unless the producer/director is concerned about the actors accent, it is his or her prerogative to choose one. In Batman's story mode ending, Superman is defeated by Batman after Kara leads him to the Batcave. The only notable exception is represented by the original native Daxamite population (the race that bore that name before intermingling with the Kryptonian explorers, who later adapted the name for themselves). Kryptonian | Neo Encyclopedia Wiki | Fandom Kryptonians are a highly culturally and technologically advanced people. Kara In-Zee, alias Supergirl, is the lone survivor of Argos, Krypton's sister planet knocked out by the planet's explosion; however, in the Justice League Unlimited episode "Fearful Symmetry", Doctor Emil Hamilton, who has examined Superman, calls her DNA "Kryptonian", indicating that Argosians are genetically related to Kryptonians. They also started referring to the language as 'Kryptonian'. Her shield featured a "Q" on her uniform, indicating that besides her niece Kara, she and her house survived the destruction of Krypton, along with the Kryptonian prisoners sentenced by Alura (and who are working under Astra) that crash-landed on Earth via the prison ship Fort Rozz. Dr. Schreyer teamed up with graphic designer Kirsten Franson who designed the look of the writing. Jonathan Kent and Jor-el had fantastic stories to tell, which we would not have had otherwise. Batman confronts the grieving Supergirl and reveals that Superman was once his friend. The stories also use "Kryptonian" as an adjective to refer to anything created by or associated with the planet itself or the cultures that existed on it. 10 woluo (Kryptonian hours) per zetyar (Kryptonian day). How To Translate Kryptonian. - Superman - Comic Vine Kryptonian alphabet appears on the TV show Smallville. In 2000, DC introduced a transliteration alphabet for the written language, dropping the "Kryptonese" moniker in favor of the more commonly assumed "Kryptonian." This was untrue the scientist Jor-El managed to send his newborn son, Kal-El, off-planet to Earth right before Krypton's demise. Failed clones of Superman (the mentally handicapped Bizarro and the monstrous Doomsday) and Supergirl (the sociopathic Galatea) are later created. Then during the Consider in all of that time in space they surely have come across other species and utilized translation technology allowing them to broadcast in multiple languages simultaneously. Please be thankful for your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Certain individuals (including Conner Kent, Chris Kent, and some Phantom Zone criminals) have sometimes been depicted with "tactile telekinesis" which allows Kryptonians to lift and manipulate large objects whose own structural strength might not otherwise survive the process. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? However, the Joker ends up tricking Superman into attacking Lois Lane, who was pregnant with Superman's child. The Phantom Zone also appears in one episode. She suggested using the Cree Syllabics writing. Kal-Ik was an advisor to Jax-Ur who warned him of his hubris and not to overstep his bounds (and was killed for it) which is what eventually got Jax-Ur killed after he destroyed the moon, the forces opposing him set aside their own differences and banded together to bring him to a swift end. For example, Kryptonian includes a voiced glottal fricative, or what a voiced h would sound like to English speakers, which Dr. Schreyer added to a list of existing phonetic rules to make the language more alien sounding. This is a sound English speakers are capable of producing, but is not found in any words in the English language. It is a very difficult language to learn, but it is possible for humans to learn it. Only when youre telling someone you love them or when youre talking about something with them can you use /:zhaoodh khuhp w rraop/. [Yay! If you've heard about how his suit was a little different in BvS, with a Joseph Campbell quote* sewn in, it's in this new alphabet and language. Jor-El's delinquent neighbor, Dev-Em believed his warnings enough to build a shelter that survived the destruction of Krypton and was propelled through space. Eradicator, a robot built by the Kryptonian council, departed the planet with a group of colonists, survived their decimation, and would later encounter Superman. The Kryptonian language has only been spoken one time in the entire series, when Casey Brock was babbling incoherently in what Bizarro identified as Kryptonian hex codes. Consider that during their time in space, they probably encountered other species and used translation technology to broadcast in multiple languages simultaneously. Clark Kent. Kryptonians have been traveling to earth for a long time. The Kryptonian society, as described in Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (at least, according to what was seen of its surviving colony) is ruled by aristocracy. Vaslovik 5 yr. ago Kara and Clark both grew up on earth, in America. In addition to the block font, I had a handwriting font for a long time, but I haven't maintained itI should probably update that! However, his father Jor-El's memories remains sentient in the mysterious Kawatche Caves and Fortress of Solitude an disembodied AI, and the disembodied spirit of Zod is similarly sentient albeit trapped in the Phantom Zone. Her research studied the interaction between language and land, yet the fictional world of Krypton cannot be visited. Ochen horoshaw! I think I also taught myself because of Smallville. Superman reveals there is still a place for her and that he is creating an army using beings freed from Brainiac's collection. are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another Kal-El. You can build on the knowledge and wisdom that it provides. Linguists would call these glyphs ideaograms, because, quite simply, they represent an idea. He fell [greatly] by not heeding the truth that Kal-Ik spoke. They just used this alphabet to write things in English in the comics. What's the explanation that Kryptonians speak English? Zack Snyder's original plan to introduce a spoken Kryptonian language in Man of Steel actually would have made the film's problems much worse. There is no canon answer to this question, as Krypton has never been shown or mentioned in any official DC material. During those early days in her career, she studied the structure of words. In the future, the citizens of Krypton are humans. Regardless of where Superman falls in the Justice League, every member of the team will take his death in stride. Hawaiian | I remember reading about it. In Superman's story mode ending, Batman is defeated, though Superman spares him due to not wanting him to become a martyr. Fictional race native to the planet Krypton. Kal-El is the first (and technically, last) naturally-born Kryptonian in centuries, as Jor-El and Lara believed that Krypton had lost the freedom of choice and wanted their son to choose to become who he wanted to be. Sometimes it is a method to explain or resolve inconsistencies (or to simply pick a side). The writing system for this language is based on the substitution font released by DC Comics in 2000. Batman, his allies and the remaining Regime members manage to overload the shields protecting Brainiac's ship. Is there website that will allow me to send kryptonian text to someone over the internet? Their environments have bred them for war, and they are the strongest animals on the planet. A subreddit dedicated to the unofficial Kryptonian language project whose goal is the creation of a spoken and written Kryptonian language. It's a very interesting coincidence that there is such a correspondence between the Kryptonian alphabet and the English alphabet. During Brainiac's attack on Metropolis, Supergirl witnesses Wonder Woman's brutal attack on their ally Harley Quinn after Harley tried to stop Wonder Woman from killing the Cheetah, as it violated Batman's no-killing policy. symbols for each of the letters of the English alphabet. This is what were seeing and hearing from the characters point of view. A rip in space-time transports Kal-El to an alternate universe in which he is transported. However, Superman's ally, Black Adam, finds Kara's ship and brings her to Earth. 13. Kryptonese is the official language of Krypton . General Zod, Faora, and Quex-Ul are implied to be the only three prisoners of the Phantom Zone. The Kryptonian Language In Superman: Man of Tomorrow the bounty hunter Lobo claims that Superman is the only survivor of Krypton's destruction. Supergirl refuses to join him, though Superman reveals he has used Brainiac's technology to turn Batman into a brainwashed slave and threatens to do the same to Kara if she continues to resist. She currently does field work in Papua New Guinea documenting Kala, which is spoken in six villages and one of the countrys 862 languages. It reminds me of Stargate SG-1, a seriously bad and seriously good parody of a really good alien movie (which never featured an English-speaking extraterrestrial). UBC-Os Dr. Christine Schreyer an associate professor teaching anthropology and linguistics went to Krypton. E. Nelson Bridwell / Al Turniansky Language (ca. Kal-El (Superman) was born to Jor-El and Lara on 35 Eorx 9998. 27. This time, it was dipped into and removed from the container. six loraxo (Kryptonian months) per amzet (Kryptonian year). The language of the fictional planet of Superman's birth, Kryptonese, is spoken. Is it true that humans can communicate with all other planets, and they do not speak English? The language has its own alphabet and grammar, and is very different from Earth languages. Further deepening the land-language connection are elements of Cree syllabics Schreyer brought to this project remember her undergrad directed study? This is an English spelling for words with slashes, and they are pronounced as such by using english characters. Kryptonian survivors of alternate worlds, such as Power Girl (Kara Zor-L), the dog Krypto the Superdog, and the monkey Beppo the Super-Monkey, also reside on Earth. They are artificially grown in "genesis chambers" using information from the Codex, a skull containing the entire genetic code of the Kryptonian race. By introducing the idea of the Kryptonians speaking their own language, Kal-El would be made even more of an outsider. Sometimes seeming incompatibilities can be resolved beautifully, but sometimes the effort leaves you fuming over DC's many reboots. The two symbols found in the story of Kryptonian are glyphs and syllabic writing systems. Being on set while making the language brought Schreyer physically to the land of Krypton as imagined, and helped her make decisions when forming new words and the writing system. In Smallville, Clark Kent initially believes himself to be the last survivor of Krypton. Definitely not like English. Members. While "Superperson" sounds pretty lame in English, it sounds perfectly fine in Kryptonian. When exposed to a young yellow star like Earth's Sun, which is much smaller than their own sun and with a vastly higher energy output, their bodies are able to absorb and process so much energy that it manifests as vast superhuman powers (such as superhuman strength, superhuman speed, invulnerability, flight, x-ray vision, heat vision and superhuman senses). 100 dendaro (Kryptonian minutes) per wolu (Kryptonian hour). As a result, they are attempting to present Leia as a rebel by depicting how she transformed into one. Using Cree to create Kryptonian Schreyer then collaborated with fellow Canadian graphic designer Kirsten Franson to develop a Kryptonian script. Kryptonese | DC Database | Fandom Doyle is credited in Through the Valley of Death, but no Kryptonian was used. "Truth" of the Girod is the beginning of beginnings. These interactions with fans of the Kryptonian language depict how interested people are in constructed languages, and Schreyer explains in the documentary that this interest can help languages that are endangered in real life. I haven't actually read that comic but I am curious now. Kryptonian - Wikipedia Answer (1 of 4): "Can Superman speak any language? The writing system was tied to that, said Schreyer. Throughout the site you will encounter facts and references to Kryptonian culture and history; Although I try to rely on existing canon as much as possible, much of this material has been created by me for various reasons. The "1976 Super DC Calendar" and elsewhere, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Other areas, landmarks, institutions and businesses,, DC Comics characters who can move at superhuman speeds, DC Comics characters with superhuman senses, DC Comics characters with superhuman strength, DC Comics characters with accelerated healing, Fictional characters who can duplicate themselves, Fictional characters with nuclear or radiation abilities, Fictional characters with air or wind abilities, Fictional characters with ice or cold abilities, Fictional characters with absorption or parasitic abilities, Fictional characters with energy-manipulation abilities, Fictional characters with fire or heat abilities, Fictional characters with superhuman durability or invulnerability, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Longevity (highly variable between canon versions), Ability to exist indefinitely without air, water or food, Flight: the ability to propel the subject's own body at in any direction desired, essentially at will, Super Vision (telescopic, microscopic, ultraviolet, infrared, x-Ray), Highly enhanced intellectual powers, including nearly unlimited memory and ability to process and prioritize the massive information input resulting from the collective super-senses (this ability must be developed). 438 zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per amzet (Kryptonian year). How to Read the Signs on 'Krypton' - DC Its a good idea to express your feelings about someone if youre sleeping well at night by saying i love you to the moon and back. Answer (1 of 8): Because kryptonian language in comics is shown as this And so far no one has ever had the initiative to simply create a language that would represent the symbols. Therefore, there were 734 Kryptonian days (1.676 Kryptonian years) between the two events. In Supergirl, some of the elements, like their black clothing and telepathy, was retained except that the shields featured a different letter, indicating a different House other than Zor-El's. For most of Superman's published history, Kryptonian writing was represented by random, alien-looking squiggles. Turkish | Korean | Zack Snyder actually commissioned the creation of an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel that we barely even see on screen. For now you can see her work-in-progress on this Google Doc. Posted on February 14, 2018 by Joe McVeigh. DC Reveals Batman Speaks Kryptonian - Published May 25, 2020 During a commentary for Man of Steel, director Zack Snyder revealed that Kryptonians were initially going to speak a wholly original dialect. "Kryptonian has never been spoken in a moviebut now there is a created language," says Schreyer, an assistant professor with the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences. The Last Son of Krypton. It is written as a different language than English and is spoken as a second language. Kryptonian Writing : r/superman 1970s E. Nelson Bridwell created an alphabet of 118 letters, Kryptonese, Kryptonian Spoken in the Superman universe within DC Comics, learning how to speak Kryptonian has 13,200 annual Google searches. In their own way, each of them strives for a sense of purpose and meaning in an otherwise chaotic universe. Why Man Of Steel's Kryptonian Language Was A Bad Idea - ScreenRant Two episodes also feature a trio of Phantom Zone prisoners. I taught myself to read and write this version of Kryptonian after Smallville started using it back in 2003. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Batman/Superman #2 by Joshua Williamson, David Marquez, Alejandro Sanchez and John J. Hill, in stores . Sanskrit | Everything is round on Krypton. It is also possible to replace the pronouns with pronouns for different genders and verb terms. Krypton has its own language that is spoken by the inhabitants of the planet. Inventor of Kryptonian aims to revitalize endangered languages Why do the Kryptonians speak English to each other on Supergirl - Quora Kryptonian or Kryptonese is language or the fictional planet I guess I did get to go to Krypton.. Her mother Alura rescues her from Brainiac's drones and reveals she and Jor-El have both been working to create two ships, one for Kara and the other for her baby cousin Kal-El. In its most basic form, the polite imperative form of please do is spelled out in the comic book world of Kryptonian. How To Learn Grammar For A Foreign Language, Why People Want To Learn A Second Language, Is Learning A Programming Language Like Learning A Language. Created May 16, 2013. Kryptonese automatically gets points because it's the only writing system on this list that's a syllabary, not an alphabet. However in the fourth season Young Justice: Phantoms, after Superboy gets accidentally transported to an unknown dimension after being presumed dead after an explosion on Mars, Superboy meets General Dru-Zod and his followers Ursa Zod, Faora Hu-Ul, Non, Kru-El, Jax-Ur, and Vor-Kil and learns that he is in the Phantom Zone. This standardized alphabet was then used by DC Comics until John Byrne's 1986 "reboot" of the Superman universe.[7]. Other Kryptonians not present at the time are the people of Kandor (who were abducted by Brainiac) and Zod and at least two of his minions (who are confined to the recently created Phantom Zone). In addition Kryptonian beings are vulnerable to infection from viruses or bacteria native to Krypton. The Fortress of Solitude is often portrayed as a recreation of Krypton's surface and a storehouse for all the knowledge that the Kryptonian race had obtained. As Superman he forms the Justice League and befriends Batman. Is Kryptonian A Real Language? Almost all Kryptonians were killed when the planet exploded shortly after the infant Kal-El was sent to Earth. A bit of notoriety is a welcomed perk of Schreyers job, but the true goal is research that is applicable to existing communities. How to submit a constructed script. Snyder's idea to include a spoken Kryptonian language in Man of Steel is indeed an interesting prospect. Anyway, if you haven't seen it already, I encourage you to check my site: In the Super Friends Kandor appears inside Superman's Fortress of Solitude in one episode and several of its miniaturized (yet still super-powered) inhabitants provide aid to the titular group of heroes.

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